Market announcement
Enefit Green AS
Other corporate action
08.01.2025 09:00:56
Nõustaja kaasamine tootmis- ja arendusportfelli muudatuste elluviimiseks
Olles hinnanud olukorda koduturgudel, ettevõtte lühiajalise arendusportfelli ja olemasoleva tootmisportfelli sobivust antud turusituatsioonis ning finantseerimisvõimalusi on Enefit Greeni juhatus otsustanud otsida sobivate pakkumiste korral võimalusi Soome turult väljumiseks ja mõnede mittestrateegiliste arendusprojektide müügiks. Enefit Greeni edasisel arendamisel on juhatuse eesmärgiks keskenduda suurematele tuule- ja hübriidparkide projektidele oma koduturgudel Baltimaades ja Poolas. Toetamaks neid muudatusi on Enefit Green kaasanud Norra investeerimispanga Arctic Securities AS leidmaks võimalikke ostjaid 72 MW Tolpanvaara tuulepargile Soomes ning partnereid 150 MW Kelm? III tuulepargi väljaehitamiseks Leedus. Lisainfo: Sven Kunsing Finantssuhtluse juht [email protected] ( vteiKcyQu1wfu3r9tXxEfe64TI9iPjXXdLcA-1wKJKK402r4cwPqdjBXLG-Ga36PZFEEUJ4=) ( TsWBkf-qdy705TQpwpl_2cNDmb3iCN- NkLHEs8SIwbSVVzso9h20XumT41kxmuMBN6kQDnpPywlTouLu7hjVZ5aMG9g6)
Appointment of an advisor to implement changes in the operating and development portfolio
Having assessed the situation on its core markets, the fit of the company's near-term development portfolio and the existing operating portfolio with the current market situation, as well as financing opportunities, the Management Board of Enefit Green has decided to look for opportunities to exit the Finnish market and sell some non-strategic development projects provided the availability of suitable offers. In the further development of Enefit Green, the Management Board aims to focus on larger wind and hybrid park projects in its core markets in the Baltics and Poland. In order to support these changes, Enefit Green has engaged the Norwegian investment bank Arctic Securities AS to find potential buyers for the 72 MW Tolpanvaara wind farm in Finland and partners for the construction of the 150 MW Kelm? III wind farm in Lithuania. Further information: Sven Kunsing Head of Finance Communication [email protected] ( vteiKcyQu1wfu3r9tXxEfe64TI9iPjXXdLcA-1wKJKK402r4cwPqdjBXLG-Ga36PZFEEUJ4=) ( TsWBkf9HVGRVBco0gBWNAR8sTIf_RfHfPw1v74a_H6m3SjVkIBzGyIVVbjGOe57EOq9- agKg8ttz2h5EHYmF0la-hs-rAYHvQm2Fvlu3QknP8tcDCA==)