Market announcement
Aktsiaselts Tallink Grupp
Other corporate action
27.12.2024 09:00:33
Kruiisilaev Silja Europa prahtimine
AS-i Tallink Grupp tütarettevõte Tallink Silja OY ja Hollandi Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekersi (COA) poolt volitatud esindaja Slaapschepen Public BV on sõlminud lepingu kruiisilaeva Silja Europa prahtimiseks. Kruiisilaev prahitakse välja 6 kuuks alates 1. jaanuarist 2025 võimalusega lepingut selle lõppemisel pikendada 7+6+6 kuu võrra. Kruiisilaev Silja Europa on olnud välja prahitud alates 2022. aasta augustist ja seda kasutatakse Hollandis ajutise majutuse pakkumiseks. Anneli Simm Investorsuhete juht AS Tallink Grupp Sadama 5 10111 Tallinn Tel.: +372 56157170 E-mail: [email protected]
Charter agreement of the cruise ferry Silja Europa
The subsidiary of AS Tallink Grupp, Tallink Silja OY and Slaapschepen Public BV, an organisation nominated by Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) in the Netherlands have signed the charter agreement for the cruise ferry Silja Europa. The cruise ferry will be chartered out from 1 January 2025 for six months with the option of extending the agreement at the end of the agreement period by another 7+6+6 months. The cruise ferry Silja Europa has been charted out since August 2022 and is used to provide temporary accommodation in the Netherlands. Anneli Simm Investor Relations Manager AS Tallink Grupp Sadama 5 10111 Tallinn Phone: +372 56157170 E-mail: [email protected]