Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


03.12.2007 14:30:00


9 kuu ja kolmanda kvartali tulemuste tegevusaruande parandusteade


Parandatud on tegevusaruandes finantsnäitajate koondtabelis olevaid ridasid
„s.h kinnisvarainvesteeringute ümberhindlused” ja „s.h kasum finantsvarade
võõrandamisest”. Parandused ei mõjuta käivet, kasumit ega bilanssi. Järgneb
parandatud teade: 

2007 9 kuu konsolideeritud auditeerimata tulemused

Äritulud kokku moodustasid 686.7 mln krooni (43.9 mln eurot), 76.8% enam kui    
eelmisel aastal samal perioodil 
Ärikasum tõusis 112.3 mln kroonini (7.1 mln euroni), 55.0% enam kui eelmisel    
aastal samal perioodil
Puhaskasum ulatus 264.1 mln kroonini (16.9 mln euroni), kasvades 4.8 korda      
eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes 
Omakapital moodustab 55.3 % (2006 9 kuud: 31.1 %) bilansimahust. Omakapitali    
tootlikkus oli 31.2 % (2006 9 kuud: 15.8 %) 
Investeeritud kapitali tootlikkus oli 19.4 % (2006 9 kuud 7.7 %) 
Ehituslepingute järelejäänud maht on 361 mln krooni (23.1 mln eurot) 
9 kuu jooksul müüdi või broneeriti kortereid ja krunte kokku 98 tükki.          

|                |             EEK             |              EUR              |
|                | 9    | 9    | III   | III   | 9     | 9     | III   | III   |
|                | kuud | kuud | kvart | kvart | kuud  | kuud  | kvart | kvart |
|                | 2007 | 2006 | al    | al    | 2007  | 2006  | al    | al    |
|                |      |      | 2007  | 2006  |       |       | 2007  | 2006  |
| miljonid       |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Müügitulu ja   | 686. | 388. | 199.1 | 155.7 | 43.9  | 24.8  | 12.7  | 9.9   |
| muu äritulu    | 7    | 3    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Ärikasum       | 112. | 72.5 | 24.2  | 21.1  | 7.2   | 4.6   | 1.5   | 1.3   |
|                | 3    |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| s.h neto       | 66.1 | 21.0 | 10.7  | 0     | 4.1   | 1.3   | 0.7   | 0     |
| kinnisvarainve |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| steeringute    |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ümberhindlused |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Kasum enne     | 279. | 58.6 | 42.1  | 15.4  | 17.8  | 3.7   | 2.7   | 1.0   |
| tulumaksu      | 2    |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| s.h neto kasum | 131. | 0.2  | 8.2   | 0.2   | 8.4   | 0     | 0.5   | 0     |
| finantsvarade  | 3    |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| võõrandamisest |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Puhaskasum     | 264. | 54.9 | 36.9  | 15.1  | 16.9  | 3.5   | 2.4   | 1.0   |
|                | 1    |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| EPS 1          | 3.27 | 0.80 | 0.36  | 0.22  | 0.21  | 0.05  | 0.02  | 0.01  |
| (kroonides/eur |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| odes)          |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| EPS 2          | 3.68 | 0.80 | 0.48  | 0.22  | 0.24  | 0.05  | 0.03  | 0.01  |
| (kroonides/eur |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| odes)          |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| EPS 3          | 2.69 | 0.80 | 0.36  | 0.22  | 0.17  | 0.05  | 0.02  | 0.01  |
| (kroonides/eur |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| odes)          |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Varad kokku    | 3,53 | 1,81 |       |       | 225.9 | 115.9 |       |       |
|                | 5.6  | 2.7  |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Investeeritud  | 3,23 | 1,55 |       |       | 206.5 | 99.6  |       |       |
| kapital        | 0.7  | 7.8  |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Neto laenud    | 372. | 1,05 |       |       | 27.6  | 67.2  |       |       |
|                | 4    | 2.2  |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Omakapital     | 1,95 | 564. |       |       | 125.1 | 36.1  |       |       |
|                | 7.9  | 9    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ROIC           | 19.4 | 7.7% |       |       | 19.4% | 7.7%  |       |       |
|                | %    |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ROE            | 31.2 | 15.8 |       |       | 31.2% | 15.8% |       |       |
|                | %    | %    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Töötajate arv  | 649  |      |       |       | 649   |       |       |       |

Juhatuse esimehe kommentaarid
Elamupindade müük muutus 2007. a. III kvartalis Eestis ja Lätis keerulisemaks,  
Leedus laiaulatuslikku probleemi tunda ei olnud. Tehingute mahud langevad,      
väikearendajad ei suuda arenduseks võetud laene soodsalt refinantseerida ja     
inimesed on hakanud kinnisvara ostutehinguid edasi lükkama. Arco Vara poolt     
ehitatavate elukondlike projektide realiseerimine on muutunud lühiajaliselt     
keerulisemaks, mis mõjutab Kontserni kasumit lühiajalises perspektiivis. Arco   
planeeritavad projektid Baltikumis tulevad turule alles 2 kuni 3 aasta pärast ja
nende tänane väärtus sõltub pigem inimeste maksevõimest ja nõudlusest           
pealinnades 2 aasta pärast.
Ärikinnisvara nõudlus kesklinnades pole vähenenud. Kesklinna A kategooria büroo-
ja kaubanduspindade vakantsused lähenevad nullile. Selline olukord tõstab       
Kontserni enda olemasolevate rahavoogu genereerivate projektide väärtuseid ja   
loob head eeldused Ahtri 3 ja Laeva 2 projektide ehituse alustamiseks järgmise  
12 kuu jooksul.
Kuigi Arco Vara oluliste projektide väärtus pole vähenenud ja situatsioon loob  
suurtele ja hästi kapitaliseeritud arendajatele palju võimalusi, liigub         
Kontserni fookus siiski Balkanile, kus esimese 112 korteri ehitus juba käib.    
Rõõmustab ehitusdivisjoni hea tulemus, mis näitab 2006. aastal alustatud        
saneerimise ja reorganiseerimise tulemuslikkust. 9 kuu ärikasum on paranenud pea
23.0 mln krooni võrra (1.5 mln eurot) ja saavutanud 9.9 mln krooni (0.6 mln     
euro) taseme. Kahjulikud lepingud on lõppenud ja uutes lepingutes on ehitushinna
risk tellijatega jagatud.
AVEC Asset Management AS'i poolt juhitav kinnisvarainvesteerimisettevõtte       
Explorer Property Fund - Baltic States AB viis kolmandas kvartalis lõpuni kaks  
aasta tagasi kaasatud kapitali täieliku investeerimise. Fondi maht on saavutanud
3,129 mln kroonise taseme (200 mln eurot) keskmise sisenemise tootlikkusega     
8.35%. (ingl. k. „entrance yield“)                                              

