Market announcement

AS Silvano Fashion Group


Other price sensitive information


06.03.2008 17:38:57


Valgevene tühistab “kuldaktsia” regulatsiooni


4. märtsil 2008. a allkirjastas Valgevene Vabariigi president määruse
„kuldaktsia” regulatsiooni tühistamise kohta. „Kuldaktsia” regulatsioon
puudutas erastatud Valgevene äriühinguid, andes Valgevene riigile eelisaktsiast
(„kuldaktsiast”) tuleneva häälteenamuse mis tahes sellises äriühingus. 

Valgevene valitsuse teatel loob „kuldaktsia” regulatsiooni tühistamine paremad
tingimused välisinvesteeringute kaasamiseks Valgevene majandusse, aitab
parandada Valgevene rahvusvahelist positsiooni ning kaitsta investorite huve. 

AS Silvano Fashion Group („SFG”) tervitab regulatsiooni tühistamist kui olulist
sammu Valgevene majanduskeskkonna parendamise suunas. SFG grupi pesutoodete
müügist 2007. aastal moodustas 73% SP ZAO Milavitsa, Valgevene pesuturu liidri,
toodete müük. 31. detsembri 2007. a seisuga oli SFG grupil Valgevenes 23

Sergei Kusonski
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700


Belarus Abolishes the “Golden Share” Legislation


On 4 March 2008, the President of the Republic of Belarus signed a decree
abolishing the “golden share” legislation, that previously applied to
privatised Belorussian companies. Under the “golden share” rules, the
Belorussian state could exercise a majority vote in any company by introducing
a preferential share. 

According to the Belorussian government, the abolishment of the rule will
contribute to more favourable conditions for direct foreign investments in the
Belarusian economy, and help Belarus improve its international standing and
safeguard the rights of investors. 

AS Silvano Fashion Group welcomes the abolishment of the controversial
legislation, which is seen as an important sign of improving business
environment in the country. SP ZAO Milavitsa, being the leader of the
Belorussian lingerie market, contributed 73% of all SFG's sales of lingerie in
2007. The Group operated 23 retail outlets in Belarus as of 31 December 2007. 

Sergei Kusonski
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +372 6 710 700