Market announcement

Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Other price sensitive information


22.01.2008 09:31:15


OEG investeeris 22 miljonit krooni uude kasiinosse Rumeenias


Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) tütarfirma Rumeenias avas sel
nädalavahetusel Bukarestis kolmanda Olympic Casino kaubamärki kandva
kasiino, investeerides sellesse ligi 22 miljonit krooni (1,4 miljonit

Rumeenia uusim Olympic Casino kannab nime Olympic Casino Titulescu ning see
asub Bukaresti kesklinna lähedases Titulescu rajoonis. 317 ruutmeetri suurune
mängusaal on sisustatud 49 uusima tehnoloogiaga varustatud mänguautomaadiga,
samuti tegutseb kasiinos avar baariosa. 

Sel nädalavahetusel tegevust alustanud kasiino on täiesti uus Olympic Casino
poolt rajatud mängukoht Rumeenias. Ülejäänud kaks Olympic Casino kaubamärki
kandvat kasiinot on ümber ehitatud varem tegutsenud mängukohtadest. 

OEG sisenes Rumeenia hasartmänguturule 2007. aasta kevadel, omandades sealse
juhtiva kasiinooperaatori Empire International Game World ostuga kolm
mängusaali. Kaks neist on Olympic Casino kaubamärgi alla viidud, sama ootab ees
ka kasiinot “Napoleon”, mis asub Bukaresti World Trade Centre'is paiknevas
Sofiteli hotellis. 

Andri Avila
juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250


OEG invested EEK 22 million in the new casino in Romania


This weekend the Romanian subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG)
opened its third casino under the Olympic Casino brand name at an
investment of around EEK 22 million (1.4 million euros). 

The latest Olympic Casino in Romania is named Olympic Casino Titulescu and it
is located in the Titulescu district near the city centre. The gaming hall has
317 square metres of floor space and is equipped with 49 latest high-end slot
machines. There is also a spacious bar section in the casino. 

The casino that opened doors this weekend is an entirely new gaming location
founded by Olympic Casino in Romania. The other two Olympic Casinos are former
gaming locations that were refurbished and rebranded. 

OEG entered the Romanian gaming market in the spring 2007 by acquiring three
gaming locations as part of the purchase of the country's leading casino
operator Empire International Game World. Two of them have already been
rebranded as Olympic Casino. The same fate expects the third casino - Napoleon
- that is located in the Sofitel Hotel in the Bucharest World Trade Centre. 
Additional information:

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Phone + 372 667 1250