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15.04.2008 15:04:44


AS Merko Ehitus ettevõtte restruktureerimiskava


14.03.2008 teatas AS Merko Ehitus juhatuse ja nõukogu otsusest restruktureerida
ettevõte ja eraldada majandustegevus ja maadevahetuse kriminaalasi.
Restruktureerimise eesmärk on tagada ettevõtte jätkusuutlik areng ning kaitsta
aktsionäride ja töötajate huve pikaleveninud maadevahetuse kriminaalasja
tingimustes. Käesolevaga esitab AS Merko Ehitus juhtkond
restruktureerimiskavast üksikasjalikuma ülevaate. 

Kavas on AS Merko Ehitus jagada selliselt, et AS Merko Ehitus ettevõte, s.t
kõik varad, kohustused ja lepingud, sh osalused teistes äriühingutes, samuti
ärinimi “Merko Ehitus” eraldatakse, v.a 300 miljoni krooni ulatuses likviidseid
varasid ning maadevahetuse kriminaalasjaga seotud võimalikud kohustused ja
antakse üle asutatavale äriühingule (edaspidi „Uus Merko“), mis hakkab
tegutsema Merko Ehituse ärinime all. Iga AS Merko Ehitus aktsionär saab
jagunemise tulemusel ühe AS Merko Ehitus aktsia kohta ühe Uus Merko aktsia ning
säilitab samuti osaluse AS-s Merko Ehitus. Uus Merko taotleb oma aktsiate
noteerimist Tallinna Börsil nii kiiresti kui võimalik pärast jagunemise
toimumist. Uus Merko juhatuse liikmeteks saavad Tõnu Toomik, Veljo Viitmann,
Alar Lagus, Andres Agukas ja Tõnu Korts ning nõukogu liikmeteks Teet Roopalu ja
Jaan Mäe. Senise AS Merko Ehitus juhatuse ainsaks liikmeks saab jagunemise
järgselt Toomas Annus, nõukogu liikmetena jätkavad Teet Roopalu ja Jaan Mäe
ning ühing lõpetab Merko Ehituse nime kasutamise. Uus Merko kolmas nõukogu
liige nimetatakse jagunemiskavas ja senise AS Merko Ehitus kolmas nõukogu liige
valitakse aktsionäride üldkoosolekul. Ümbernimetatava AS Merko Ehitus aktsiad
jäävad samuti Tallinna Börsil kaubeldavaks. 

Jagunemine on äriseadustikus ette nähtud protseduur, mille ühe versiooni
kohaselt annab üks äriühing (jagunev ühing) osa oma varast üle uuele
asutatavale äriühingule (omandav ühing) ning jaguneva ühingu aktsionärid saavad
osaluse omandavas ühingus. Jagunemiseks ülalkirjeldatud viisil koostab AS Merko
Ehitus juhatus jagunemiskava, mis tuleb notariaalselt tõestada. Jagunemiskavas
nähakse ette jagunemise üksikasjad, sh Uus Merko aktsiakapitali suurus,
juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmed, AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäridele üleantavate Uus
Merko aktsiate jaotus ja asendussuhe, aktsiate üleandmise tingimused, õigused,
mis Uus Merko annab AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäridele, Uus Merkole üleantava vara
nimekiri ja vara hulka kuuluvate kohustuste jaotus jagunemisel osalevate
ühingute vahel, jagunemise tagajärjed töötajatele ning jagunemisel osalevate
ühingute juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmetele antavad soodustused (kava põhitingimusi
on kirjeldatud eespool). 

Jagunemise käigus lähevad üle kõigi AS Merko Ehitus töötajate töölepingud ja
säilivad senised töötingimused. Kõik klientide ees võetud kohustused kanduvad
jagunemisel üle Uus Merkole, mis jätkab ehitusteenuste osutamist. 

Lisaks koostab AS Merko Ehitus juhatus jagunemisaruande, milles selgitatakse ja
põhjendatakse õiguslikult ja majanduslikult jagunemist ja jagunemislepingut,
samuti aktsiate asendussuhet. Jagunemiskava kontrollib audiitor ning koostab
selle kohta kirjaliku aruande. AS Merko Ehitus kavatseb taotleda erandit
Tallinna Börsi reglemendis sätestatud jagunemisprospekti nõudest kuivõrd Uus
Merko aktsiate noteerimiseks koostatakse noteerimisprospekt (vt allpool). 

