Market announcement
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS
Other corporate action
23.12.2024 18:47:38
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiate avaliku pakkumise lõplikud tulemused ja aktsiakapitali suurendamise kandmine registrisse
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i (registrikood 12864036, aadress A. Lauteri tn 5, 10114 Tallinn) 11.11.2024 nõukogu otsuse alusel otsustas fond suurendada aktsiakapitali kuni 1 000 000 uue lihtaktsia väljalaskmise teel. Aktsiate märkimisperiood algas 21.11.2024 ja lõppes 06.12.2024. Kokku märgiti 620 544 aktsiat ning märkimata jäänud aktsiad tühistati. Aktsiate jaotus kinnitati nõukogu otsusega 10.12.2024. EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiakapitali suurendamine kanti äriregistrisse 23.12.2024. Fondi registreeritud aktsiakapitali uus suurus on 114 403 400 eurot, mis on jagatud 11 440 340 aktsiaks nimiväärtusega 10 eurot. Viljar Arakas Juhatuse liige Tel 655 9515 E-post: [email protected]
Announcement on the final results of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS public share offering, and the registration of share capital increase in Commercial Register
Based on the decision of the supervisory board of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS (registration code 12864036, address A. Lauteri tn 5, 10114 Tallinn) of November 11, 2024, the fund decided to increase the share capital by issuing up to 1,000,000 new ordinary shares. The subscription period started on November 21, 2024 and ended on December 06, 2024. A total of 620,544 shares were subscribed, unsubscribed shares were cancelled. The distribution of shares was approved by the Supervisory Board on December 10, June 2024. On December 23, 2024 Commercial Register registered the increase of share capital of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS. The new amount of the registered share capital of the fund is 114,403,400 euros, which is divided into 11,440,340 shares with nominal value of 10 euros. Viljar Arakas Member of the management board Phone 655 9515 E-mail: [email protected]