Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Other price sensitive information


13.02.2008 10:45:22


Arco Vara sõlmis Bulgaarias ehituslepingu


Arco Investeeringute AS'i tütarfirma, Arco Invest EOOD, sõlmis Madrid'i
projekti II etapi  ehituslepingu ehitusfirmaga GBS-Sofia Jsc.(Glavbolgarstroy). 

Teises etapis ehitatakse kogu hoone sisemus. Lepingu maht on 48,5 mln krooni
(3,1 mln eurot). 

Madrid'i projekt soetati 02.08.2007 koos kehtestatud ehitusõigusega. Maa asub
Sofia kesklinnas ja hõlmab endas kokku 24 700 m2 elu- ja kommertspindade
arendust. Kogu projekt valmib sügisel 2009. 

Projekti visuaalid leiab manustest.

Arco Vara on Baltimaade juhtiv kinnisvaraettevõte, mis laieneb Ida-Euroopa
turgudel opereerides juba nii Ukrainas, Bulgaarias ja Rumeenias. Ettevõtte
tegevus hõlmab nii kinnisvara vahendus-, arendus- ja ehitustegevust kui ka
investeeringute juhtimist. Firmal on esindused 30 linnas ning grupis ja selle
ühisettevõtetes töötas 2007. aasta kolmanda kvartali seisuga kokku 649 inimest.
Arco Vara AS 2007. aasta 9 kuu konsolideeritud käive moodustas 687 mln krooni
(44 mln eurot), puhaskasum 264 mln krooni (17 mln eurot) ja bilansimaht 3 536
mln krooni (226 mln eurot). Arco Vara aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil. 

Heigo Metsoja
Investorsuhete juht
+372 6144 654


Arco Vara concluded a construction contract in Bulgaria


A subsidiary of Arco Investeeringute AS, Arco Invest EOOD and construction
company GBS-Sofia Jsc. (Glavbolgarstroy), concluded a construction contract for
the construction of second stage of the project “Madrid”. 

Second stage includes the interior of the building. The value of the contract
is 48,5 mln kroons (3,1 mln euros). 

The project was acquired on 02.08.2007 with construction right already in
place. The land plot is located in the city center and includes in total 24 700
m2 of residential and commercial spaces. The project is completed in the autumn
in 2009. 

Please, find the visuals of the project attached to this announcement.

Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, undergoing a CEE
expansion with  presence established in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania. The
operations involve real estate  development, brokerage, construction and
investment management arm. The company is located in 30 cities and has in total
649 employees. According to 9 months results 2007 consolidated revenues were
687 mln kroons (44 mln euros), net profit 264 mln kroons (17 mln euros) and
assets 3 536 mln kroons (226 mln euros). Arco Vara is listed on Tallinn Stock

Additional information:
Heigo Metsoja
+372 6144 654