TULUD JA KASUM                                                                  
|            | EEK   |       |       |       | EUR   |       |        |        |
|            | 9     | 9     | III   | III   | 9     | 9     | III    | III    |
|            | kuud  | kuud  | kvart | kvart | kuud  | kuud  | kvarta | kvarta |
|            | 2007  | 2006  | al    | al    | 2007  | 2006  | l 2007 | l 2006 |
|            |       |       | 2007  | 2006  |       |       |        |        |
| mln        |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Müügitulu  |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| ja muu     |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| äritulu    |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Teenindus  | 96.4  | 84.9  | 25.5  | 30.5  | 6.1   | 5.4   | 1.6    | 1.9    |
| Arendus    | 493.5 | 189.4 | 111.0 | 91.2  | 31.5  | 12.1  | 7.1    | 5.8    |
| Ehitus     | 293.7 | 241.4 | 136.2 | 101.9 | 18.8  | 15.4  | 8.7    | 6.5    |
| Elimineeri | -196. | -127. | -73.6 | -67.9 | -12.6 | -8.1  | -4.7   | -4.3   |
| mised      | 9     | 5     |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Müügitulu  | 686.7 | 388.3 | 199.1 | 155.8 | 43.9  | 24.8  | 12.7   | 9.9    |
| ja muu     |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| äritulu    |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| kokku      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Ärikasum   |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Teenindus  | -11.5 | 9.6   | -4.8  | 3.9   | -0.7  | 0.6   | -0.3   | 0.2    |
| Arendus    | 145.3 | 96.3  | 30.9  | 25.5  | 9.3   | 6.1   | 1.9    | 1.6    |
| Ehitus     | 9.9   | -12.9 | 13.2  | 2.0   | 0.6   | -0.8  | 0.8    | 0.1    |
| Elimineeri | -11.3 | -6.4  | -12.2 | -6.1  | -0.7  | -0.4  | -0.8   | -0.4   |
| mised      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Jagamatud  | -20.2 | -14.0 | -2.9  | -4.2  | -1.3  | -0.6  | -0.2   | -0.3   |
| ärikulud   |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Ärikasum   | 112.3 | 72.5  | 24.1  | 21.1  | 7.2   | 4.9   | 1.5    | 1.3    |
| kokku      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Intressitu | -10.3 | -13.9 | 4.8   | -5.8  | -0.7  | -0.9  | 0.3    | -0.4   |
| lud ja     |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| intressiku |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| lud        |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Muud       | 177.1 | 0     | 13.1  | 0     | 11.3  | 0     | 0.8    | 0      |
| finantstul |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| ud ja      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| -kulud     |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Tulumaksuk | -15.1 | -3.7  | -5.2  | -0.3  | -0.9  | -0.2  | -0.3   | 0      |
| ulu        |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |
| Puhaskasum | 264.1 | 54.9  | 36.9  | 15.1  | 16.9  | 3.8   | 2.4    | 1.0    |

Kontserni põhiline käibe ja kasumi kasv tulenes arendustegevuse heast           
majandustulemusest. Realiseeriti kortereid ja kinnistuid kokku 336 mln krooni   
eest (21.5 mln eurot). Olulise osa Kontserni 9 kuu kasumist andsid              
kinnisvarainvesteeringute üleshindlused 89.0 mln krooni (5.7 mln eurot),        
finantstulu Sportings Riga SIA osade võõrandamisest summas 118.4 mln krooni (7.6
mln eurot), AVEC Asset Management AS'i finantstulud summas 42.6 mln krooni (2.7 
mln eurot) ja osaluse müük Varamaad Kinnisvara OÜ's 8.4 mln krooni (0.5 mln     
Negatiivselt mõjutasid kasumit teenindusdivisjoni konsolideeritud kahjum 7.1 mln
krooni (0.45 mln eurot) ja kinnisvarainvesteeringute allahindlused summas 22.9  
mln krooni (1.5 mln eurot). Teenindusdivisjoni kahjumit võimendas ka kiire      
laienemine, mida peame jätkuvalt oluliseks.
Samuti aitas teenindusdivisjoni kahjumi kujunemisele kaasa tehingute üldine     
vähenemine Eesti ja Läti kinnisvaraturul. Kui aasta esimese pooles kompenseeris 
tehingute langust keskmise tehinguhinna tõus, siis kolmandas kvartalis olid     
keskmised tehinguhinnad madalamad ning halvenenud turuolukorra mõju             
maaklertegevusele kahekordistus. Olukorra parandamiseks on juhtkond juba        
alustanud üldhalduskulude kokkuhoiuprogrammiga.
Ehitusdivisjon teenis kolmandas kvartalis üle ootuste hea tulemuse,             
kompenseerides seeläbi negatiivset esimest poolaastat. Põhiliseks kasumi        
allikaks on projektide tellimisraamatu (ing. k. „backlog“) struktuuri muutused- 
mitmed kahjulikud lepingud asendusid kasumlikematega.                           

