Market announcement

AS Tallink Grupp


Other price sensitive information


21.12.2007 17:22:51


Aktsiate tagasiostu tehingud


05.12.2007.a. otsustas AS-i Tallink Grupp juhatus kasutada üldkoosoleku poolt
antud õigust ning käivitada aktsiate tagasiostuprogramm.  Tagasi ostetakse
maksimaalselt 7 miljoni euro (109,5 miljoni krooni) väärtuses aktsiaid kuid
mitte rohkem kui 5 817 040 aktsiat. Tagasiostu periood algas 10.12.2007. a.
ning lõpeb 17.01.2008. a. 						 

Perioodil 17.12.2007 - 21.12.2007 on toimunud järgmised aktsiate tagasiostu

Aktsia - TAL1T
|      Kuupäev      | Tagasioste |   Keskmine hind    |     Kokku maksumus     |
|                   |    tud     |    aktsia kohta    |                        |
|                   |  aktsiate  |                    |                        |
|                   |   kogus    |                    |                        |
|                   |            |  EUR  |    EEK     |    EUR    |    EEK     |
|                   |            |       |            |           |            |
|                   |            |       |            |           |            |
|    17.12.2007     |    150 000 | 1,060 |   16,58540 |   159 000 |  2 487 809 |
|    18.12.2007     |    200 000 | 1,050 |   16,42893 |   210 000 |  3 285 786 |
|    19.12.2007     |    200 000 | 1,030 |   16,11600 |   206 000 |  3 223 200 |
|    20.12.2007     |    275 000 | 1,030 |   16,11600 |   283 250 |  4 431 899 |
|    21.12.2007     |    150 000 | 1,030 |   16,11600 |   154 500 |  2 417 400 |
| Kokku perioodi    |    975 000 | 1,039 |    16,2524 | 1 012 750 | 15 846 094 |
| jooksul           |            |       |            |           |            |
| Ostetud enne      |    600 000 | 1,070 |    16,7419 |   642 000 | 10 045 117 |
| käesolevat teadet |            |       |            |           |            |
| Kokku             |  1 575 000 | 1,051 |    16,4389 | 1 654 750 | 25 891 211 |
| kumulatiivselt    |            |       |            |           |            |
| tagasiostu-       |            |       |            |           |            |
| programmi raames  |            |       |            |           |            |
Pärast nimetatud tehinguid omab AS Tallink Grupp 1 575 000 oma aktsiat, mis
moodustab kokku 0,234% aktsiakapitalist.					 

Tagasiostuprogrammi raames jääb tagasi osta veel maksimaalselt kuni 5,35
miljoni euro (83,6 miljoni krooni) väärtuses aktsiaid kuid mitte rohkem kui 
4 242 040 aktsiat.	 
Aktsiate tagasiostuprogrammi teostatakse vastavalt Euroopa Komisjoni määrusele
nr. 2273/2003, 22.12.2003, mis sätestab erandid kauplemisele oma aktsiatega 
tagasiostuprogrammide raames. Aktsiate tagasiostu täideviijaks ja korraldajaks
on Tallink nimetanud Hansapanga, kes eraldi kokkuleppe alusel teostab aktsiate
tagasiostu Tallinki nimel. Programmi täideviimisel on Hansapank
kauplemisotsuste tegemisel iseseisev järgides kehtivaid tingimusi ning
piiranguid ilma, et Tallink saaks mõjutada aktsiate ostuaega.				 

Janek Stalmeister
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel: +372 6409 800
Fax: +372 6409 810


Share buyback transactions


Acting under the granted authorization by the Shareholders General Meeting the
Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp decided on 05.12.2007 to initiate the
share buyback program. Tallink plans to buy back maximum of up to 5 817 040
shares or up to the total aggregate consideration of EUR 7 million (EEK 109.5
million). The share buyback period started on 10 December 2007 and will end on
17 January 2008.			 

During the period of 17.12.2007 - 21.12.2007 the following buyback transactions
have been made:						 

Share - TAL1T	
|       Date        | Amount of |  Average price per  |       Total Cost       |
|                   |  shares   |        share        |                        |
|                   |  bought   |                     |                        |
|                   |           |   EUR   |    EEK    |    EUR    |    EEK     |
|    17.12.2007     |   150 000 |   1,060 |  16,58540 |   159 000 |  2 487 809 |
|    18.12.2007     |   200 000 |   1,050 |  16,42893 |   210 000 |  3 285 786 |
|    19.12.2007     |   200 000 |   1,030 |  16,11600 |   206 000 |  3 223 200 |
|    20.12.2007     |   275 000 |   1,030 |  16,11600 |   283 250 |  4 431 899 |
|    21.12.2007     |   150 000 |   1,030 |  16,11600 |   154 500 |  2 417 400 |
| Total for period  |   975 000 |   1,039 |   16,2524 | 1 012 750 | 15 846 094 |
| Bought before     |   600 000 |   1,070 |   16,7419 |   642 000 | 10 045 117 |
| this notice       |           |         |           |           |            |

| Accumulated under | 1 575 000 |  1,051  |  16,4389  | 1 654 750 | 25 891 211 |
|  buyback program  |           |         |           |           |            |

After these transactions AS Tallink Grupp owns 1 575 000 own shares, which is
0,234% of the total share capital.						 

Under the share buyback program up to EUR 5,35 million (EEK 83,6 million)
remains to be used or up to 4 242 040 shares remains to be bought back.		

This share buyback program is being implemented in accordance with the
provisions of the European Commission's regulation no. 2273/2003 of December
2003, which protects listed companies against violation of insider legislation
in connection with share buybacks. Tallink has appointed Hansapank as lead
manager of the program, who under a separate agreement with Tallink will buy
back shares on behalf of Tallink. Hansapank will be independent on its trading
decisions irrespective of and without influence from Tallink as to the timing
of the purchases as well as carry out the buyback according to the regulations
and within the set framework of the programme.	 

Janek Stalmeister
Financial Director
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel: +372 6409 800
Fax: +372 6409 810