Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


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30.04.2008 17:59:44


SFG: AS-i Silvano Fashion Group nõukogu liikmete elulookirjeldused


AS-i Silvano Fashion Group nõukogu liikmete elulookirjeldused          

Indrek Rahumaa                                                                  
Hr Rahumaa on sündinud 1972. aastal. 1995.a. lõpetas hr Rahumaa Stockholmi      
Majanduskooli, spetsialiseerudes rahandusele. Hr Rahumaa on AS-i Silvano Fashion
Group (edaspidi „SFG”) nõukogu esimees olnud alates 1. augustist 2002.a. Lisaks 
teenistusele SFG nõukogus on hr Rahumaa SIA Alta Capital Partners juhtiv partner
ja juhatuse esimees ( Hr Rahumaa on samuti Läti äriühingute 
AS Lauma ja SIA Lauma Fabrics juhatuse liige ning AS-i Alta Property &          
Construction nõukogu liige. Hr Rahumaa oli Baltic Cresco Investment Group AS-i  
asutajaliige ning partner. Minevikus on hr Rahumaa olnud ka AS-i Cresco, Cresco 
Väärtpaberite AS-i, OÜ CCComputer, AS-i Aktivist Network, AS-i Equitygate, AS-i 
Erel Group, AS-i Norbert, AS-i Teede REV-2 ja AS-i XXL.EE nõukogude liige.      
Käesoleval hetkel täidab ta AS-i Farland Trade Group, AS-i Finare Systems, OÜ   
Zenith Estate, OÜ Alta Holding, OÜ Investeerimisvabrik ja OÜ Alta Investments I 
juhatuste liikme ülesandeid. Ta on AS-i Vicron Investment Group, Alta Aviation  
OÜ, AS-i Hea 5, AS-i Vene Posti Operaator, Legendijuhtimise AS-i, Privador AS-i,
Bryum Estonia AS-i, Alta Capital AS-i and 2R Investments AS-i nõukogude liige.  

Zinaida Valekha                                                                 
Prl Valekha on sündinud 1941. aastal. 1968.a. lõpetas prl Valekha endise        
Leningradi Tekstiili ja Kergetööstuse Instituudi. Ta on olnud SFG nõukogu liige 
alates 31. maist 2007.a. Prl Valekhal on laialdased kogemused                   
tekstiilitööstuses. Ta on töötanud erinevates tekstiilitootmise ettevõtetes     
alates 1961. aastast ning ta oli aastatel 1985 - 1991 Valgevene kergetööstuse   
aseminister. Prl Valekha oli Milavits'a peadirektor aastatel 1991 - 2002 ja on  
käesoleval hetkel Milavits'a nõukogu esimees.                                   

Priit Põldoja                                                                   
Hr. Põldoja on 1994.a. lõpetanud summa cum laude Mount Saint Mary's College'i   
Ameerika Ühendriikides äri ja rahanduse valdkonnas ning aastal 2006 läbinud     
juhtimiskursuse Insead'is Prantsusmaal Fontainbleaus. Hr Põldoja on olnud alates
veebruarist 2008 SIA Alta Capital Partners partner. 2005.a. juunist kuni 2008.a.
veebruarini oli hr Põldoja AS-i Hansapank tegevjuht ja juhatuse aseesimees.     
Lisaks on hr Põldoja töötanud AS-s Hansapank järgmistel ametikohtadel: 2004.a.  
aprillist kuni 2005.a. juunini oli hr Põldoja väikekliendi panganduse juht ja   
juhatuse liige; 2000.a. aprillist 2004.a. aprillini oli hr Põldoja              
investeeringute haldamise juht; 1999.a. märtsist 2000.a. aprillini oli hr       
Põldoja Hansabank Markets tegevjuht; 1998.a. maist 1999.a. märtsini oli hr      
Põldoja Hansabank Markets finantsjuht. Ajavahemikul 1997.a. augustist 1998.a.   
aprillini oli hr Põldoja Tallinna Panga krediidi- ja korporatiivpanganduse      
direktor ning juhatuse liige. 1996.a. märtsist 1997.a. augustini oli hr Põldoja 
Tallinna Panga Liisingu juhatuse esimees. Hr Põldoja töötas 1995.a. jaanuarist  
1996.a. jaanuarini pangas Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Ameerika Ühendriikides San       
Franciscos finantsanalüütikuna.                                                 

