Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


06.03.2008 12:47:29


Korterimüügi blokktehing Sofias


Korterimüügi suurtehing Madridi projektis Sofias
Arco Vara tütarettevõte, arendusdivisjoni Bulgaaria üksus Arco Invest EOOD
sõlmis Sofias, Madridi arendusprojektis korterite osas eelmüügilepingu, millega
müüakse projektis blokktehinguna kliendile 45 viimistlemata korterit ja 60
parklakohta. Ostja Cleves EOOD tasub 30% tehingu väärtusest kogusummas 8,1 mEUR
(126,7 mEEK) 10 päeva jooksul ning ülejäänud summa hoone kasutusloa saamisel. 
Arco Vara arendusdivijsoni juhi Veiko Taevere sõnul näitab taoline suurtehing
selgelt Sofia kesklinna elamuarenduse potentsiaali: "Hea meel on tõdeda, et
meie pikaajalised kogemused arendustegevuses näitavad kiireid tulemusi meie
uutel turgudel. Lähtuvalt meie arendusstrateegiast, rõhume hea infrastruktuuri
ning asukohaga projektidele. Rõõm on tõdeda, et meie kvaliteeti hinnatakse",
sõnab Taevere. 
Hoonesse kogupindalaga 24 830m2 valmib 112 korterit ning esimesele kahele
korrusele äripinnad. Boulevard Residence paikneb Sofia keskuses, Madrid
Boulevardil ning hoonesse on kavandatud ka maa-alune, 164 kohaga parkimisala.
2009.aasta sügisel valmiva hoone arendajaks on Arco Vara arendusdivisjoni
Bulgaaria üksus Arco Invest EOOD ning müügitegevust koordineerib vahendusbüroo
Arco Real Estate. Projekti müügitegevus algas 2008.a. alguses ning hetkel on
broneeringutega kaetud ca 50% kogumahust. 
Lisainfo projekti kohta

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Heigo Metsoja
Investorsuhete juht
+372 6144 654


Apartment sales block deal in Sofia


Arco Invest EOOD, a subsidiary of Arco Vara, signed a block deal for the sales
of 45 unfinished apartments and 60 parking spaces in value of 8,1 mEUR (126,7
mEEK). Arco receives a down payment of 30% in 10 days, the remaining of 70%
must be paid to Arco after receiving the permit of use of the apartments. 

Head of Arco's development division Mr. Veiko Taevere says that the deal
represents great potential of city centre developments in Sofia:” It's great to
know that our long-term experience in property development create success on
foreign markets. According to our strategy, the focus is on projects in good
location with good infrastructure. The quality of the work is recognised”, says
Mr. Taevere. 

The development is in size of 24 830 m2 of construction right for 112
apartments. The ground and first floor are meant for commercial premises.
Project is located on the Madrid boulevard and has an underground parking
facilities for 164 cars. The sales of the project is organised by Arco's
service division in Bulgaria. Including the deal the bookings in the project
are ca 50% of the total volume. 

Additional information:

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Additional information:
Heigo Metsoja
+372 6144 654