Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


07.12.2007 15:31:43


Kohustusliku ülevõtmispakkumise tulemused


29. oktoobril 2007. a tegi Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS (edaspidi
Moontech) kohustusliku ülevõtmispakkumise kõikide AS-i Starman (edaspidi
Starman) aktsiate suhtes, mis ei kuulu Moontechile. Pakkumise periood lõppes
27. novembril 2007. a ning pakkumise käigus sõlmitud müügilepingud täideti 30.
novembril 2007. a. 

Pakkumise tulemusena omandas Moontech kokku 572 292 Starmani aktsiat, mis
moodustab 4,38% kogu Starmani aktsiakapitalist. Lisaks eeltoodule on Moontech
alates esialgse 54,04%-lise osaluse omandamisest turutehingutes omandanud kokku
878 834 Starmani aktsiat, mis on tehtud hinnaga 5,75 EUR (89,96795 EEK) aktsia

OÜ Constock (Starmani nõukogu liikme Indrek Kuivalliku poolt kontrollitav
äriühing) võttis pakkumise vastu ning müüs Moontechile pakkumise käigus 120 000
Starmani aktsiat. 

Käesoleva teate esitamise hetkel omab Moontech kokku 8 505 727 Starmani
aktsiat, mis moodustab 65,16% kogu Starmani aktsiakapitalist. 

Täiendav informatsioon:
Peeter Kern


Results of the Mandatory Take-Over Bid


On 29 October 2007 Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS (hereinafter
Moontech) made a mandatory take-over bid in respect of all shares of AS Starman
(hereinafter Starman) not owned by Moontech. The bid period lapsed on 27
November 2007 and the sale transactions executed in the course of the bid were
settled on 30 November 2007. 

As a result of the bid Moontech acquired altogether 572,292 shares of Starman,
representing 4.38% of the entire issued share capital of Starman. Further,
Moontech has purchased altogether 878,834 shares of Starman since the initial
purchase of 54.04%, representing 11.12% of the entire issued share capital of
Starman, on market transactions with the price of EUR 5.75 (EEK 89.96795). 

OÜ Constock (a company controlled by Indrek Kuivallik, a member of the
Supervisory Board of Starman) accepted the offer for and tendered 120,000
shares of Starman in the course of the bid. 

As at today Moontech owns altogether 8,505,727 shares of Starman, representing
65.16% of the entire issued share capital of Starman. 

Additional information:
Peeter Kern