Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


21.05.2008 15:54:29


Osaluse võõrandamine


AS Merko Ehitus võõrandas 21.05.2008 50%lise osaluse (nimiväärtusega 20 000.-
krooni) äriühingus OÜ Tornimäe Apartments (registrikood 11016607) kaasosanikule
ASle EKE Invest. Ettevõtte müügihind oli 58 mln krooni, mis tasuti müüjale
osaluse võõrandamisel. 

OÜ Tornimäe Apartments asutati 2004. aastal ning ettevõtte põhitegevusalaks on
kinnisvara arendusprojekt aadressil Tornimäe 7, Tallinn. 

OÜ Tornimäe Apartments võõrandati seoses arendusprojekti lõppemisega ning AS
Merko Ehitus kajastab tehingut ettevõtte II kvartali müügituludes. 

Vastavalt Tallinna Börsi poolt emitendile kehtestatud reeglitele ei ole
eelnimetatud müügitehingul tegemist tehinguga seotud osapoolega ning nõukogu
ega juhatuse liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud. 

1 EUR = 15,647 EEK

Alar Lagus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 105


Transfer of Holding


On 21 May 2008, AS Merko Ehitus transferred a 50-percent holding (with the
nominal value 20 000 EEK) in the company OÜ Tornimäe Apartments (registry code
11016607) to the copartner AS EKE Invest. The selling price of the company was
58 million EEK which was paid to the seller upon the transfer of the holding. 

The main area of activity of OÜ Tornimäe Apartments, which was established in
2004, is managing the property development project at Tornimäe 7 in Tallinn. 

OÜ Tornimäe Apartments was transferred due to the completion of the development
project and AS Merko Ehitus will show the transaction under the company's Q2

In accordance with the rules for issuers as established by the Tallinn Stock
Exchange, the abovementioned sales transaction is not a transaction with a
related party and the members of the supervisory and management boards do not
have any other personal interest in the transaction. 

1 EUR = 15.647 EEK

Alar Lagus
Member of the Board
+372 6 805 105