Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


23.04.2008 11:42:13


Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused 23.04.2008


23. aprillil 2008. aastal toimunud AS Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride korralisel     
koosolekul otsustati järgmist:                                                  

1. Majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine                                            

Kinnitada 14 253 106 so 100% poolthäältega 2007. majandusaasta aruanne.         

2. Kasumi jaotamine                                                             

Jaotada 14 253 106 so 100% poolthäältega 2007. aasta puhaskasum summas 277,840  
miljonit krooni alljärgnevalt:                                                  

1) eraldised reservkapitali - 0 krooni;                                         
2) aktsionäride vahel jaotatav kasumiosa - 249,010 miljonit krooni (sellest     
B-aktsia omanikule 10 tuhat krooni ning 249 miljonit A-aktsiate omanikele       
3) jätta jaotamata - 28,830 miljonit krooni.                                    

Dividendiõiguslike aktsionäride nimekiri määratakse kindlaks aktsiaraamatu 30.  
mai 2008. aasta kella 23:59 seisu alusel ning dividendid makstakse              
aktsionäridele välja 13. juunil 2008.aastal.                                    

3. Audiitori valimine                                                           

Määrata 14 253 053 so 100% poolthäältega 2008. majandusaasta AS                 
PricewaterhouseCoopers ning juhtivaudiitoriks Tiit Raimla. Kiita heaks          
audiitoriga sõlmitavas lepingus määratud audiitori tasustamise kord.            

4. Nõukogu liikmete valimine                                                    

4.1 Valida 14 253 025 so 100% poolthäältega Henry Emanuel Russell AS-i Tallinna 
Vesi nõukogu liikmeks alates 23. maist 2008.                                    
4.2 Valida 14 205 053 so 99,66% poolthäältega Robert John Gallienne AS-i        
Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmeks alates 2. juulist 2008.                          

AS Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride üldkoosolek toimus 23. aprillil 2008.aastal kell  
9.00-10.00 Hotell Euroopas. Ettevõtte 20 miljonist häälest oli koosolekul       
esindatud 14 253 106 häält so 71,27% häältest.                                  

Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Tel: + 372 6262 209                                                    


Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 23.04.2008


The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi held on 23 April 
2008 took the following resolutions:                                            

1. Approval of the Annual Report                                                

To approve the 2007 Annual Report with 14 253 106 votes i.e. 100% of the votes  
in favour.                                                                      

2. Distribution of profits                                                      

With 14 253 106 votes i.e. 100% of the votes in favour, to distribute the net   
profit of 277.840 million kroons of AS Tallinna Vesi for the year 2007 in the   
following manner:                                                               

1) Transfers to reserve capital - 0 kroons; 
2) The share of profit to be distributed among the shareholders - 249.010
kroons (of which 10 000 kroons to the owner of the B-share and 249 million      
kroons to the owners of A-shares);                                              
3) The share of profit to be left undistributed - 28.830 million kroons. 
The list of shareholders entitled to receive dividend shall be determined on the
basis of the share register as at 23:59 on 30 May 2008 and the dividends shall  
be paid to shareholders on 13 June 2008.                                        

3. Appointment of the Auditor                                                   

To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditor and Tiit Raimla as the lead 
auditor for the 2008 financial year and to approve the principles for           
remuneration of the auditors approved by the Supervisory Council with 14 253 053
votes i.e. 100% of the votes in favour.                                         

4. Election of Supervisory Council members                                      

4.1 To elect Henry Emanuel Russell as a Supervisory Council member of AS        
Tallinna Vesi starting from 23 May 2008 with 14 253 025 votes i.e. 100% of the  
votes in favour.                                                                
4.2 To elect Robert John Gallienne as a Supervisory Council member of AS        
Tallinna Vesi starting from 2 July 2008 with 14 205 053 votes i.e. 99.66% of the
votes in favour.                                                                

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi took place on 23 
April 2008 from 9am to 10am at the Hotel Euroopa. 14 253 106 votes i.e. 71.27%  
of the 20 million votes of AS Tallinna Vesi were represented at the meeting.    

Reigo Marosov                                                                   
Head of Communications                                                          
Tel: + 372 6262 209