Market announcement



Other price sensitive information


29.11.2007 14:41:46


Olulise osaluse muutus


Seisuga 27.11.2007 a. on AS-i Kalev aktsionäride struktuuris toimunud oluline

AS Rubla teatas 29. novembril, et on suurendanud oma osalust AS-is Kalev
10,9604 %-ni. 27.11.2007 a. seisuga kuulub AS-ile Rubla 2 590 211 AS-i Kalev

Samal ajal teatas AS Mailtec, et ta võõrandas 27. novembril 2 418 801 AS-i
Kalev aktsiat. Enne võõrandamist omas AS Mailtec 10,2351% AS-i Kalev
aktsiatest, pärast võõrandamist ei ole võõrandaja AS-i Kalev aktsionär. 

Allan Viirma
Õigusteeninduse juht
616 1916


Change in qualifying holding


Significant changes occurred in the structure of the shareholders of AS Kalev
on 27 November 2007. 

On 29 November 2007, AS Rubla announced the increase of the share in AS Kalev
to 10.9604%. As of 27 November 2007, AS Rubla holds 2,590,211 shares of AS
On 29 November 2007, AS Mailtec informed the issuer of the
transfer of 2,418,801 shares of AS Kalev on 27 November 2007. Prior to the
transfer, AS Mailtec held 10.2351% of the shares of AS Kalev. After the
transfer, the transferor is no longer a shareholder in AS Kalev. 

Allan Viirma
Head of Legal Service
616 1916