Areng Leedu, Bulgaaria ja Rumeenia turul on olnud ootuspärane. Tugevat          
negatiivset mõju on avaldanud Eesti ja Läti turu passiivsus. Olukorraga         
toimetulekuks kärbib Kontsern back-office kulusid ning vähendab töötajate arvu. 
Nimetatud tegevuse  tulemusel ootame kulude kokkuhoiu efekti alles järgmise     
aasta esimeses kvartalis. Rumeenias, Bulgaarias ja Ukrainas jätkub aktiivse     
kasvu poliitika. Järgmises kvartalis turuolukorra paranemist Eesti ja Läti      
maakleri- ja hindamisturul oodata pole.
Divisjoni tulude 30%-line kasv esimesel poolaastal aeglustus 13.5%-ni 9 kuu     
arvestuses, moodustades kokku 96.4 mln krooni (6.2 mln eurot) võrreldes 85.0 mln
krooniga (5.4 mln euroga) eelmisel aastal samal perioodil. Kui 6 kuu seisuga    
saime raporteerida heast käibe kasvust, siis III kvartalis tuli vastu võtta     
15.6%-line käibe langus võrreldes II kvartaliga sellel aastal. Põhjuseks pole   
hindamisaktide arvu languses, vaid vahendustehingute keskmise väärtuse olulises 
languses III kvartali jooksul Eestis ja Lätis.
Hindamisaktide arv 9 kuu arvestuses on samuti veidi langenud, kokku 187 võrra,  
ehk -2.6% eelmise aasta sama perioodi tulemusest. Kuigi Leedu büroo näitab      
pidevat aktide arvu kasvu, siis järsk kukkumine Läti turul viib aktide kogumahu 
alla. Akte on väljastatud kuues riigis kokku 6,957 tükki (2006 9 kuud: 7,144),  
millest 53.5% on väljastatud Eestis. Endiselt käib uutel turgudel               
hindamisteenuse juurutamine, ning Baltikumis alustati uue teenusega-            
kinnisvaraalane nõustamine.
Projektimüügi lepingute maht oli 188 tükki, kasvades II kvartaliga võrreldes    
4.4%. Kokku oli vahendatavate objektide arv 12 187 tükki, kasvades kvartaliga   
16.6%. Kvartaliga on vahendatavate objektide arv Bulgaarias langenud 10%, kuid  
Baltikumi turgudel tõusnud 47.5%.
Kontserni ühisettevõte AVEC Asset Management AS'i poolt juhitavad               
kinnisvarainvesteerimisettevõtted soetasid 9 kuu jooksul Kerese Keskuse Narvas, 
3 kaubanduskeskust Jõhvis, Laracija büroomaja Leedus, Hotell Portus Tallinnas,  
AS'i Favor tootmiskompleksi Maardus, Jeruzalemes Centrs Riias ja Papiniidu      
Keskuse I osa Pärnus. Viimase soetamisega jõudis lõpuni AVEC Baltic Property    
Fund AB täielik investeerimine. Lisaks viidi III kvartalis edukalt lõpuni Arco  
Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS'i aktsiaemissioon summas 56.5 mln krooni (3.6 mln   
eurot). Tehingute tulemusena on AVEC Asset Management AS'i poolt juhitavate     
kinnisvarainvesteerimisettevõtete varade mahud jõudnud 3,442 mln kroonini (220  
mln euroni).
Võrreldes eelmise aasta 9 kuuga, on töötajate arv divisjonis tõusnud 67.1%- 346 
inimeseni. Põhiline kasvu allikas on olnud maaklerite värbamine Leedus, Ukrainas
ja Bulgaarias.
Edu Bulgaarias ei suuda hetkel elimineerida jahedat turuolukorda Baltikumis.    
Spekulatsioonid lati devalveerimisest on inimesi hirmutanud võimalikust         
majanduse stagneerumisest kogu Baltikumis ning seetõttu lükatakse               
kinnisvarasoetuseid edasi.
Divisjoni prioriteediks Baltikumi turul on juba ehitatavate projektide          
edasiarendamine ja läbi planeeringute kehtestamiste varade riskitaseme          
vähendamine.  Balkani piirkonnas juba ehitame Madrid'i projekti (112 korterit)  
Sofias ja peatselt  alustame Manastirski projektiga. Edasist maapanga loomist   
iseloomustab Balkanil suurem planeeringuriski võtmine.
Arendusdivisjoni 9 kuu käive oli 2.6 korda kõrgem ja ärikasum 1.5 korda kõrgem  
eelmise aasta samast perioodist. Käibele mõjus oluliselt Kerese Keskuse müük 106
mln krooniga (6.8 mln euroga), Ulmana Gatves maa müük 74 mln krooniga (4.7 mln  
euroga), Kolde projektis uute korterite müük ning varem sõlmitud broneeringute  
puhul asjaõiguslepingute sõlmimine 110 mln krooniga (7.0 mln euroga) ja Kase    
tänava ridaelamubokside müük 46 mln krooniga (2.9 mln euroga).
III kvartali ärikasumile avaldas positiivset mõju Kolde projekti kasum 13,3 mln 
krooniga (0,8 mln euroga), osaluse müük Varamaad Kinnisvara OÜ's 8.4 mln        
krooniga (0.5 mln euroga) ja kinnisvarainvesteeringute neto ümberhindlused 10.7 
mln krooniga (0.7 mln euroga). Negatiivset mõju avaldas divisjoni emaettevõtte  
kahjum 8.1 mln krooniga (0.5 mln eurot).
9 kuu jooksul müüdi või broneeriti kortereid ja krunte kokku 98 tükki. Hetkel   
ehitatavas etappides on müüa veel kokku 136 ühikut kortereid ja krunte. Ettevõte
ootab investeeringutega kokku 212 elamukrundiga projektidesse (Tooma, Vahi,     
Pärtli) Tallinna lähistel.
Arendusdivisjonis töötab kokku kolmanda kvartali lõpu seisuga 59 inimest, neist 
42 Eestis.
Kolmanda kvartali turusituatsioon on võrreldav II kvartali omaga. Kuigi, tööjõu 
ja materjalide kallinemine pole enam niivõrd absoluutne. Ehitustellimuste       
vähenemine elukondliku kinnisvara sektoris avaldab lähiajal survet ehitushindade
stabiliseerumisele antud valdkonnas. Äri- ja tootmishoonete ehituses veel       
tellimuste vähenemist tunda pole. Seoses Euroopa toetusfondide rahaeraldusega   
keskkonnaehituse sektorisse on lähiajal oodata sellealaste projektide kasvu     
turul. Keskkonnaehituse arendamine on juhtkonna põhiline fookus. Endiselt toimub
palju avaliku sektori poolseid tellimusi  omavalitsuste sotsiaalobjektide       
ehituses ja renoveerimises.
Ehitusdivisjoni müügikäive kasvas 21.6% ja ärikasum 176.6% võrreldes eelmise    
aasta sama perioodiga. Müügitulu moodustas  293.6 mln krooni (18.8 mln eurot) ja
ärikasum 9.9 mln krooni (0.63 mln eurot), mis on 22.9 mln krooni (1.5 mln eurot)
parem tulemus kui eelmine aasta samal perioodil. Oluline kasumi paranemine      
toimus kolmandas kvartalis, sest esimeses poolaastas lõppesid ära kaks aastat   
tagasi sõlmitud kahjulikud fikseeritud hindadega lepingud Saaremaal             
keskkonnaehituses ja kommertskinnisvara ehituses Tallinnas. Hetke turuolukord   
jätab ehitajatele võimaluse ehitushinna riske paremini jagada.
Oluliseks tehinguks 9 kuu jooksul oli 55%-lise osaluse soetamine Läti           
ehitusettevõttes Dinamo Buve SIA. Tehinguga viidi lõpuni Arco Vara Kontserni    
täieliku ärimudeli juurutamine Lätis. Konsolideerumine ehitussektoris jätkub.   
Kolmandas kvartalis olulisi ehituslepinguid juurde ei sõlmitud. Uusi lepinguid  
lisandus Eestis 34.6 mln krooni (2.2 mln euro) eest ja Lätis 20.2 mln krooni    
eest (1.3 mln euro) eest.
Ehituslepingute järelejäänud maht kolmanda kvartali lõpu seisuga on 361 mln     
krooni (23.1 mln eurot), millest suuremad lepingud on Matsalu veevärgi          
rekonstrueerimine 93.8 mln krooniga (6.0 mln euroga) ja Bišumuiša kortermajade  
ehitus 83.6 mln krooniga (5.3 mln euroga).  9 kuu kontsernisisene müügitulu     
moodustas 51.4%, III kvartali kontsernisisene müügitulu moodustas 50.8%.        
Töötajate arv divisjonis on 172, millest 50.6% töötab Lätis.
KONSOLIDEERITUD KASUMIARUANNE 9 KUUD 2007, EEK tuhandetes                       
|                             | Lis | 9 kuud  | 9 kuud  | III      | III       |
|                             | a   | 2007    | 2006    | kvartal  | kvartal   |
|                             |     |         |         | 2007     | 2006      |
| EEK tuhandetes              |     |         |         |          |           |
| Müügitulu teenuste müügist  |     | 232,434 | 234,895 |   96,813 |    93,811 |
| Müügitulu kaupade müügist   |     | 361,309 | 116,421 |   84,172 |    57,079 |
| Müügitulu kokku             |   5 | 593,743 | 351,316 |  180,985 |   150,890 |
|                             |     |         |         |          |           |
| Müüdud toodangu kulu        |     | -434,94 | -253,99 | -133,704 |  -107,305 |
|                             |     |       1 |       7 |          |           |
| Brutokasum                  |     | 158,802 |  97,319 |   47,281 |    43,585 |
|                             |     |         |         |          |           |
| Muud äritulud               |     |  92,925 |  36,986 |   18,106 |     4,873 |
| Turustuskulud               |     | -18,763 | -14,214 |   -5,888 |    -1,869 |
| Üldhalduskulud              |     | -93,886 | -45,762 |  -29,754 |   -23,921 |
| Muud ärikulud               |     | -26,760 |  -1,863 |   -5,565 |    -1,572 |
| Ärikasum                    |     | 112,318 |  72,466 |   24,180 |    21,096 |
|                             |     |         |         |          |           |
| Finants- ja                 |   6 | 198,131 |   2,935 |   25,087 |       976 |
| investeerimistegevuse tulud |     |         |         |          |           |
| Finants- ja                 |   6 | -31,229 | -16,829 |   -7,114 |    -6,690 |
| investeerimistegevuse kulud |     |         |         |          |           |
| Kasum enne tulumaksu        |     | 279,220 |  58,572 |   42,153 |    15,382 |
|                             |     |         |         |          |           |
| Tulumaksukulu               |     | -15,112 |  -3,711 |   -5,208 |      -299 |
| Puhaskasum                  |     | 264,108 |  54,861 |   36,945 |    15,083 |
| s.h vähemusosanikele kuuluv |     |   8,167 |     343 |    2,985 |       222 |
| puhaskasum                  |     |         |         |          |           |
| s.h Arco Vara AS            |     | 255,941 |  54,518 |   33,960 |    14,861 |
| aktsionäridele kuuluv       |     |         |         |          |           |
| puhaskasum                  |     |         |         |          |           |
|                             |     |         |         |          |           |
| Puhaskasum aktsia kohta     |   7 |         |         |          |           |
| (kroonides)                 |     |         |         |          |           |
|  - tava                     |     |    3.27 |    0.80 |     0,36 |      0.22 |
|  - lahustatud               |     |    3.27 |    0.80 |     0,36 |      0.22 |