Jagunemiskava jõustub selle heakskiitmisel AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride
üldkoosoleku poolt. Otsuse vastuvõtmiseks peab poolt olema vähemalt 2/3
üldkoosolekul esindatud häältest. Üks kuu enne üldkoosolekut tehakse kõigile
aktsionäridele kättesaadavaks jagunemiskava, jagunemisaruanne, audiitori
aruanne ning AS Merko Ehitus viimase 3 majandusaasta aruanded ja
tegevusaruanded. Üldkoosolekul selgitab AS Merko Ehitus juhatus jagunemise
õiguslikke ja majanduslikke tagajärgi. 

Jagunemine jõuab lõpule vastavate kannete tegemisega äriregistris. Avalduse
kande tegemiseks võib esitada ühe kuu möödumisel jagunemisotsuse
vastuvõtmisest. Esmalt tehakse kanne Uus Merko asutamise kohta ning seejärel AS
Merko Ehitus jagunemise kohta. Viimase kande tegemisel läheb AS Merko Ehitus
eraldatud vara vastavalt jagunemiskavas ettenähtud jaotusele üle Uus Merkole
ning AS Merko Ehitus aktsionärid eelnevalt avalikustatud päeva seisuga saavad
vastavalt jagunemiskavale Uus Merko aktsionärideks. 

Uus Merko aktsiate noteerimiseks Tallinna Börsil koostatakse
noteerimisprospekt. Prospekti registreerib Finantsinspektsioon ning noteerimise
kohta langetab otsuse Tallinna Börsi noteerimis- ja järelevalvekomisjon.
Registreerimis- ja noteerimistaotlused saab esitada alles pärast jagunemise 
lõpuleviimist. Finantsinspektsioonil on noteerimisprospekti registreerimiseks
aega 10 tööpäeva. Tallinna Börsi noteerimis- ja järelevalvekomisjonil on
noteerimisotsuse langetamiseks aega kuni 3 kuud. Noteerimisprospekt
avalikustatakse Tallinna Börsi veebilehel 2 börsipäeva enne kauplemise algust.
AS Merko Ehitus soovib noteerimisprospekti Finantsinspektsiooni ja Tallinna
Börsiga eelnevalt sisuliselt kooskõlastada ning varasemale turupraktikale
tuginedes eeldab, et Uus Merko aktsiate noteerimine otsustatakse umbes ühe
nädala jooksul jagunemise lõpuleviimisest. 

Vastavalt restruktureerimiskavale toimub jagunemiskava allkirjastamine ning
jagunemisaruande ja audiitori aruande koostamine käesoleva aasta aprilli lõpus.
Jagunemiskava esitatakse heakskiitmiseks AS Merko Ehitus korralisele
üldkoosolekule, mis toimub eeldatavalt 3. juunil 2008. Heakskiitmise järel
jõustub jagunemine eeldatavalt 21. juuliga algaval nädalal ning kavade kohaselt
algab Uus Merko aktsiatega kauplemine Tallinna Börsil hiljemalt 4. augustiga
algaval nädalal. 

AS-i Merko Ehitus nõustab jagunemisel investeerimispank GILD Bankers koos
advokaadibürooga Tark & Co. 

Täiendav informatsioon:
Tõnu Toomik                                                                     
Juhatuse esimees                                                                
6 805 105

Alar Lagus
Juhatuse liige
6 805 109


Restructuring plan for AS Merko Ehitus


On 14 March 2008, AS Merko Ehitus gave a notice of their management and
supervisory board decision to restructure the company and separate the business
and criminal proceedings initiated in the land swap case. The aim of the
restructuring is to ensure sustainable development of the company and protect
the interests of shareholders and employees in the drawn-out criminal
proceedings in the land swap case. The management of AS Merko Ehitus hereby
gives a detailed overview of the restructuring plan. 

AS Merko Ehitus is planned to be divided, such that AS Merko Ehitus business,
i.e. all assets, liabilities and contracts, including shareholdings in other
companies, as well as the trade name of “Merko Ehitus” will be separated,
except for the liquid assets to the amount of EEK 300 million, and contingent
liabilities related to the criminal proceedings in the land swap case, and will
be transferred to a new company to be founded (hereinafter the “New Merko”),
which will be operating under the business name of Merko Ehitus. As a result of
the division, the shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus will receive one share in the
New Merko per share in AS Merko Ehitus and retain their shareholding also in AS
Merko Ehitus. The New Merko will apply for listing its shares on the Tallinn
Stock Exchange as soon as the division has been completed. The management board
of the New Merko will consist of Tõnu Toomik, Veljo Viitmann, Alar Lagus,
Andres Agukas and Tõnu Korts and the supervisory board of Teet Roopalu and Jaan
Mäe. Following the division, Toomas Annus will continue as the sole management
board member with Teet Roopalu and Jaan Mäe as the members of the supervisory
board of the current AS Merko Ehitus. The current AS Merko Ehitus will
discontinue operating under the business name of Merko Ehitus. The third
supervisory board member of the New Merko will be named in the division plan
and the third supervisory board member of the current AS Merko Ehitus will be
elected at the general meeting of shareholders. The shares of the current AS
Merko Ehitus will also remain listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange. 