Pavel Daneyko                                                                   
Hr. Daneyko on sündinud 1961.a. Alates 1980.a. õppis ta Valgevene Riiklikus     
Ülikoolis ettevalmistusosakonnas ning alates 1981.a. ajaloo teaduskonnas        
poliitmajanduse erialal. 1992.a. lõpetas ta aspirantuuri Valgevene Teaduste     
Akadeemia Majandusinstituudis. Peale bakalaureusekraadi omandamist töötas hr    
Daneyko nooremteadurina Valgevene Teaduslikus Teaduslik-Tehnilise Informatsiooni
ja Tehnilis-Majanduslike Uuringute Uurimiskeskuses. Perioodil 1988 - 1991 oli ta
nooremteadur Valgevene Teaduste Akadeemia Majandusinstituudis. Hr Daneyko oli   
aastatel 1991 - 1992 finantsinvesteeringute firma „Fiko” juhataja ning          
ajavahemikul 1992 kuni 1993 oli ta konsultatsioonifirma „Systematic Business    
Consulting” juhataja. Aastal 1993 algatas ta Erastamise ja Juhtimise Instituudi 
asutamise, mille asepresidendina ta kuni aastani 1996 töötas. Aastatel 1992 -   
1999 oli hr Daneyko Milavitsa nõukogu esimees. Aastatel 1996 - 1999 oli hr      
Daneyko nooremteadur Euroopa Majandus ja Sotsiaal Uuringute Humanitaarülikooli  
Keskuses. 1997.a. lõpust alates oli hr Daneyko Erastamise ja Juhtimise          
Instituudi asepresident ning alates 1999.a. Erastamise ja Juhtimise Instituudi  
president. Alates 1999.a. oktoobrist oli hr Daneyko Riikliku Konkurentsivõime   
Arendamise Keskuse direktor. 2001.a. juunist oli hr Daneyko taas Erastamise ja  
Juhtimise Instituudi president. Ajavahemikul 2002 kuni 2006 oli hr Daneyko      
Erastamise ja Juhtimise Instituudi president ning alates aastast 2006 on ta     
olnud Erastamise ja Juhtimise Instituudi nõukogu esimees. Hr Daneyko on ühtlasi 
Moskva Ärikooli rektor aastast 2007.


SFG:Curriculum vitae's of the Supervisory Board members of AS Silvano Fashion Group


Curriculum vitae's of the Supervisory Board members of AS Silvano Fashion Group 

Indrek Rahumaa                                                                  
Mr. Rahumaa was born in 1972. In 1995 Mr. Rahumaa graduated from the Stockholm  
School of Economics, majoring in finance. Mr. Rahumaa has been chairman of the  
Council of the Company since 1 August 2002. In addition to serving on the       
Council of the Company, Mr. Rahumaa is the managing partner and chairman of the 
board of SIA Alta Capital Partners ( Mr. Rahumaa is also a  
member of the management board of Latvian companies AS Lauma and SIA Lauma      
Fabrics and a member of the council of AS Alta Property & Construction. Mr.     
Rahumaa was a founding member and a partner of Baltic Cresco Investment Group   
AS. In the past he was also a member of the councils of AS Cresco, Cresco       
Väärtpaberite AS, OÜ CCComputer, AS Aktivist Network, AS Equitygate, AS Erel    
Group, AS Norbert and AS Teede REV-2 and AS XXL.EE. He currently serves as a    
member of the management boards of AS Farland Trade Group, AS Finare Systems, OÜ
Zenith Estate, OÜ Alta Holding, OÜ Investeerimisvabrik and OÜ Alta Investments  
I. He is a member of the councils of AS Vicron Investment Group, Alta Aviation  
OÜ, AS Hea 5, AS Vene Posti Operaator, Legendijuhtimise AS, Privador AS, Bryum  
Estonia AS, Alta Capital AS and 2R Investments AS.                              