KONSOLIDEERITUD KASUMIARUANNE 9 KUUD 2007, EUR tuhandetes                       
|                              | Lisa | 9 kuud |  9 kuud |      III |      III |
|                              |      |   2007 |    2006 |  kvartal |  kvartal |
|                              |      |        |         |     2007 |     2006 |
| EUR tuhandetes               |      |        |         |          |          |
| Müügitulu teenuste müügist   |      | 14,855 |  15,013 |    6,187 |    5,996 |
| Müügitulu kaupade müügist    |      | 23,092 |   7,440 |    5,380 |    3,648 |
| Müügitulu kokku              |    5 | 37,947 |  22,453 |   11,567 |    9,644 |
| Müüdud toodangu kulu         |      | -27,79 | -16,234 |   -8,545 |   -6,858 |
|                              |      |      8 |         |          |          |
| Brutokasum                   |      | 10,149 |   6,219 |    3,022 |    2,786 |
| Muud äritulud                |      |  5,939 |   2,364 |    1,157 |      311 |
| Turustuskulud                |      | -1,199 |    -908 |     -376 |     -119 |
| Üldhalduskulud               |      | -6,000 |  -2,925 |   -1,902 |   -1,529 |
| Muud ärikulud                |      | -1,709 |    -119 |     -356 |     -101 |
| Ärikasum                     |      |  7,178 |   4,631 |    1,545 |    1,348 |
| Finants- ja                  |    6 | 12,663 |     188 |    1,603 |       62 |
| investeerimistegevuse tulud  |      |        |         |          |          |
| Finants- ja                  |    6 | -1,996 |  -1,076 |     -455 |     -427 |
| investeerimistegevuse kulud  |      |        |         |          |          |
| Kasum enne tulumaksu         |      | 17,844 |   3,743 |    2,694 |      983 |
| Tulumaksukulu                |      |   -965 |    -237 |     -333 |      -19 |
| Puhaskasum                   |    7 | 16,880 |   3,506 |    2,361 |      964 |
| s.h vähemusosanikele kuuluv  |      |    522 |      22 |      190 |       14 |
| puhaskasum                   |      |        |         |          |          |
| s.h Arco Vara AS             |      | 16,358 |   3,484 |    2,170 |      950 |
| aktsionäridele kuuluv        |      |        |         |          |          |
| puhaskasum                   |      |        |         |          |          |
| Puhaskasum aktsia kohta      |      |        |         |          |          |
| (eurodes)                    |      |        |         |          |          |
| - tava                       |      |   0.24 |    0.05 |     0.02 |     0.01 |
| - lahustatud                 |      |   0.24 |    0.05 |     0.02 |     0.01 |

KONSOLIDEERITUD BILANSS, tuhandetes (EEK, EUR)                                  
|                        |      |         EEK          |          EUR          |
|                        | Lisa | 30.09.20 | 31.12.200 | 30.09.200 | 31.12.200 |
|                        |      |       07 |         6 |         7 |         6 |
| tuhandetes             |      |          |           |           |           |
| Raha ja raha           |      |  847,754 |    58,345 |    54,181 |     3,729 |
| ekvivalendid           |      |          |           |           |           |
| Lühiajalised           |      |   58,557 |         0 |     3,742 |         0 |
| finantsinvesteeringud  |      |          |           |           |           |
| Nõuded                 | 8    |  255,803 |   102,498 |    16,349 |     6,551 |
| Ettemakstud kulud      |      |   15,748 |     4,429 |     1,006 |       283 |
| Varud                  | 9    | 1,062,23 |   431,817 |    67,890 |    27,598 |
|                        |      |        1 |           |           |           |
| Bioloogilised varad    |      |    6,285 |     6,141 |       402 |       392 |
| Käibevara kokku        |      | 2,246,37 |   603,230 |   143,570 |    38,553 |
|                        |      |        8 |           |           |           |
| Nõuded                 |      |   42,386 |    10,673 |     2,709 |       682 |
| Pikaajalised           | 10   |  108,805 |    65,769 |     6,954 |     4,203 |
| investeeringud         |      |          |           |           |           |
| väärtpaberitesse       |      |          |           |           |           |
| Kinnisvarainvesteering | 11   | 1,010,33 | 1,479,281 |    64,572 |    94,543 |
| ud                     |      |        2 |           |           |           |
| Materiaalne põhivara   | 12   |  104,497 |    81,713 |     6,679 |     5,222 |
| Immateriaalne põhivara | 13   |   23,210 |    16,705 |     1,483 |     1,069 |
| Põhivara kokku         |      | 1,289,23 | 1,654,141 |    82,397 |   105,719 |
|                        |      |        0 |           |           |           |
| VARAD KOKKU            |      | 3,535,60 | 2,257,371 |   225,967 |   144,272 |
|                        |      |        8 |           |           |           |
| Laenukohustused        |      |  481,964 |   699,568 |    30,803 |    44,710 |
| Võlad                  |      |  243,880 |   249,275 |    15,587 |    15,932 |
| Ettemaksed             |      |   53,625 |    63,427 |     3,427 |     4,054 |
| Eraldised              |      |    1,384 |     1,953 |        88 |       125 |
| Lühiajalised           |      |  780,853 | 1,014,223 |    49,906 |    64,821 |
| kohustused kokku       |      |          |           |           |           |
| Laenukohustused        |      |  790,790 |   457,258 |    50,541 |    29,224 |
| Võlad                  |      |    4,380 |    41,561 |       280 |     2,657 |
| Edasilükkunud          |      |    1,368 |     1,353 |        87 |        86 |
| tulumaksukohustus      |      |          |           |           |           |
| Eraldised              |      |      261 |     1,095 |        17 |        70 |
| Pikaajalised           |      |  796,799 |   501,267 |    50,925 |    32,037 |
| kohustused kokku       |      |          |           |           |           |
| KOHUSTUSED KOKKU       |      | 1,577,65 | 1,515,490 |   100,831 |    96,857 |
|                        |      |        2 |           |           |           |
| Aktsiakapital          |      |  952,842 |   304,530 |    60,898 |    19,463 |
| Ülekurss               |      |  712,514 |   123,083 |    45,538 |     7,866 |
| Kohustuslik            |      |   20,084 |     5,486 |     1,284 |       351 |
| reservkapital          |      |          |           |           |           |
| Muud reservid          |      |     -176 |      -184 |       -12 |       -12 |
| Jaotamata kasum        |      |  247,184 |   292,002 |    15,798 |    18,663 |
| Emaettevõtte omanikele |      | 1,932,44 |   724,917 |   123,506 |    46,331 |
| kuuluv omakapital      |      |        8 |           |           |           |
| kokku                  |      |          |           |           |           |
| Vähemusosalusele       |      |   25,508 |    16,964 |     1,630 |     1,084 |
| kuuluv omakapital      |      |          |           |           |           |
| Omakapital kokku       | 14   | 1,957,95 |   741,881 |   125,136 |    47,415 |
|                        |      |        6 |           |           |           |
| KOHUSTUSED JA          |      | 3,535,60 | 2,257,371 |   225,967 |   144,272 |
| OMAKAPITAL KOKKU       |      |        8 |           |           |           |

