Market announcement

Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Other price sensitive information


29.04.2008 16:14:28


OEG avas kasiinod Ukrainas ja Poolas


Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) avas kasiinod Ukrainas ja Poolas,
investeerides nendesse kokku 3,8 miljonit eurot. 

Ukraina pealinnas Kiievis tegevust alustanud mänguautomaadikasiino on neljas
käesoleval aastal avatud Olympic Casino Ukrainas, see läks maksma 1 miljon
eurot. Mängukoht kannab nime Olympic Casino Dorogozychi ning see asub Ukraina
pealinna tiheda asustusega piirkonnas, Dorogozychi metroojaama läheduses.
Kasiino on kujundatud maalilise veealuse maailma stiilis ja sellel on 235
ruutmeetrit põrandapinda, millel asuvad 43 kaasaegset mänguautomaati ja avar

Kokku on OEGl Ukrainas 22 kasiinot - 19 neist kannab Olympic Casino kaubamärki
ning kolm tegutseb Eldorado kaubamärgi all. OEG omandas eelmisel aastal
kohaliku kasiinooperaatori Eldorado ostuga viis kasiinot, neist kaks on
tänaseks Olympic Casino kaubamärgi alla viidud, sama ootab ees ka ülejäänud

Poolas pealinnas Varssavis avatud Olympic Casino Metropol on esimene Casino
Polonia ostuga omandatud ja põhjaliku renoveerimise lõppedes Olympic Casino
kaubamärgi all tegevust alustanud mängukoht. Kasiino sise- ja välisilme
uuendamine ning mänguautomaatide valiku kaasajastamine läks maksma 2,8 miljonit
eurot. 550 ruutmeetri suurunes ja veealuse maailma stiilis kujundatud Olympic
Casino Metropolis saab aega veeta 70 moodsa mänguautomaadi taga, samuti
tegutseb kasiinos baar. OEGl on Poolas seitse mängukohta, neist kaks kannavad
Olympic Casino ning viis Casino Polonia kaubamärki. 


Andri Avila
juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250


OEG opened casinos in Ukraine and Poland


Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) opened new casinos in Ukraine and Poland,
investing EUR 3.8 million in these projects. 

The slot casino opened in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine, is the fourth Olympic
Casino opened in Ukraine this year and cost EUR 1 million to open. The gaming
location is called Olympic Casino Dorogozychi and it is located in a densely
populated area of the Ukraine capital near the Dorogozychi underground station.
The interior design of the casino follows the theme of magical underwater world
and has 235 square metres of floor space with 43 modern slot machines and a
spacious bar. 

All in all, OEG has 22 casinos in Ukraine - 19 of them are branded as Olympic
Casinos and three of them are branded as Eldorado casinos. By purchasing local
casino operator Eldorado last year OEG acquired five casinos - two of them are
renovated and opened as Olympic Casinos, the same fate expects the rest. 

Olympic Casino Metropol that was opened in Warsaw, capital of Poland, is the
first rebranded Olympic Casino that was acquired in connection with the
takeover of Casino Polonia and has undergone major renovation. The
modernization of the casino's interior and exterior and upgrading of slots cost
EUR 2.8 million. Olympic Casino Metropol that has 550 square metres of floor
space and is designed in the style of underwater world offers customers 70
modern slot machines and includes a spacious bar area. In Poland OEG has seven
gaming locations, two of which are branded as Olympic Casino and five are
branded as Casino Polonia. 

Additional information:

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Phone +372 667 1250