Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


25.07.2008 15:34:51


Aktsiate tagasiostu tehingud


09.07.2008.a. otsustas Arco Vara AS-i juhatus kasutada üldkoosoleku poolt antud
õigust ning käivitada aktsiate tagasiostuprogramm. Tagasi ostetakse
maksimaalselt 4,0 miljoni Eesti krooni (0,26 miljoni euro) väärtuses
aktsiaid,kuid mitte rohkem kui 450 000 aktsiat. Tagasiostu periood algas
10.07.2008. a. ning lõpeb 05.09.2008. a. 
Perioodil 19.07.2008 - 25.07.2008 on toimunud järgmised aktsiate tagasiostu     

Aktsia - ARC1T:                                                                 

| Kp.              |     Kogus | Hind, eur | Hind, eek | Kulu, eur | Kulu, eek |
| 21.07.2008       |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
| 22.07.2008       |    10 000 |      0,54 |      8,45 |     5 400 |    84 492 |
| 23.07.2008       |   169 000 |      0,56 |      8,76 |    94 640 | 1 480 794 |
| 24.07.2008       |   173 000 |      0,56 |      8,76 |    96 880 | 1 515 843 |
| 25.07.2008       |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
| Kokku perioodi   |   352 000 |      0,56 |      8,75 |   196 920 | 3 081 128 |
| jooksul          |           |           |           |           |           |
| Kokku            |   428 524 |      0,57 |      8,87 |   242 894 | 3 800 475 |
| kumulatiivselt   |           |           |           |           |           |
| tagasiostuprogra |           |           |           |           |           |
| mmi raames       |           |           |           |           |           |

Pärast nimetatud tehinguid omab Arco Vara AS 428 524 oma aktsiat, mis moodustab
kokku 0,45% aktsiakapitalist. 

Tagasiostuprogrammi raames jääb tagasi osta veel maksimaalselt 0,2 miljoni
krooni (0,013 miljoni euro) väärtuses aktsiaid, kuid mitte rohkem kui 21 476

Aktsiate tagasiostuprogrammi teostatakse vastavalt Euroopa Komisjoni määrusele
nr. 2273/2003, 22.12.2003, mis sätestab erandid kauplemisele oma aktsiatega
tagasiostuprogrammide raames. Aktsiate tagasiostu täideviijaks ja korraldajaks
on Arco Vara nimetanud SEB Pank, kes eraldi kokkuleppe alusel teostab aktsiate
tagasiostu Arco Vara nimel. Programmi täideviimisel on SEB Pank
kauplemisotsuste tegemisel iseseisev järgides kehtivaid tingimusi ning
piiranguid ilma, et Arco Vara saaks mõjutada aktsiate ostuaega. 

Arco Vara on Baltimaade juhtiv kinnisvaraettevõte, mis laieneb Ida-Euroopa
turgudel, opereerides juba Ukrainas, Bulgaarias ja Rumeenias. Ettevõtte
põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda kinnisvarabüroo ja
ehitusäri. Firmal on esindused 29 linnas ning grupis töötab üle 600 inimese.
Arco Vara 2007. aasta konsolideeritud auditeeritud käive moodustas 727 mln
krooni (46 mln eurot), puhaskasum enne vähemusosalusi 235 mln krooni (15 mln
eurot) ja bilansimaht 3 564 mln krooni (228 mln eurot). Arco Vara aktsiad on
noteeritud Tallinna Börsil. 
1 EUR=15,6466 EEK                                                               

Heigo Metsoja                                                                   
+372 6144 654                                                                                                        


Share buyback transactions


Acting under the granted authorization by the Shareholders General Meeting the
Management Board of Arco Vara AS decided on 09.07.2008 to initiate share
program. Under the program the aggregate consideration will be 4.0 mln kroons
(0.26 mln euros) and maximum of 450 000 shares may be acquired. The period
started on 10.07.2008 and ends on 05.09.2008. 

During the period 19.07.2008-25.07.2008 the following buyback transactions have
been made: 

Share- ARC1T:                                                                   

| Date             |    Amount |    Price, |    Price, |     Cost, |     Cost, |
|                  |           |     euros |    kroons |     euros |    kroons |
| 21.07.2008       |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
| 22.07.2008       |    10 000 |      0,54 |      8,45 |     5 400 |    84 492 |
| 23.07.2008       |   169 000 |      0,56 |      8,76 |    94 640 | 1 480 794 |
| 24.07.2008       |   173 000 |      0,56 |      8,76 |    96 880 | 1 515 843 |
| 25.07.2008       |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
| Total for period |   352 000 |      0,56 |      8,75 |   196 920 | 3 081 128 |
| Accumulated      |   428 524 |      0,57 |      8,87 |   242 894 | 3 800 475 |
| under buyback    |           |           |           |           |           |
| programme        |           |           |           |           |           |

After these transactions Arco Vara owns 428 524 own shares, which is 0,45% of
share capital. 

Under the program up to 0.2 mln kroons (0.013 mln euros) remains to be used or
up to 21 476 shares remain to be bought back. 

The share buyback program is being implemented in accordance with the
provisions of the European Commission's regulation no. 2273/2003 of December
2003, which protects listed companies against violation of insider legislation
in connection with share buybacks. Arco Vara has appointed SEB Bank as lead
manager of the program, who under a separate agreement with Arco Vara will buy
back shares on behalf of Arco Vara. SEB Bank will be independent on its trading
decisions irrespective of and without influence from Arco Vara as to the timing
of the purchases as well as carry out the buyback according to the regulations
and within the set framework of the programme. 

Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, undergoing a SEE  
expansion with presence established already in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania.
Core business is real estate development supported by brokerage and
construction arm. The company has offices in 29 cities and employs over 600
people. According to 2007 audited consolidated results net sales was 727 mln
kroons (46 mln euros), net profit before minorities 235 mln kroons (15 mln
euros) and assets 3 564 mln kroons (228 mln euros). Arco Vara is listed on
Tallinn Stock Exchange. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK                                                               

Heigo Metsoja                                                                   
+372 6144 654