Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


19.06.2008 15:47:42


Täiendatud teade - Üldkoosoleku otsused


Üldkoosoleku otsused                                                            

19.06.2008.a. algusega kell 09.00 toimus aadressil Rävala 8 AS Norma korraline  
aktsionäride üldkoosolek alljärgneva päevakorraga:                              

1. AS Norma 2007.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                           
2. Kasumi jaotamine                                                             
3. Oma aktsiate omandamine                                                      
4. Nõukogu liikmete tagasikutsumine ja valimine                                 
5. Audiitori nimetamine ja tasustamise korra määramine                          

AS Norma üldkoosolekul võeti vastu alljärgnevad otsused:                        

1. AS Norma 2007.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                           

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada AS Norma 2007.a            
majandusaasta aruande.                                                          

2.  Kasumi jaotamine                                                            

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada AS Norma kasumi jaotamise  
ettepaneku alljärgnevalt:                                                       

Maksta aktsionäridele (korralisi) dividende 50% aktsia nimiväärtusest ehk 5     
krooni aktsia kohta (0,32 EUR aktsia kohta), kogusummas 66 000 000 krooni       
(4 218 169 EUR), ning jätta ülejäänud puhaskasum jaotamata. Fikseerida          
dividendiõiguslike aktsionäride nimekiri 8. juulil 2008.a. kell 23.59.          
Dividendid makstakse välja hiljemalt 8. august 2008.a.                          

3.  Nõukogu liikmete tagasikutsumine                                            

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kutsuda tagasi AS Norma nõukogu täies
koosseisus: Magnus Lindquist, Pär Malmhagen, Toomas Tamsar, Raivo Erik, Aare    
Tark ja Leif Berntsson.                                                         

4. Nõukogu liikmete valimine                                                    

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas valida AS Norma nõukogu liikmeteks   
volituste algusega 19.06.2008.a.: Halvar Jonzon, Pär Malmhagen, Toomas Tamsar,  
Raivo Erik, Aare Tark ja Leif Berntsson.                                        

5. Audiitori nimetamine ja tasustamise korra määramine                          

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas valida aktsiaseltsi Norma audiitoriks
tähtajaga üks (1) aasta audiitorühing Ernst & Young Baltic AS. Audiitorile      
makstava tasu suuruse otsustab nõukogu, kes sõlmib audiitoriga ka lepingu.      

Väljavõte juhatuse esimehe Peep Siimoni ettekandest: arengusuunad ja olulisemad 
planeeritavad investeeringud                                                    

Äritegevuse areng                                                               

AS Norma juhtkond tegeleb uue strateegia väljatöötamisega, mis keskendub kolmele
põhilisele ärivaldkonnale:                                                      

Hoida oma turupositsiooni otsetarnijana Vene autotootjate juures;               

Investeerida nišituru turvasüsteemide arendus- ja tootmiskeskusesse;            

Investeerida, et saavutada eelistatud  autoohutus-komponentide tarnija staatus  
rahvusvahelisel autotööstuse turul                                              

Komponentide tootmise areng                                                     

Norma juhtkond töötab välja strateegiat, mille kohaselt muuta ettevõte          
eelistatuimaks üle-euroopaliseks, rahvusvaheliseks tarnijaks                    
autoohutuskomponentide sektoris nii esimese ringi tarnijatele kui ka            

Strateegia põhineb Norma olemasolevatel konkurentsieelistel: vertikaalne        
integratsioon ning teadmised materjalide, tootmisprotsesside ja komponentide    
tootmise osas.                                                                  

Investeeringud ja oluline kasv sellel suurel spetsialiseeritud turul võimaldavad
vähendada Norma sõltuvust situatsioonist, kus 75% äritegevusest on seotud vaid 2

Peep Siimon                                                                     
Juhatuse esimees                                                                
+ 372 6500 442


Amended announcement - Resolutions of ordinary general meeting


Resolutions of ordinary general meeting                                         

The regular meeting of shareholders of AS Norma was held on 19.06.2008 at 09:00 
at the address Rävala 8 with  the following agenda:                             

1. Approval of the annual report of AS Norma for 2007                           
2. Distribution of profits                                                      
3. Acquisition of Own Shares                                                    
4. Recalling and electing the Council members                                   
5. Appointing an auditor and determining the procedure for remuneration         

The following resolutions were made at the General meeting of the shareholders  
of AS Norma:                                                                    

1. Approval of the annual report of AS Norma for 2007                           

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to approve the      
annual report of AS Norma for 2007.                                             

2.  Distribution of profits                                                     

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to approve the      
profit distribution proposal of AS Norma as follows:                            

To pay the shareholders (regular) dividends in the amount of 50 % of the nominal
value of the share, i.e. EEK 5 per share (0.32 EUR/share), in the total amount  
of EEK 66,000,000 (EUR 4,218,169), and keep the remaining net profits as        
retained earnings. The general meeting of the shareholders decided to fix the   
list of the shareholders entitled to dividends on 8 July 2008 at 23:59. The     
dividends are paid at the latest on 8 August 2008.                              

3.  Recalling the Council members                                               

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to recall the       
Council of AS Norma in its entirety: Magnus Lindquist, Pär Malmhagen, Toomas    
Tamsar, Raivo Erik, Aare Tark and Leif Berntsson.                               

4.  Electing the Council members                                                

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to elect the Council
of AS Norma for a term commencing on 19 June 2008: Halvar Jonzon, Pär Malmhagen,
Toomas Tamsar, Raivo Erik, Aare Tark and Leif Berntsson.                        

5. Appointing an auditor and determining the procedure for remuneration         

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to elect Ernst &    
Young Baltic AS as the auditor of AS Norma for the term of 1 (one) year. The    
Council shall resolve on the compensation of and shall conclude an agreement    
with the auditor.                                                               

Summary of presentation of Peep Siimon, Chairman of Management Board:           
Developments and major investments planned for the future                       

Business development                                                            

Norma management is working on a strategy that focuses on three main business   

Maintain the position as automotive tier-1 supplier to Russian OEM:s            

Invest in a development and manufacturing center for niche-type safety restraint

Invest in becoming a preferred supplier of engineered automotive safety         

Component business development                                                  

Norma's management is working on a strategy to develop the company into a       
preferred pan-European, multi-national, supplier of engineered automotive safety
components to both tier-1 and OEM customers                                     

This complementary strategy builds on Norma's competitive edge in the industry -
The vertical integration and knowledge of materials, manufacturing processes and

Investments and growth in this vast, specialized market will reduce Norma's     
dependency on its strong  - but risky -  position with 75% of the business with 
only two customers                                                              

Peep Siimon                                                                     
Chairman of the Management Board                                                
+ 372 6500 442