Market announcement

AS Ekspress Grupp


Other price sensitive information


04.04.2008 10:08:41


Reorganisation of structure


AS Ekspress Grupp reorganised the structure of the Internet businesses of the
group. Eesti Päevaleht bought out the shares of Eesti Ekspress in the joint
company OÜ Netikuulutused, which administers the job offers portal 
As a result of this transaction, Eesti Päevalehe AS is the sole owner of OÜ
Netikuulutused. The new ownership structure enables Eesti Päevaleht to speed up
the development of cooperation between the Internet and the paper version
since, due to the character of job offers at, the synergy
between the Internet and the paper versions of Eesti Päevaleht are greater. 
In March, Eesti Ekspress launched its own job offers environment, which is mainly aimed at the managers and specialists
Focused job offer portals enable to address to the target group directly.  It
is easier tocooperate with paper publications, as well as to improve marketing
activities. is visited by almost 31 000 unique users every week, and there
are permanently posted more than 1000 active job offers. Sales revenue of OÜ
Netikuulutused in 2007 was MEEK 5.7 and profit MEEK 1.8. 
Additional information:
Priit Leito, Chairman of the Board
AS Ekspress Grupp,
E-mail: Tel: +372 669 8340