Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


05.05.2008 15:40:59


Osaluse võõrandamine


AS Merko Ehitus võõrandas 02.05.2008 100%lise osaluse äriühingus OÜ Karulaugu
Kinnisvara (registrikood 11034491) ASle E.L.L. Kinnisvara. Ettevõtte müügihind
oli 42 mln krooni, millest arvati maha ettevõtte kohustuste ja käibevara saldo
4,12 mln krooni. Kogu ostusumma tasuti müüjale osaluse võõrandamisel. 

OÜ Karulaugu Kinnisvara võõrandati tulu teenimise eesmärgil ning AS Merko
Ehitus kajastab tehingut ettevõtte II kvartali müügituludes. 

OÜ Karulaugu Kinnisvara asutati 2004. aastal ning ettevõtte põhitegevusalaks on
kinnisvara arendus. Ettevõte omab 51 686 m² suurust kinnistut Viimsi vallas
ning käesoleval hetkel sisulist majandustegevust ettevõttes ei toimu. 

Vastavalt Tallinna Börsi poolt emitendile kehtestatud reeglitele tuleb
eelnimetatud müügitehingut käsitleda tehinguna seotud osapoolega. AS Merko
Ehitus nõukogu ja juhatuse liikmed ei ole tehingust muul viisil isiklikult
huvitatud. Tehing on sooritatud turutingimustel. 

1 EUR = 15,647 EEK

Alar Lagus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 105


Transfer of participation


On 2 May 2008, AS Merko Ehitus transferred the 100-percent participation in the
company OÜ Karulaugu Kinnisvara (registry code 11034491) to AS E.L.L.
Kinnisvara. The sale price of the company was 42 million kroons; from this
amount, 4.12 million kroons, the balance of company's financial obligations and
current assets, were deducted. The entire sale price was paid to the Seller
upon transfer of the participation. 

OÜ Karulaugu Kinnisvara was transferred with the aim to earn profit, and AS
Merko Ehitus shall show the transaction under the company's Q2 revenues. 

OÜ Karulaugu Kinnisvara was established in 2004. The company's main area of
activity is real estate development. The company owns a registered immovable
with an area of 51 686 sq. metres in the Viimsi Rural Municipality. At the
moment, the company does not have any significant business activities. 

Pursuant to the rules for issuers established by the Tallinn Stock Exchange,
the above-mentioned sale transaction must be regarded as a transaction with a
related party. The members of the supervisory and management boards of AS Merko
Ehitus do not have any other, private interest in the transactions. The
transaction has been conducted on market conditions. 

1 EUR = 15.647 EEK

Alar Lagus
Member of the Management Board 
+372 6 805 109