Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


12.08.2008 17:30:00


SFG: PTA tuleb turule uue kaubamärgiga


PTA tuleb turule uue kaubamärgiga		                   12.08.2008

Naiste rõivaste ja pesu jae- ja hulgimüügiga tegeleva Silvano Fashion Group AS
tütarettevõte PTA Grupp AS tuleb turule uue kaubamärgiga Avenue. 

Avenue on uus,  spetsiaalselt hulgiklientidele mõeldud kollektsioon, mis pakub
klassikalisi, kaasaegse joonega naisterõivaid, naiselikke ja väljapeetud
mudeleid. Avenue kollektsioonis on suuremat tähelepanu pööratud kostüümidele -
nii igapäevastele, kui ka pidulikematele mudelitele. 

Avenue kaubamärgi tooteid planeeritakse turustada kõikides Balti riikides ning
Venemaal, Ukrainas ja Valgevenes. 

Kui seni pakuti PTA kaubamärgi all olevaid tooted nii hulgi- kui
siis alates 2009 aasta algusest on PTA kaubamärgi all olevad tooted müügil
ainult PTA kauplustes. 

Avenue kaubamärki kandvad tooted jõuavad kauplustesse 2009 aasta esimesel

Peeter Larin 
Juhatuse liige
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700


SFG: PTA comes to the market with a new trademark


PTA comes to the market with a new trademark		            12.08.2008			
PTA Grupp AS, a subsidiary of Silvano Fashion Group AS, engaged in the retail
and wholesale of women's apparel and lingerie is approaching the market with a
brand-new Avenue trademark. 

Avenue is a new collection aimed at wholesale clients, offering classical
women's apparel, clothes with a contemporary cut, feminine and decorous models.
In the Avenue collection designers have mainly focused on costumes - both
everyday and more festive models. 

Goods bearing the Avenue trademark are going to be marketed in all Baltic
states as well as in Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia. 

If so far goods bearing PTA trademark have been offered to retail and wholesale
clients alike, then starting with the beginning of 2009 goods bearing PTA
trademark will be sold only in PTA stores. 

Goods bearing Avenue trademark will reach stores in the first half of 2009.

Peeter Larin
Member of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group    
Tel +372 6 710 700