Market announcement

Eesti Telekom


Other price sensitive information


26.06.2008 14:30:00


Muudatused Elion Ettevõtted AS-i nõukogus


AS Eesti Telekom tütarettevõtte Elion Ettevõtted AS-i aktsionäride koosolek     
kinnitas nõukogu uue liikme ja ühe liikme tagasikutsumise.   
26. juunist 2008 nimetatakse Elion Ettevõtted AS-i nõukogu liikmeks Björn       
Lindegren. Samast kuupäevast kutsutakse nõukogust  tagasi Leif Anders Gylder.   
Björn Lindegren on töötanud firmades General Counsel PC Sweden (2003-2006),     
General Counsel BA Broadband Services (2007 -2008) ning alates 2008.aastast BA  
Broadband Services as Senior Legal Advisor.                                     
Björn Lindegren on juhatuse liige TeliaSonera Network Sales AB-s, TeliaSonera   
Intemational Carrier AB-s, TeliaSonera Skanova Access AB-s, TeliaSonera Net     
Fastigheter AB-s, Telia Electronic Commerce AB Konsumenternas Tele och          
Internetbyra AB-s ja Leedu TEO LT AB-s. Samuti on ta juhatuse liige ja          
tegevdirektor Taani firmades Amber Teleholding A/S ja TILTS Communications A/S. 

Björn Lindegren ei oma Eesti Telekomi aktsiaid.                              
Elion Ettevõtted AS-i nõukogu liikmetena jätkavad Jörgen Gustaf Valdemar Latte, 
Valdo Kalm ja Leho Tamm.    
 Eesti Telekom <>  on Eesti suurim telekommunikatsiooni- ja
infotehnoloogiafirmade grupp. Eesti Telekom on noteeritud Tallinna ja Londoni   
börsil alates 1999. aastast (OMX:ETLAT/LSE:EETD).   
AS Eesti Telekomi 100-protsendiline tütarettevõte  Elion Ettevõtted AS          
<>  hoiab Eestis juhtpositsiooni fikseeritud kõneside,       
internetiühenduste ja andmesidelahenduste pakkumisel ning on jõuliselt sisenenud
ka IT ja digitaaltelevisiooni turgudele.

Gunnar Hannus                                                                   
AS Eesti Telekom, finantsjuht                                                   
tel: +6 111 472                                                                 


A change in the membership of the Elion Enterprises Council


A general meeting of the shareholders of of Elion Enterprises, which is wholly  
owned by AS Eesti Telekom, confirmed the appointment of a new member to the     
Council and recalled one member.    
On 26 June 2008, Björn Lindegreni will be appointed as a member to the Elion    
Enterprises Council. Leif Anders Gylder will be recalled from the Council on 26 
June 2008.                                                                      
Björn Lindegren has been working for General Counsel PC Sweden (2003-2006),     
General Counsel BA Broadband Services (2007 -2008) and since 2008 for BA        
Broadband Services as Senior Legal Advisor.                                     
Björn Lindegren is Member of  the Board of TeliaSonera Network Sales AB,        
Intemational Carrier AB, TeliaSonera Skanova Access AB, TeliaSonera Net         
Fastigheter AB, Telia Electronic Commerce AB Konsumenternas tele och            
Internetbyra AB  and TEO LT AB (Lithuania), and member of the Board and         
managing director of Amber Teleholding A/S (Denmark) and TILTS Communications   
A/S (Denmark).   
The new member of the Elion Enterprises Council does not own any AS Eesti       
Telekom shares.      
Jörgen Gustaf Valdemar Latte, Valdo Kalm and Leho Tamm will continue as members 
of the AS Elion Enterprises Council.   
Eesti Telekom <>  is the largest group of                  
telecommunications and IT companies in Estonia. Its shares have been quoted on  
the Tallinn and London stock markets since 1999 (OMX:ETLAT/LSE:EETD). 
Eesti Telekom's subsidiary Elion Enterprises AS <>  maintains
the leading position in Estonia in the market for fixed-line voice              
communication, Internet connections and data communication solutions, and has   
vigorously entered the IT and digital television market.

Gunnar Hannus                                                                   
AS Eesti Telekom, Financial Manager                                             
phone +372 6 111 472                                                            