Zinaida Valekha                                                                 
Ms. Valekha was born in 1941. In 1968 Ms. Valeha graduated from the former      
Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry. She has been a member of the 
Council of the Company since 31 May                                             
2007. Ms. Valeha has extensive experience in the textiles industry. She has     
worked in various textile manufacturing enterprises since 1961 and served as a  
deputy-minister of light industry of Belarus from 1985 to 1991. Ms. Valeha      
served as the general manager of Milavitsa between 1991 and 2002 and is         
currently a chairman of Milavitsa's council.                                    

Priit Põldoja                                                                   
In 1994 Mr. Põldoja graduated summa cum laude from Mount Saint Mary's College in
the United States of America with BS in Business & Finance and has in 2006      
graduated from Advanced Management Program in INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. Mr.
Põldoja has been since February 2008 partner in SIA Alta Capital Partners. Mr.  
Põldoja was CEO and Deputy Chairman of the Board of AS Hansapank from June 2005 
to February 2008. In addition, Mr. Põldoja has worked in AS Hansapank in the    
following positions: Mr. Põldoja was Head of Retail Banking and member of the   
Board from April 2004 to June 2005; Mr. Põldoja was Head of Investment          
Management from April 2000 to April 2004; Mr. Põldoja was Managing Director of  
Hansabank Markets from March 1999 to April 2000; he was Chief Financial Officer 
of Hansabank Markets from May 1998 to March 1999. From August 1997 to April 1998
Mr Põldoja was Director of Credit and Corporate Banking and member of the board 
of Tallinna Pank. From March 1996 to August 1997 Mr Põldoja was chairman of the 
board of Tallinna Pank Leasing. Mr. Põldoja worked from January 1995 to January 
1996 in the Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank in the United States of America as financial   

Pavel Daneyko                                                                   
Mr. Daneyko was born in 1961. He studied since 1980 in the preparatory branch of
the Belarusian State University and since 1981 in the department of history, the
field of political economy of the Belarusian State University. In 1992 he       
acquired postgraduate degree in the Institute of Economics with the Belarusian  
Academy of Sciences. After acquiring the bachelor diploma, Mr. Daneyko was a    
research associate in the Belarusian Scientific Research Centre for             
Scientific-Technical Information and Technical-Economic Research. During 1988 - 
1991 he was a research associate in the Institute of Economics with the         
Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Mr. Daneyko was the director of the financial   
investment company “ФИКО” from 1991 to 1992. From 1992 to 1993 Mr. Daneyko was  
Director of the consulting company “Systematic Business Consulting”. In 1993 he 
initiated the establishment of the Institute for Privatisation and Management   
where he worked as the Vice President until 1996. During 1992-1999 Mr. Daneyko  
was the Head of the Supervisory Board of “Milavitsa”. During 1996 - 1999 Mr.    
Daneyko was a research associate in the European Humanitarian University Centre 
for Economic and Social Research. From the end of 1997 Mr. Daneyko was the Vice 
President of the Institute for Privatisation and Management, and from the       
beginning of 1999 the President of the Institute for Privatisation and          
Management. From October 1999, he was the Director of the National              
Competitiveness Development Centre. From June 2001 he was again the President of
the Institute for Privatisation and Management. From 2002 to 2006 he was the    
President of the Institute for Privatisation and Management and since 2006 he   
has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute for             
Privatisation and Management. Mr. Daneyko is also the Rector of Moscow Business 
School since 2007.