Heigo Metsoja                                                                   
Investorsuhete juht                                                             
+372 6144 654                                                                                                        


Correction in interim unaudited operating report, 9 months 2007


The rows “including net gains on revaluation of real estate investments” and
“including net gains on divestment of financial assets” in table „Selected
Financials” have been changed. The corrections don't effect revenues, profits
or balance sheet. The corrected report follows: 

Interim unaudited report, 9 months 2007

Financial highlights 
Revenue and other income totalled 686.7 million kroons (43.9 million euros), a  
solid 76.8% increase year-on-year 
Operating profit reached 112.3 million kroons (7.1 million euros), 55.0% up     
Net profit reached 264.1 million kroons (16.9 million euros), 4.8-fold increase 

Equity to assets ratio rose to 55.3% (9 months 2006: 31.1%) and return on equity
improved to 31.2% (9 months 2006: 15.8%) 
Return on invested capital was 19.4 % (9 months 2006: 7.7%) 
Order backlog at period-end stood at 361 million kroons (23.1 million euros)
In 9 months were sold or booked apartments or land plots 98 pieces.             

|           | EEK   |       |       |       | EUR   |        |        |        |
|           | 9     | 9     | Q3    | Q3    | 9     | 9      | Q3     | Q3     |
|           | month | month | 2007  | 2006  | month | months | 2007   | 2006   |
|           | s     | s     |       |       | s     | 2006   |        |        |
|           | 2007  | 2006  |       |       | 2007  |        |        |        |
| Millions  |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Revenue   | 686.7 | 388.3 | 199.1 | 155.7 | 43.9  | 24.8   | 12.7   | 9.9    |
| and other |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| income    |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| EBIT      | 112.3 | 72.5  | 24.2  | 21.1  | 7.2   | 4.6    | 1.5    | 1.3    |
| Including | 66.1  | 21.0  | 10.7  | 0     | 4.1   | 1.3    | 0.7    | 0      |
| net gains |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on        |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| revaluati |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on of     |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| real      |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| estate    |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| investmen |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| ts        |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| EBT       | 279.2 | 58.6  | 42.1  | 15.4  | 17.8  | 3.7    | 2.7    | 1.0    |
| Including | 131.3 | 0.2   | 8.2   | 0.2   | 8.4   | 0      | 0.5    | 0      |
| net gains |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| on        |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| divestmen |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| t of      |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| financial |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| assets    |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Net       | 264.1 | 54.9  | 36.9  | 15.1  | 16.9  | 3.5    | 2.4    | 1.0    |
| profit    |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| EPS 1 (in | 3.27  | 0.80  | 0.36  | 0.22  | 0.21  | 0.05   | 0.02   | 0.01   |
| kroons/au |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| ros)      |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| EPS 2 (in | 3.68  | 0.80  | 0.48  | 0.22  | 0.24  | 0.05   | 0.03   | 0.01   |
| kroons/eu |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| ros)      |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| EPS 3 (in | 2.69  | 0.80  | 0.36  | 0.22  | 0.17  | 0.05   | 0.02   | 0.01   |
| kroons/eu |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| ros)      |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Total     | 3,535 | 1,812 |       |       | 225.9 | 115.9  |        |        |
| Assets    | .6    | .7    |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Invested  | 3,230 | 1,557 |       |       | 206.5 | 99.6   |        |        |
| Capital   | .7    | .8    |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Net Debt  | 372.4 | 1,052 |       |       | 27.6  | 67.2   |        |        |
|           |       | .2    |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| Equity    | 1,957 | 564.9 |       |       | 125.1 | 36.1   |        |        |
|           | .9    |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |
| ROIC      | 19.4% | 7.7%  |       |       | 19.4% | 7.7%   |        |        |
| ROE       | 31.2% | 15.8% |       |       | 31.2% | 15.8%  |        |        |
| Number of | 649   |       |       |       | 649   |        |        |        |
| Staff     |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |

Comments from Arco's CEO Viljar Arakas: 
In Estonia and Latvia the sales of residential properties became more           
complicated in the third quarter. In Lithuania the situation is more favourable 
compared to the rest of the Baltic region. Deal volumes have dropped, small     
players can't get refinancing on favourable terms and customers have postponed  
their purchasing decisions for a while.  This has also affected Arco's          
residential projects that are right now under construction in the Baltic's and  
continue to effect in short-term. In case of Arco, most of the residential      
pipeline in the Baltic's is planned to come to market after two to three years. 
The value of these assets depends more on the purchasing power and market       
situation in the capital cities after two years.
Demand for commercial spaces in the city centre hasn't decreased. Downtown      
A-category office- and retail vacancies are close to zero.  The situation       
increases the value of Arco's existing cash flow generating projects and creates
favourable conditions for the start of construction of Ahtri 3 and Laeva 2      
commercial projects in Tallinn in the next 12 months.
Although the value of Arco's assets haven't increased in Q3 and the situation   
favours big and well capitalised developers, the focus of the group is in the   
Balkan region, where we already started the construction of 112 apartment       
project called “Madrid”. 
We are pleased on the results of our construction division that represents the  
success of restructuring that already started in 2006. 9 month EBIT has improved
almost 23.0 million kroons (1.5 million euros) and reached a level of 9.9       
million kroons (0.6 million euros). Loss-generating contracts have expired and  
in the new ones the construction price risk is more diversified among the client
and constructor 
In Q3 the funds of Explorer Property Fund - Baltic States AB, managed by Arco's 
joint-venture with East Capital, were fully invested. It took two years of hard 
work to close the portfolio. The asset volume in total is 3,129 million kroons  
(200 million euros) and the average entrance yield is 8.35%.                    

