Market announcement

AS Ekspress Grupp


Other price sensitive information


28.12.2007 14:38:07


New member of management board


The supervisory board of AS Ekspress Grupp elected Kaido Ulejev as a member of
the group's management board. Kaido Ulejev has been development manager of the
Ekspress Grupp since September. Kaido Ulejev is responsible for Ekspress
Group's internet businesses. 
Members of Ekspress Grupp's management board alongside Kaido Ulejev are Priit
Leito and Anne Kallas. 
Kaido Ulejev has worked in Age Com advertising agency (1997-2000) and in
Ekspress Grupp's companies Eesti Päevaleht (1995-2007) and Eesti Ekspress
(2000-2007).  Kaido Ulejev is member of supervisory board of AS Delfi,
Ajakirjade Kirjastuse AS, UAB Ekspress Leidyba and OÜ Netikuulutused. Kaido
Ulejev owns 8471 shares of Ekspress Grupp. 
Kaido Ulejev has studied Estonian philology in the University of Tallinn and
and is currently obtaining his bachelor's degree in journalism in the Univerity
of Tartu. 

For further information please contact:
Priit Leito
Chairman of the Board of AS Ekspress Group
 telephone: +372 669 8080