Market announcement

AS PRFoods


Other corporate action


31.12.2024 13:13:44


AS PRFoods aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


AS   PRFoods   aktsionäride  üldkoosoleku  31.12.2024 otsused  koosolekut  kokku

AS-i PRFoods (Aktsiaselts) aktsionäride üldkoosolek (Koosolek) toimus koosolekut
kokku   kutsumata   vastavalt   äriseadustiku  §-le  299(1). Hääletamine  toimus
hääletussedelite   esitamise   teel  perioodil  10.12.2024-31.12.2024. Vastavalt
äriseadustikule  loetakse  hääletamata  jätmise  korral,  et  aktsionär hääletas
otsuse vastu.

Hääletussedelite esitamise tulemusel võttis Koosolek vastu järgmised otsused:

 1. 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024 majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Kinnitada AS PRFoods 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024 majandusaasta aruanne.


| Hääled                      | Häälte arv | Osakaal koguhäältest (%) |
| Poolthääled                 | 24 446 715 | 63,2%                    |
| Vastuhääled (ei hääletanud) | 14 236 145 | 36,8%                    |
| Erapooletud                 | 0          | 0%                       |
| Kokku                       | 38 682 860 | 100%                     |

 1. Kahjumi katmine

01.07.2023 -   30.06.2024 perioodi  kahjum  oli  4 673 000 eurot.  Katta  kahjum
tulevaste perioodide kasumi arvelt.


| Hääled                      | Häälte arv | Osakaal koguhäältest (%) |
| Poolthääled                 | 24 446 715 | 63,2%                    |
| Vastuhääled (ei hääletanud) | 14 236 145 | 36,8%                    |
| Erapooletud                 | 0          | 0%                       |
| Kokku                       | 38 682 860 | 100%                     |

Aktsionäride  otsused võeti  vastu järgides  seaduses ja Aktsiaseltsi põhikirjas
sätestatud otsuste vastuvõtmise korda.

Kristjan Kotkas
AS PRFoods
Juhatuse liige
T: +372 452 1470
[email protected]


AS PRFoods resolutions of the Shareholders


AS  PRFoods resolutions  of the  Shareholders adopted by  the General Meeting of
Shareholders of AS PRFoods on 31.12.2024 without calling a meeting

The  general meeting of  shareholders (the Meeting)  of AS PRFoods (the Company)
was  held  without  convening  a  meeting  in  accordance  with  § 299(1) of the
Commercial  Code. The voting took place via submitting the voting ballots during
the  period from 10.12.2024 to 31.12.2024. According  to the Commercial Code, in
the  event of non-voting,  the shareholder is  deemed to have  voted against the

Following  the  submission  of  the  voting  ballots,  the  Meeting  adopted the
following resolutions:

 1. Approval of 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024 annual report

To approve the 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024 annual report of AS PRFoods.

Voting results:

| Votes                  | Number of Votes | Proportion to total votes (%) |
| In favour              | 24,446,715      | 63.2%                         |
| Against (did not vote) | 14,236,145      | 36.8%                         |
| Impartial              | 0               | 0%                            |
| Total                  | 38,682,860      | 100%                          |

 1. Covering the loss

The  loss in the period 01.07.2023 -  30.06.2024 was EUR 4,673,000. To cover the
loss from the profits of future periods.

Voting results:

| Votes                  | Number of Votes | Proportion to total votes (%) |
| In favour              | 24,446,715      | 63.2%                         |
| Against (did not vote) | 14,236,145      | 36.8%                         |
| Impartial              | 0               | 0%                            |
| Total                  | 38,682,860      | 100%                          |

The  resolutions were adopted in accordance with the stipulations of the law and
Company's articles of association.

Kristjan Kotkas
AS PRFoods
Management board member
T: +372 452 1470
[email protected]