REVENUES AND PROFIT                                                             

|           | EEK   |       |       |        | EUR    |        |       |       |
|           | 9     | 9     | Q3    | Q3     | 9      | 9      | Q3    | Q3    |
|           | month | month | 2007  | 2006   | months | months | 2007  | 2006  |
|           | s     | s     |       |        | 2007   | 2006   |       |       |
|           | 2007  | 2006  |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Millions  |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Revenues  |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| and other |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| income    |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Services  | 96.4  | 84.9  | 25.5  | 30.5   | 6.1    | 5.4    | 1.6   | 1.9   |
| Developme | 493.5 | 189.4 | 111.0 | 91.2   | 31.5   | 12.1   | 7.1   | 5.8   |
| nt        |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Construct | 293.7 | 241.4 | 136.2 | 101.9  | 18.8   | 15.4   | 8.7   | 6.5   |
| ion       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Eliminati | -196. | -127. | -73.6 | -67.9  | -12.6  | -8.1   | -4.7  | -4.3  |
| ons       | 9     | 5     |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Total     | 686.7 | 388.3 | 199.1 | 155.8  | 43.9   | 24.8   | 12.7  | 9.9   |
| revenues  |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| and other |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| income    |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| EBIT      |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Services  | -11.5 | 9.6   | -4.8  | 3.9    | -0.7   | 0.6    | -0.3  | 0.2   |
| Developme | 145.3 | 96.3  | 30.9  | 25.5   | 9.3    | 6.1    | 1.9   | 1.6   |
| nts       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Construct | 9.9   | -12.9 | 13.2  | 2.0    | 0.6    | -0.8   | 0.8   | 0.1   |
| ion       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Eliminati | -11.3 | -6.4  | -12.2 | -6.1   | -0.7   | -0.4   | -0.8  | -0.4  |
| ons       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Unallocat | -20.2 | -14.0 | -2.9  | -4.2   | -1.3   | -0.6   | -0.2  | -0.3  |
| ed        |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| expenses  |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| EBIT      | 112.3 | 72.5  | 24.1  | 21.1   | 7.2    | 4.9    | 1.5   | 1.3   |
| Total     |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
|           |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Net       | -10.3 | -13.9 | 4.8   | -5.8   | -0.7   | -0.9   | 0.3   | -0.4  |
| interests |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Other     | 177.1 | 0     | 13.1  | 0      | 11.3   | 0      | 0.8   | 0     |
| financial |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| income    |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| and       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| expenses  |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Income    | -15.1 | -3.7  | -5.2  | -0.3   | -0.9   | -0.2   | -0.3  | 0     |
| tax       |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| expense   |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |
| Net       | 264.1 | 54.9  | 36.9  | 15.1   | 16.9   | 3.8    | 2.4   | 1.0   |
| Profit    |       |       |       |        |        |        |       |       |

The Group's revenue and profit growth may be attributed to the good results of  
the development division. Revenue from the sale of apartments and property      
totalled 336 million kroons (21.5 million euros). Significant part of Group's   
profit was contributed by gains from asset revaluations in amount of 89 million 
kroons (5.7 million euros), financial income of 118.4 million kroons (7.6       
million euros) from the sale of the Group's interest in Sportings Riga SIA,     
finance income of 42.6 million kroons (2.7 million euros) generated by AVEC     
Asset Management AS and income of 8.4 million kroons (0.5 million euros) from   
the divestment of a stake in Varamaad Kinnisvara OÜ.
The Group's result of operations was adversely affected by the consolidated loss
of the Service division of 7.1 million kroons (0.45 million euros) and the      
write-down of investment properties by 22.9 million kroons (1.5 million euros). 
The adverse result was also effected by the fast expansion strategy on the new  
markets, that is considered an important goal for our service division.
The loss in service division was triggered by the drop in the number of real    
estate deals on Latvian and Estonian markets in third quarter. If in the first  
half of the year the decline in the number of transactions was countered by a   
rise in the average value of a transaction, then in the third quarter           
transaction values began dropping and the impact of the deteriorating market    
situation on brokerage activities doubled.  In order to coupe with the situation
the management has started to cut fixed costs in Latvia and Estonia.
The Construction division's third quarter results surpassed expectations,       
compensating the difficulties of the first half-year. The improvement in        
profitability may be ascribed to structural changes in the division's order     
backlog where many unfavourable contracts were replaced with more profitable    
Developments on Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Romanian markets have been according  
to our expectations. Adverse developments have taken place in Latvia and Estonia
in terms of lower amount of transactions. In order to cope with the new market  
situation management is cutting back on back-office expenses and decreases the  
number of employees. The positive result of downsizing program will effect first
quarter next year. In Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine we continue with our        
aggressive growth strategy. According to our estimates during next quarter the  
improvement of the situation on Estonian and Latvian agency and property        
valuation markets will not occur.
In the third quarter, the Service division's revenue growth decelerated from 30%
for the first half-year to 13.5% for nine months. Nine months' revenues totalled
96.4 million kroons (6.2 million euros) against 85.0 million kroons (5.4 million
euros) a year ago. If at the end of the first six months we were able to report 
strong revenue growth, the third quarter brought a 15.6% decline compared with  
the second quarter. This was not due to a decrease in the number of valuation   
reports issued but because in the third quarter the average value of a brokerage
transaction fell substantially both in Estonia and Latvia.
Compared with the first nine months of 2006 the number of valuation reports     
declined by 187, i.e. 2.6%. Although the figures posted by the Lithuanian office
have been improving steadily, the overall result was weakened by the nosedive in
the Latvian market. During the nine-month period, our appraisers issued 6,957   
valuation reports in six countries (9 months 2006: 7,144), 53.5% of them in     
Estonia. The division continued introducing valuation services in the new       
markets and launched real estate advisory services in the Baltics.
Project sales contracts totalled 188, 4.4% up on the second quarter. At period  
end, the number of properties being brokered was 12,187, a 16.6% increase on the
second quarter. In the third quarter, the number of properties being brokered in
Bulgaria dropped by 10% year-on year whereas in the Baltic market grew by 47.5%.