Division is a procedure described by the Commercial Code, where one company
company being divided) transfers a portion of its assets to a new company to
be founded (acquiring company) and the shareholders of the company being
divided will acquire a shareholding in the acquiring company. To carry out
division in the manner described above, AS Merko Ehitus will draw up a division
plan, which is to be attested by a notary. The division plan provides for the
details of the division, including the amount of share capital of the New
Merko, members of the management and supervisory board, the division and
exchange rate of the New Merko shares to be assigned to the shareholders of AS
Merko Ehitus, terms and conditions of the share assignment, rights to be vested
by the New Merko in the shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus, the list of assets to
be transferred to the New Merko along with the division of the liabilities
comprised in the assets between the parties to the division, the benefits to be
granted to the employees and members of the management and supervisory board of
the parties to the division (the key terms and conditions of the plan have been
described above). 

In the course of the division all current employment contracts with the
employees of AS Merko Ehitus will be transferred and the present terms of
employment will be maintained. All liabilities to clients will be transferred
to the New Merko that will continue supplying building services. 

In addition, the management board of AS Merko Ehitus will prepare a division
report, in which the division and division plan as well as the share exchange
ratio will be explained and justified legally and economically. The division
plan will be audited by an auditor who will prepare a written report of the
audit. AS Merko Ehitus is going to apply for an exception from the requirement
concerning the preparation of a division prospectus stipulated in the Tallinn
Stock Exchange Rules, for a listing prospectus will be prepared for listing the
shares of the New Merko (see below). 

The division plan will enter into force upon its approval by the general
meeting of the shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus. For passing the resolution, at
least two-thirds of the votes represented at the general meeting must be in
favour. One month before the general meeting, the division plan, the division
report, the auditor's report and the three preceding annual reports and
activity reports of AS Merko Ehitus will be made available to all shareholders.
At the general meeting, the management board of AS Merko Ehitus will explain
the legal and economic consequences of the division. 

The division will be completed by the making of relevant entries in the
commercial register. An application for making an entry may be filed after one
month has passed from the adoption of the division resolution. First, an entry
on the founding of the New Merko and, thereafter, an entry on the division of
AS Merko Ehitus will be made. After the last entry has been made, the separated
assets of AS Merko Ehitus will transfer to the New Merko pursuant to the
division prescribed in the division plan, and the shareholders of AS Merko
Ehitus as at a date specified earlier will become the shareholders of the New
Merko in accordance with the division plan. 

A listing prospectus will be prepared for listing of the shares on the Tallinn
Stock Exchange. The prospectus will be registered by the Financial Supervision
Authority, and the Listing and Supervision Committee of the Tallinn Stock
Exchange will make a decision on listing. Registration and listing applications
can be filed only after the division has been completed. The Financial
Supervision Authority must register the listing prospectus within 10 business
days. The Listing and Supervision Committee of the Tallinn Stock Exchange must
make a decision on listing within three months. The listing prospectus will be
published on the website of the Tallinn Stock Exchange two trading days before
commencement of trading. AS Merko Ehitus wishes to seek the prior approval of
the Financial Supervision Authority and Tallinn Stock Exchange regarding the
contents of the listing prospectus and, based on established market practice,
presumes that the listing of the shares of the New Merko will be decided on
within one week from the completion of the division. 

According to the restructuring plan, the division plan should be signed and the
division report and auditor's report should be prepared at the end of April
this year. The division plan will be submitted for approval to the annual
general meeting of AS Merko Ehitus, which should be held on 3 June 2008
according to current plans. After approval, the division will presumably enter
into force in the week starting 21st July, and according current plans the
trading in the shares of the New Merko on the Tallinn Stock Exchange should
commence in the week starting 4th August. 

The advisors of AS Merko Ehitus in the division procedure are the investment
bank GILD Bankers and Law Office Tark & Co. 

For further information, please contact:
Tõnu Toomik 
Chairman of Management Board 
+372 6 805 105

Alar Lagus
Member of the Management Board
+372 6 805 109