Market announcement

Saku Õlletehas


Other price sensitive information


09.05.2008 18:52:38


Valitseva mõju omandamine Saku Õlletehase AS üle ja kohustusliku ülevõtmispakkumise esmane avalikustamine


Täna, 9. mail 2008 teavitati Saku Õlletehase AS-i alljärgnevast.

Saku Õlletehase AS enamusaktsionäriks on Baltic Beverages Holding AB, kellele
kuulub 6 000 841 Saku Õlletehase AS aktsiat, mis moodustab ligikaudu 75.01%
kõigist Saku Õlletehase AS aktsiatest. Kuni tänaseni kuulus 50% Baltic
Beverages Holding AB aktsiatest Carlsberg A/S kontsernile ning ülejäänud 50%
osaluse lõppomanikuks oli Scottish & Newcastle PLC. 

Saku Õlletehase AS-i on teavitatud, et Carlsberg A/S 100%-line tütarettevõtja
Carlsberg Breweries A/S omandas täna, 9. mail 2008, ülejäänud 50% Baltic
Beverages Holding AB aktsiatest. Nimetatud tehingu tulemusel sai Carlsberg A/S
valitseva mõju Saku Õlletehase AS üle väärtpaberituru seaduse § 167 tähenduses. 

Väärtpaberituru seaduse § 166 lg 1 kohaselt on Saku Õlletehase AS-i
(sihtemitendi) üle valitseva mõju otse või kooskõlastatult tegutsevate
isikutega koos saanud isik kohustatud 20 päeva jooksul valitseva mõju saamisest
arvates tegema ülevõtmispakkumise sihtemitendi kõigi aktsiate suhtes. 

Nimetatud kohustuse täitmiseks kavatseb Carlsberg A/S teha oma tütarettevõtja
Baltic Beverages Holding AB kaudu kohustusliku ülevõtmispakkumise Saku
Õlletehase AS aktsiate omandamiseks. Ülevõtmispakkumine avalikustatakse pärast
selle kooskõlastamist Finantsinspektsiooniga. 

Ülevõtmispakkumise tähtaeg ning ostuhind määratakse vastavalt õigusaktides
sätestatud kohustuslikele nõuetele. Ülevõtmispakkumise täpsed tingimused
avalikustatakse ülevõtmispakkumisprospektis pärast selle kooskõlastamist

Käesoleval hetkel ei ole Carlsberg A/S kontserni strateegiliseks eesmärgiks
Saku Õlletehase AS väikeaktsionäride väljaostmine ega Saku Õlletehase AS
aktsiate Tallinna Börsil noteerimise lõpetamine. Kohustuslik ülevõtmispakkumine
annab Saku Õlletehase AS väikeaktsionäridele võimaluse võõrandada oma aktsiad
olukorras, kus Carlsberg A/S on omandanud valitseva mõju Saku Õlletehase AS

Priit Põiklik                                                                   
Saku Õlletehase AS                                                              
Tel: 6508303                                                           


Acquisition of control over Saku Õlletehase AS and preliminary announcement of a mandatory takeover bid


Today, on 9 May 2008, Saku Õlletehase AS was notified of the following.

The majority shareholder of Saku Õlletehase AS is Baltic Beverages Holding AB,
who owns 6 000 841 shares of Saku Õlletehase AS, representing approximately
75.01% of all shares of Saku Õlletehase AS. Until today 50% of the shares of
Baltic Beverages Holding AB were held by Carlsberg A/S group and the remaining
50% of the shares have been ultimately held by Scottish & Newcastle PLC. 

Saku Õlletehase AS was notified that today, on 9 May 2008, Carlsberg Breweries
A/S, a 100% subsidiary of Carlsberg A/S, acquired the remaining 50% of the
shares of Baltic Beverages Holding AB. By this transaction Carlsberg A/S
acquired control over Saku Õlletehase AS within the meaning of Article 167 of
the Securities Market Act. 

Under Article 166(1) of the Securities Market Act, a person who has acquired
control over Saku Õlletehase AS (the target issuer), either directly or
together with other persons acting in concert, is under the obligation to make
a takeover bid for all shares of the target issuer within 20 days as of the
acquisition of control. 

In order to fulfill this obligation, Carlsberg A/S intends to make through a
wholly owned subsidiary a mandatory takeover bid for the acquisition of shares
of Saku Õlletehase AS. The mandatory takeover bid will be announced after it
has been approved by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority

The duration period and purchase price of the takeover bid will be determined
in accordance with mandatory requirements of law. The detailed terms and
conditions of the takeover bid will be published in a takeover prospectus once
it has been approved by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority. 

Carlsberg A/S group does not currently have as a strategic objective to buy out
the minority shareholders of Saku Õlletehase AS or to de-list the shares of
Saku Õlletehase AS from the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The mandatory takeover bid
provides an opportunity to the minority shareholders of Saku Õlletehase AS to
sell their shares in the situation where Carlsberg A/S has acquired control
over Saku Õlletehase AS. 

Priit Põiklik                                                                   
Saku Õlletehase AS                                                              
Tel: 6508303