The success in Bulgaria is not able to eliminate the challenging times right now
in the Baltic. Speculations on the devaluation of Latvian currency have created 
fair of economical stagnation in all the Baltic states and this in turn makes   
people to wait for a while before purchasing a new apartment.
The priority in the Baltic is to finish current phases in on-going projects and 
through zoning process decrease the risk level of major assets.  In the Balkan  
we have already started the construction of “Madrid” project (112 apartments) in
Sofia and soon will also start to construct “Manastirski” project. Expansion    
strategy from now on in the region foresees bearing more zoning risks.
The nine-month sales and operating profit of the Development division grew      
2.6-fold and 1.5-fold on the same period in 2006 respectively. Strong sales     
results were supported by the sale of Kerese Keskus for 106 million kroons (6.8 
million euros) and the Ulmana Gatves property for 74 million kroons (4.7 million
euros). The sale of apartments and conclusion of real right contracts in Kolde  
residential project contributed 110 million kroons (7.0 million euros) and the  
sale of terraced houses in Kase street generated a further 46 million kroons    
(2.9 million euros).
Operating profit for the third quarter was enhanced by sales gains of 13.3      
million kroons (0.8 million euros) yielded by Kolde project, the divestment of a
stake in Varamaad Kinnisvara OÜ for 8.4 million kroons (0.5 million euros) and  
net revaluation gains of 10.7 million kroons (0.7 million kroons), and weakened 
by a loss of 8.1 million kroons (0.5 million euros) incurred by the division's  
parent company.
During the first nine months of 2007, 98 apartments were sold or reserved. In   
the current stages of the projects, 136 units remain to be sold. For a while    
company holds back the investments in three residential land plot projects      
(Tooma, Vahi, Pärtli) near Tallinn consisting of the development of 212 land    
At the end of the third quarter, the Development division employed 59 people    
including 42 in Estonia.
The market situation in third quarter is comparable to second quarter. Although,
the increase  of labour and raw material costs are not so absolute any more. The
prices of residential property should stabilise in the near future owing to     
shrinking demand and stiff competition. Demand for business and production      
premises has not yet subsided. In connection with allocations made from the EU  
structural funds, the state is going to arrange several public procurement      
tenders for environmental engineering projects. Development of environmental    
engineering competencies and capacities is the main focus of the management. The
number of public procurement tenders for the construction and rehabilitation of 
buildings belonging to local government remains large as well.
Compared to the same period last year 9 month revenues of the division increased
21.6% and EBIT 176.6%. Revenues were 293.6 million kroons (18.8 million euros)  
and EBIT 9.9 mln kroons (0,63 million euros), which is 22.9 million kroons (1.5 
million euros) better result than last year in the same period. Significant     
profit growth was achieved in the third quarter when a number of unfavourable   
fixed-price environmental engineering contracts in Saaremaa and commercial      
construction contracts in Tallinn had expired (the contracts were concluded two 
years ago). The current market situation provides better opportunities for      
sharing the price risk.
A major transaction of the nine-month period was the acquisition of a 55% stake 
in the Latvian construction company Dinamo Buve SIA which completed the         
implementation of the Group's full business model in Latvia.
In the third quarter, no significant construction contracts were acquired. The  
contracts acquired in Estonia totalled 34.6 million kroons (2.2 million euros)  
and the ones acquired in Latvia amounted to 20.2 million kroons (1.3 million    
At the end of September, the division's order backlog was 361 million kroons    
(23.1 million euros). The largest contracts comprised the rehabilitation of     
Matsalu water and wastewater systems of 93.8 million kroons (6.0 million euros) 
and the construction of the Bishumuizhas apartment houses of 83.6 million kroons
(5.3 million euros). Intra-group sales for nine months and the third quarter    
accounted for 51.4% and 50.8% of the division's sales respectively. At the end  
of September, the Construction division employed 172 people, including 50.6% in 
CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED INCOME STATEMENT 9 months 2007, thousands of kroons      
|             | Note       | 9 months   | 9 months   | Q3 2007    | Q3 2006    |
|             |            | 2007       | 2006       |            |            |
| In          |            |            |            |            |            |
| thousands   |            |            |            |            |            |
| of kroons   |            |            |            |            |            |
| Rendering   |            | 232,434    | 234,895    | 96,813     | 93,811     |
| of services |            |            |            |            |            |
| Sale of     |            | 361,309    | 116,421    | 84,172     | 57,079     |
| goods       |            |            |            |            |            |
| Total       | 5          | 593,743    | 351,316    | 180,985    | 150,890    |
| revenue     |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Cost of     |            | -434,941   | -253,997   | -133,704   | -107,305   |
| sales       |            |            |            |            |            |
| Gross       |            | 158,802    | 97,319     | 47,281     | 43,585     |
| profit      |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Other       |            | 92,925     | 36,986     | 18,106     | 4,873      |
| income      |            |            |            |            |            |
| Selling and |            | -18,763    | -14,214    | -5,888     | -1,869     |
| distributio |            |            |            |            |            |
| n costs     |            |            |            |            |            |
| Administrat |            | -93,886    | -45,762    | -29,754    | -23,921    |
| ive         |            |            |            |            |            |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Other       |            | -26,760    | -1,863     | -5,565     | -1,572     |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Operating   |            | 112,318    | 72,466     | 24,180     | 21,096     |
| profit      |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Finance     | 6          | 198,131    | 2,935      | 25,087     | 976        |
| income      |            |            |            |            |            |
| Finance     | 6          | -31,229    | -16,829    | -7,114     | -6,690     |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Profit      |            | 279,220    | 58,572     | 42,153     | 15,382     |
| before tax  |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Income tax  |            | -15,112    | -3,711     | -5,208     | -299       |
| expense     |            |            |            |            |            |
| Profit for  |            | 264,108    | 54,861     | 36,945     | 15,083     |
| the period  |            |            |            |            |            |
| Attributabl |            | 8,167      | 343        | 2,985      | 222        |
| e to        |            |            |            |            |            |
| minority    |            |            |            |            |            |
| interests   |            |            |            |            |            |
| Attributabl |            | 255,941    | 54,518     | 33,960     | 14,861     |
| e to equity |            |            |            |            |            |
| holders of  |            |            |            |            |            |
| the parent  |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Earnings    | 7          |            |            |            |            |
| per share   |            |            |            |            |            |
| (in kroons) |            |            |            |            |            |
|  - Basic    |            | 3.27       | 0.80       | 0,36       | 0.22       |
|  - Diluted  |            | 3.27       | 0.80       | 0,36       | 0.22       |

CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED INCOME STATEMENT 9 months 2007, thousands of euros       
|             | Note       | 9 months   | 9 months   | Q3 2007    | Q3 2006    |
|             |            | 2007       | 2006       |            |            |
| In          |            |            |            |            |            |
| thousands   |            |            |            |            |            |
| of euros    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Rendering   |            | 14,855     | 15,013     | 6,187      | 5,996      |
| of services |            |            |            |            |            |
| Sale of     |            | 23,092     | 7,440      | 5,380      | 3,648      |
| goods       |            |            |            |            |            |
| Total       | 5          | 37,947     | 22,453     | 11,567     | 9,644      |
| revenue     |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Cost of     |            | -27,798    | -16,234    | -8,545     | -6,858     |
| sales       |            |            |            |            |            |
| Gross       |            | 10,149     | 6,219      | 3,022      | 2,786      |
| profit      |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Other       |            | 5,939      | 2,364      | 1,157      | 311        |
| income      |            |            |            |            |            |
| Selling and |            | -1,199     | -908       | -376       | -119       |
| distributio |            |            |            |            |            |
| n costs     |            |            |            |            |            |
| Administrat |            | -6,000     | -2,925     | -1,902     | -1,529     |
| ive         |            |            |            |            |            |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Other       |            | -1,709     | -119       | -356       | -101       |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Operating   |            | 7,178      | 4,631      | 1,545      | 1,348      |
| profit      |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Finance     | 6          | 12,663     | 188        | 1,603      | 62         |
| income      |            |            |            |            |            |
| Finance     | 6          | -1,996     | -1,076     | -455       | -427       |
| expenses    |            |            |            |            |            |
| Profit      |            | 17,844     | 3,743      | 2,694      | 983        |
| before tax  |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Income tax  |            | -965       | -237       | -333       | -19        |
| expense     |            |            |            |            |            |
| Profit for  |            | 16,880     | 3,506      | 2,361      | 964        |
| the period  |            |            |            |            |            |
| Attributabl |            | 522        | 22         | 190        | 14         |
| e to        |            |            |            |            |            |
| minority    |            |            |            |            |            |
| interests   |            |            |            |            |            |
| Attributabl |            | 16,358     | 3,484      | 2,170      | 950        |
| e to equity |            |            |            |            |            |
| holders of  |            |            |            |            |            |
| the parent  |            |            |            |            |            |
|             |            |            |            |            |            |
| Earnings    |            |            |            |            |            |
| per share   |            |            |            |            |            |
| (in kroons) |            |            |            |            |            |
|  - Basic    |            | 0.24       | 0.05       | 0.02       | 0.01       |
|  - Diluted  |            | 0.24       | 0.05       | 0.02       | 0.01       |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET, 9 months 2007 (EEK, EUR)                            
|            |            | EEK        |            | EUR        |             |
|            | Note       | 30.09.2007 | 31.12.2006 | 30.09.2007 | 31.12.2006  |
| In         |            |            |            |            |             |
| thousands  |            |            |            |            |             |
| Cash and   |            | 847,754    | 58,345     | 54,181     | 3,729       |
| cash       |            |            |            |            |             |
| equivalent |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Financial  |            | 58,557     | 0          | 3,742      | 0           |
| assets     |            |            |            |            |             |
| held for   |            |            |            |            |             |
| trading    |            |            |            |            |             |
| Trade and  | 8          | 255,803    | 102,498    | 16,349     | 6,551       |
| other      |            |            |            |            |             |
| receivable |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Prepayment |            | 15,748     | 4,429      | 1,006      | 283         |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Inventorie | 9          | 1,062,231  | 431,817    | 67,890     | 27,598      |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Biological |            | 6,285      | 6,141      | 402        | 392         |
| assets     |            |            |            |            |             |
| Total      |            | 2,246,378  | 603,230    | 143,570    | 38,553      |
| current    |            |            |            |            |             |
| assets     |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| Long-term  |            | 42,386     | 10,673     | 2,709      | 682         |
| receivable |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Long-term  | 10         | 108,805    | 65,769     | 6,954      | 4,203       |
| investment |            |            |            |            |             |
| s in       |            |            |            |            |             |
| financial  |            |            |            |            |             |
| assets     |            |            |            |            |             |
| Investment | 11         | 1,010,332  | 1,479,281  | 64,572     | 94,543      |
| property   |            |            |            |            |             |
| Property,  | 12         | 104,497    | 81,713     | 6,679      | 5,222       |
| plant and  |            |            |            |            |             |
| equipment  |            |            |            |            |             |
| Intangible | 13         | 23,210     | 16,705     | 1,483      | 1,069       |
| assets     |            |            |            |            |             |
| Total      |            | 1,289,230  | 1,654,141  | 82,397     | 105,719     |
| non-curren |            |            |            |            |             |
| t assets   |            |            |            |            |             |
| TOTAL      |            | 3,535,608  | 2,257,371  | 225,967    | 144,272     |
| ASSETS     |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| Interest-b |            | 481,964    | 699,568    | 30,803     | 44,710      |
| earing     |            |            |            |            |             |
| loans and  |            |            |            |            |             |
| borrowings |            |            |            |            |             |
| Payables   |            | 243,880    | 249,275    | 15,587     | 15,932      |
| Advances   |            | 53,625     | 63,427     | 3,427      | 4,054       |
| received   |            |            |            |            |             |
| Provisions |            | 1,384      | 1,953      | 88         | 125         |
| Total      |            | 780,853    | 1,014,223  | 49,906     | 64,821      |
| current    |            |            |            |            |             |
| liabilitie |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| Interest-b |            | 790,790    | 457,258    | 50,541     | 29,224      |
| earing     |            |            |            |            |             |
| loans and  |            |            |            |            |             |
| borrowings |            |            |            |            |             |
| Long-term  |            | 4,380      | 41,561     | 280        | 2,657       |
| payables   |            |            |            |            |             |
| Deferred   |            | 1,368      | 1,353      | 87         | 86          |
| income tax |            |            |            |            |             |
| liabilitie |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| Provisions |            | 261        | 1,095      | 17         | 70          |
| Total      |            | 796,799    | 501,267    | 50,925     | 32,037      |
| non-curren |            |            |            |            |             |
| t          |            |            |            |            |             |
| liabilitie |            |            |            |            |             |
| s          |            |            |            |            |             |
| TOTAL      |            | 1,577,652  | 1,515,490  | 100,831    | 96,857      |
| LIABILITIE |            |            |            |            |             |
| S          |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| Share      |            | 952,842    | 304,530    | 60,898     | 19,463      |
| capital    |            |            |            |            |             |
| Share      |            | 712,514    | 123,083    | 45,538     | 7,866       |
| premium    |            |            |            |            |             |
| Statutory  |            | 20,084     | 5,486      | 1,284      | 351         |
| capital    |            |            |            |            |             |
| reserve    |            |            |            |            |             |
| Other      |            | -176       | -184       | -12        | -12         |
| reserves   |            |            |            |            |             |
| Retained   |            | 247,184    | 292,002    | 15,798     | 18,663      |
| earnings   |            |            |            |            |             |
| Total      |            | 1,932,448  | 724,917    | 123,506    | 46,331      |
| equity     |            |            |            |            |             |
| attributab |            |            |            |            |             |
| le to      |            |            |            |            |             |
| equity     |            |            |            |            |             |
| holders of |            |            |            |            |             |
| the parent |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| Minority   |            | 25,508     | 16,964     | 1,630      | 1,084       |
| interests  |            |            |            |            |             |
| Total      | 14         | 1,957,956  | 741,881    | 125,136    | 47,415      |
| equity     |            |            |            |            |             |
|            |            |            |            |            |             |
| TOTAL      |            | 3,535,608  | 2,257,371  | 225,967    | 144,272     |
| LIABILITIE |            |            |            |            |             |
| S AND      |            |            |            |            |             |
| EQUITY     |            |            |            |            |             |

Additional information:                                                         
Heigo Metsoja                                                                   
Investor Relations Manager                                                      
+372 6144 654