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05.08.2008 11:16:40


AS Tallinna Vesi sõlmis lepingu Maardu ühisveevärgi- ja kanalisatsiooni opereerimiseks


Lepingu sõlmimise kiitis tänasel istungil heaks Maardu linnavolikogu ning selle 
allkirjastasud Maardu linnapea Georgi Bõstrov ja AS-i Tallinna Vesi juhatuse    
esimees Roch Chèroux.                                                           

AS Tallinna Vesi aitab opereerimislepingu jõustudes AS-il Maardu Vesi           
finantseerida Euroopa Liidu abiprojekti raames vajalikku omaosalust aastatel    
2009- 2012 iga-aastaselt ligikaudu 20 miljoni krooniga. AS Tallinna Vesi        
finantseeringu maht on kuni 80 miljonit krooni, investeeringu saab ettevõte     
tagasi tariifi lülitatava kapitalikomponendi kaudu 20 aasta jooksul. Ettevõtete 
koostöö ja Euroopa Liidu abirahade toel lahendatakse lähiaastatel probleemid    
Maardu veekvaliteediga ning pikemas perspektiivis hakkab Maardut joogiveega     
varustama Ülemiste Veepuhastusjaam                                              

AS Maardu Vesi infrastruktuuri haldamine võimaldab AS-il Tallinna Vesi          
suurendada kliendiportfelli ja tõsta käivet. Lisaks vajalikule omaosalusele     
pakub AS Tallinna Vesi AS-i Maardu Vesi klientidele kaasaegset varade           
opereerimisteenust koos heatasemelise klienditeenindusega.                      

Opereerimislepingu kestuseks on kavandatud 30 aastat, osapooled on              
lepingutingimuste ja garantiide osas jõudnud kokkuleppele.                      
Leping jõustub allkirjastamise hetkel. Tallinna Vesi alustab varade opereerimist
ja täisteenuse pakkumist hiljemalt 1. jaanuarist 2009, pärast                   
ettevalmistusperioodi, mille jooksul toimub varade ülevõtmine. Kõikide varade   
omanikuks jääb endiselt AS Maardu Vesi.                                         

AS Maardu Vesi on 2001 aastal loodud eraõiguslik aktsiaselts mille põhitegevuste
hulka kuulub veevarustuse ja heitvee ärajuhtimise teenuste osutamine, ning ka   
sanitaartehniliste tööde teostamine. Peamiseks tegevuspiirkonnaks on Maardu     
linn. AS-i Maardu Vesi käive oli 2007. aastal üle 20 miljoni krooni. ASi Maardu 
Vesi tegevuspiirkonnas elab umbes 20 000 inimest.                               

AS Tallinna Vesi on Eesti suurim vee-ettevõte, mis pakub joogivee- ja           
kanalisatsiooniteenust ligikaudu 1/3 Eesti elanikest. ASi Tallinna Vesi aktsiad 
on noteeritud Tallinna Börsi põhinimekirjas.                                    


Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Head of Communication                                                           
AS Tallinna Vesi                                                                
Tel. +372 6262 209                                                              
Mob. +372 5690 5373                                                    


Tallinna Vesi signed a contract for operating the infrastructure of Maardu Vesi


The contract was approved by Maardu City Council and signed by mayor Mr Georgi  
Bõstrov and CEO Mr Roch Chèroux.                                                

When the operating contract comes into force, AS Tallinna Vesi shall help AS    
Maardu Vesi to finance the self-financing part required within the European     
Union Assistance Project during the period 2009-2012 with approximately 20      
million kroons annually. The financing commitment of AS Tallinna Vesi is up to a
total of 80 million kroons over the period. The company shall get the investment
back through the capital component to be included in the tariff within 20 years.
On the basis of the cooperation of the companies and the subsidies of the       
European Union the problems regarding the water quality in Maardu shall be      
solved in the forthcoming years and in a longer perspective Maardu shall be     
supplied with drinking water from Ülemiste Water Treatment Plant.               

Administrating the infrastructure of AS Maardu Vesi enables AS Tallinna Vesi to 
increase its customer portfolio and to grow turnover. In addition to the        
required self-financing AS Tallinna Vesi shall provide the customers of AS      
Maardu Vesi with a modern service of operating the assets with a good-quality   
customer service.                                                               

The operating contract has been planned for the duration of 30 years; the       
parties have come to an agreement regarding the terms and conditions of the     
contract as well as regarding the securities.                                   

The contract shall enter into force as of the moment of signing. Tallinna Vesi  
shall start to operate the assets and provide full service at the latest from 1 
January 2009 after the preparation period during which the assets are taken     
over. AS Maardu Vesi shall still remain the owner of all assets.                

AS Maardu Vesi is a company in private ownership, established in 2001, the main 
activities of which include the provision of the services of water supply and   
wastewater discharge as well as the performance of sanitary works. The main     
operating area is the city of Maardu. In 2007 the turnover of AS Maardu Vesi was
more than 20 million kroons. There area about 20 000 residents living in the    
operating area of AS Maardu Vesi.                                               

AS Tallinna Vesi is the largest water utility in Estonia providing drinking     
water and wastewater disposal services to approximately one third of the people 
of Estonia. AS Tallinna Vesi shares are listed on the main list of the Tallinn  
Stock Exchange.                                                                 

Additional information:                                                         

Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Head of Communication                                                           
AS Tallinna Vesi                                                                
Ädala 10, Tallinn 10614, Estonia                                                
Phone. +372 6262 209                                                            
Fax +372 6262 300                                                               
Mob. +372 5690 5373