Market announcement

Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Other price sensitive information


20.06.2008 09:53:53


OEG avas oma esimese kasiino Slovakkias


Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) avas oma esimese kasiino Slovakkias,
Bratislava kesklinnas asuvas Radisson SAS Carlton hotellis. Mängukoha rajamisse
investeeriti 4,7 miljonit eurot ning selle avamine tähistab Olympic Casino
jaoks kasiinooperatsioonidega alustamist juba kaheksandas riigis. 

Olympic Entertainment Groupi Slovakkia tütarettevõttele väljastatud tegevusluba
on esimene uus hasartmängulitsents, mis riigis viimase kümne aasta jooksul
välja on antud. Uutele tulijatele seatud kõrgete nõudmiste taset tõestab
ilmekalt ka fakt, et seni tegutses 5,4 miljoni elanikuga riigi pealinnas vaid
kaks kasiinooperaatorit. Slovakkia  kasiinoturu maht ulatus 2007. aastal üle 6
miljardi krooni, turumaht kasvas võrreldes 2006. aastaga 32%. 

Olympic Casino esimene kasiino Slovakkias asub Radisson SAS Carltoni
neljatärnihotellis ning on ligi 1000 ruutmeetri suurune. Külastajad saavad aega
veeta 61 moodsa mänguautomaadi ning 11 mängulaua taga. Kasiinos paikneb ka avar
baar ning lava, kus saab nautida erinevaid meelelahutusprogramme. 
168 toaga Radisson SAS Carltoni hotell asub Bratislava kesklinnas, Slovakkia
rahvusteatri vastas põhilise äri-, kaubandus- ja meelelahutuspiirkonna
läheduses. Esimene Slovakkia Olympic Casino jääb Bratislava lennujaamast
15-minutise ning Vienna Swechat lennujaamast 30-minutilise sõiduteekonna

Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) alustas ettevalmistustega Slovakkia
hasartmänguturule sisenemiseks 2007. aasta aprilli lõpus, asutades selleks oma
tütarettevõtte Slovakkias. Tegevuslitsents väljastati Olympic Entertainment
Slovakiale 2008. aasta alguses. 

Andri Avila
juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250


OEG opened its first casino in Slovakia


Olympic entertainment Group (OEG) opened its first casino in Slovakia, in the
Radisson SAS Carlton Hotel in the centre of Bratislava. The company invested
EUR 4,7 million in this spectacular new gaming location and this is the eight
country where Olympic Casino has started casino operations. 

Entry into the Slovakian market is special by the fact that the activity
license issued to the company is the first new gaming license that has been
issued to casino operators in Slovakia in the last ten years. The high
standards required from newcomers are shown also by the fact that until now
this country of 5.4 million people had only two casino operators in Bratislava.
The gross gaming revenue of the Slovakian casino market amounted to EUR 416
million in 2007, which is 32% more than in 2006. 

The first Olympic Casino will be located in the four-star Radisson SAS Carlton
Hotel and has about approximately 1,000 square metres of floor space. Visitors
will have at their disposal 61 modern slot machines and 11 gaming tables. The
casino also has a spacious bar and a stage for enjoying artistic performances. 

With its 168 rooms Radisson SAS Carlton is located in the center of Bratislava,
opposite the Slovak National Theatre and near the capital's main business,
trade and entertainment area. The first Olympic Casino in Slovakia will be 15
minutes from the Bratislava Airport and 30 minutes from the Vienna Swechat

Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) started preparations to enter Slovakia's
gaming market at the end of April 2007 by setting up a local subsidiary that
operates under the name of Olympic Entertainment Slovakia. Olympic
Entertainment Slovakia obtained the gaming license at the beginning of 2008. 

For additional information please contact:

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Phone + 372 667 1250