Market announcement

Nordic Fibreboard AS


Results of General Meeting


15.05.2008 11:49:30


Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


ASi Viisnurk (registrikood 11421437) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus  
15. mail 2008.a. kell 11:00 AS Viisnurk kontoris aadressil Suur-Jõe 48, Pärnu.  

Üldkoosoleku otsused:                                                           

1. 2007. a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                                   

AS Viisnurk aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada 2007. a. majandusaasta  
aruande,  mille kohaselt  AS Viisnurk konsolideeritud bilansimaht seisuga       
31.12.2007. a. on 157 446 902 krooni (10 062 692 eurot) ning aruandeaasta       
puhaskasum 12 656 963 krooni (808 927 eurot).                                   

2. 2007. a. kasumi jaotamine                                                    

AS Viisnurk aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada AS Viisnurk kasumi      
jaotamise alljärgnevalt:                                                        
Maksta dividende summas 6 298 685 krooni (402 559 eurot) ehk 1,40 krooni (0,0895
eurot) aktsia kohta, ning jätta ülejäänud kasum jaotamata.                      

Aktsionäride nimekiri dividendide väljamaksmiseks fikseeritakse seisuga         
29.05.2008.a. kell 23:59. Dividendid makstakse aktsionäridele välja             
30.05.2008.a. ülekandega aktsionäri pangaarvele.                                

3. 2007. majandusaasta audiitori valimine ja tasustamise korra määramine        

AS Viisnurk aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas valida 2008. a. majandusaasta     
audiitoriks AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood: 10142876; aadress: Pärnu   
mnt. 15, 10141 Tallinn). Audiitorteenuste eest tasumine toimub audiitorühinguga 
sõlmitava lepingu alusel.                                                       

Einar Pähkel                                                                    
447 8331                                                               


The Decisions of Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Viisnurk AS was held in the       
Viisnurk head office at 48, Suur-Jõe, Pärnu, Estonia, on 15 May 2007 at 11:00.  

Resolutions of general meeting:                                                 

1. Approval of the Annual Report for 2007                                       

It was decided to approve the Annual Report of Viisnurk AS for 2006, which      
exposes balance sheet value of 157,446,902 kroons (10,062,692 euros) at         
31.12.2007 and the profit of 12,656,963 kroons (808,927 euros).                 

2. Profit allocation for 2007                                                   

It was decided to approve profit distribution proposal of Viisnurk AS for 2007  
as follows:                                                                     
It was decided to pay out dividends to the shareholders in the amount of        
6,298,685 kroons (402,559 euros), which amounts to 1,40 kroons (0.0895 euros)   
per share, the rest of the net profit will remain undistributed.                

The shareholders registered in the share register of AS Viisnurk on 29 May 2008 
at 23:59 shall be entitled to dividend, the dividends will be paid out to the   
bank account of the shareholders on 30 May 2008.                                

3. Election and remuneration principles of auditor for financial year 2008      

It was decided to elect AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code: 10142876,     
address: Pärnu rd. 15, 10141 Tallinn) as an auditor. Public accounting services 
will be paid for in accordance with the contract to be drawn up with the        

Einar Pähkel                                                                    
+372 447 8331