Market announcement

AS Tallink Grupp


Other price sensitive information


11.12.2007 16:13:35


Cruise 5 laenulepingu allkirjastamine


11.12.2007. a. allkirjastasid AS-i Tallink Grupp tütarettevõte Tallink High
Speed Line Limited ning Danske Bank A/S, Helsingi filiaal laenulepingu summas 
144 miljonit eurot (2253 miljonit krooni). Laenu kasutatakse Aker Yards'i
laevatehases ehitamisel oleva uue „Cruise 5” kruiisilaeva finantseerimiseks.
Laenul on Soome ekspordi- ja krediidiagentuuri „Finnvera” ning AS-i Tallink
Grupp garantii ja laenu tagatiseks on valmiv kruiisilaev. EURIBOR'il baseeruva
laenu väljamakse toimub uue laeva valmimisel ning selle üleandmisel
Tallink'ile, eeldatavasti 2009 aasta kevadel ning laenu tagasimakse lõpptähtaeg
on kaksteist aastat pärast laenu väljamakset. 

Janek Stalmeister
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel: +372 6409 800
Fax: +372 6409 810


Signing the loan agreement for Cruise 5


On 11th of December 2007 AS Tallink Grupp's subsidiary Tallink High Speed Line
Limited and Danske Bank A/S, Helsinki Branch have signed the loan agreement in
amount of EUR 144 million (EEK 2253 million). The loan will be used for
financing the new cruise ferry “Cruise 5” currently under construction in Aker 
Yards. The loan which has a Finnish Export Credit Agency “Finnvera” guarantee 
will be secured by the collateral on the new vessel and the corporate guarantee 
of AS Tallink Grupp. This EURIBOR based loan will be drawn on the delivery of 
the vessel, presumably in spring 2009 and has the final maturity of twelve years
from the drawdown. 

Janek Stalmeister
Financial Director
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel: +372 6409 800
Fax: +372 6409 810