Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


31.07.2008 17:30:00


100%-lise osaluse omandamine France Style Lingerie S.A.R.L.-is


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) sõlmis müügilepingu 100%-lise osaluse
omandamiseks Prantsusmaal registreeritud piiratud vastutusega äriühingus France
Style Lingerie S.A.R.L. („FSL“). Tehingu maksumus on 2 miljonit eurot (31,3
miljonit Eesti krooni), millest 50% kuulub tasumisele viie tööpäeva jooksul
alates tehingu lõpuleviimisest. Tehingu viiakse lõpule lähinädalatel, eeldusel,
et pooled täidavad tehingu lõpuleviimise eeltingimused. Ülejäänud 50%
ostuhinnast tasutakse hiljemalt 31. detsembril 2008. a. 

FSL on müügijuhtimisega tegelev valdusühing, millel on muuhulgas oluline müügi-
ja brändijuhtimise kogemus naistepesu valdkonnas. 

FSL omab 49%-list osalust Valgevene äriühingus SOOO «Torgovaja Kompanija
Milavitsa» (“TKM”), mis haldab SP ZAO Milavitsa (“Milavitsa”) toodete
jaemüügiketti Valgevenes. Milavitsa on SFG tütarühing ja juhtiv pesutootja
Valgevenes ja Venemaal. 1. juuli 2008. a seisuga oli TKM-i hallata 26 Milavitsa
jaemüügipunkti Valgevenes. Juba enne FSL-i omandamist omab Milavitsa 51%-list
osalust TKM-is. FSL-i omandamise tulemusel saab SFG grupil olema TKM-is

Lisaks on FSL-il 25%-line osalus pesutoodete hulgi- ja jaemüügiga tegelevas
Venemaa äriühingus ZAO «Stolichnij Torgovij Dom Milavitsa» (“STD”), mille
hallata on 30 pesutoodete müügipunkti Venemaal, nendest 27 kaubamärgi Milavitsa
all. Sama suurt, 25%-list osalust STD-s omab juba praegu Milavitsa. Ülejäänud
50%-line osalus STD-s jääb selle juhatuse omandisse. FSL-i omandamise kaudu
saab SFG laiema juurdepääsu STD kui Venemaa suurima Milavitsa toodete
edasimüüja äritegevusele ning saab võimaluse koordineerida selle tegevust ZAO
Linret tegevusega - viimane on SFG gruppi kuuluv äriühing, mis tegeleb
“Oblicie” and “PTA” toodete edasimüügiga Venemaal. 

FSL-i omandamine aitab kaasa SFG grupi, eriti Milavitsa toodete levitamisele ja
jaemüügile. Omandamine ei oma olulist mõju SFG grupi kogukasumile ja -käibele.
FSL-i omandamine kindlustab samuti SFG õigust kasutada kaubamärki „Alisee“
(Milavitsa poolt kasutatav pesutoodete kaubamärk), mida hetkel kasutatakse
FSL-ilt saadava litsentsi alusel. 

FSL-i müüjad on Suurbritannias registreeritud piiratud vastutusega äriühing
Fashion Management & Retail Associates Ltd ja hr Remi Pilat. Remi Pilat, SFG
juhatuse liige, omab FSL-is 10%-list osalust ja osaleb tehingus müüjana. Remi
Pilat on ühtlasi FSL-i juhataja ja jääb sellesse ametisse ka pärast tehingu

Kooskõlas müügilepinguga on Remi Pilatil õigus saada oma osaluse eest FSL-is
200,000 eurot, tehingu kogumaksumus on 2 miljonit eurot. Seega on SFG juhatuse
liikmel Remi Pilatil isiklik huvi tehingu vastu ning osaluse omandamine Remi
Pilatilt on käsitletav tehinguna seotud isikuga. Peale ülaltoodu ei ole SFG
juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmetel tehingu osas isiklikku huvi. 

FSL-i omandamise tehing ei ole oluline tehing Tallinna Börsi reglemendi

Dmitry Ditchkovsky
Juhatuse esimees
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700


Acquisition of 100% of all shares in France Style Lingerie S.A.R.L.


AS Silvano Fashion Group (“SFG”) has entered into a share purchase agreement
for the acquisition of 100% of all shares in France Style Lingerie S.A.R.L.
(“FSL”), a limited liability company registered in France. The total price of
the acquisition is EUR 2 million (EEK 31.3 million). 50% of the purchase price
is due within five business days as of the closing of the transaction. The
closing is expected to occur within the coming weeks, subject to the
fulfillment of certain conditions precedent. Another 50% of the purchase price
is payable by 31 December 2008 at the latest. 

FSL is a holding and retail management company with significant retail and
brand management expertise in the lingerie business. 

FSL holds 49% of all shares in SOOO «Torgovaja Kompanija Milavitsa» (“TKM”), a
Belarussian company operating the Belorussian retail chain for the products of
SP ZAO Milavitsa (“Milavitsa”), a subsidiary of SFG and the leading lingerie
producer in Belarus and Russia. As at 1 July 2008, TKM operated 26 Milavitsa
retail stores in Belarus. Already prior to the acquisition of FSL, 51% of all
shares in TKM are owned by Milavitsa. As a result of the acquisition of FSL,
the SFG group will own the majority of all shares in TKM. 

Further, FSL holds 25% of all shares in ZAO «Stolichnij Torgovij Dom Milavitsa»
(“STD”), an independent Russian lingerie wholesaler and retail operator
managing 30 lingerie stores in Russia, 27 of them under the trademark of
Milavitsa. Another 25% of all shares in STD is already held by Milavitsa. The
remaining 50% of all shares in STD will continue to be held by its management.
Through the acquisition of FSL, SFG will gain broader access to the retail
business of STD, the biggest retailer of Milavitsa's products in Russia, and
will be able to coordinate its operations with those of ZAO Linret, the SFG
group company operating the “Oblicie” and “PTA” retail chains in Russia. 

The acquisition of FSL is expected to contribute to the distribution and retail
sales of the products of the SFG group, in particular the products of
Milavitsa. The effect of the acquisition with respect to the profit and revenue
of the SFG group is not expected to be significant. The acquisition of FSL will
also secure the ownership of the trademark “Alisee” (a high-level lingerie
brand used by Milavitsa), which is being licensed from FSL. 

The sellers of FSL are Fashion Management & Retail Associates Ltd, a limited
liability company registered in the United Kingdom, and Mr. Remi Pilat. Mr.
Remi Pilat, a member of the management board of SFG, owns 10% of the share
capital of FSL and participates in the transaction as a seller. Mr. Remi Pilat
is also a director of FSL and will remain in that position following the
completion of the acquisition. 

According to the share purchase agreement, Mr. Remi Pilat is entitled to
receive EUR 200,000 for his shares in FSL, out of the total purchase price of
EUR 2 million. Therefore, the member of the management board of SFG Mr. Remi
Pilat has personal interest in the transaction as described above, and the
acquisition of shares in FSL from Mr. Remi Pilat qualifies as a transaction
with a related person. Other than the above, the members of the Management
Board and the Supervisory Council of SFG do not have personal interest in the

The acquisition of FSL is not a material transaction within the meaning of the
Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules. 

Dmitry Ditchkovsky
Chairman of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700