Market announcement


Muudatused AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogus


23. novembril 2007 toimunud ASi Tallinna Vesi aktsionäride erakorralisel        
üldkoosolekul valiti ettevõtte nõukogusse Valdur Laid, Rein Ratas ja Mart Mägi. 

Ettevõtte nõukogusse valiti tagasi uueks kahe-aastaseks perioodiks Valdur Laid  
ja Rein Ratas, kelle volitused lõppesid 22. novembril 2007.                     

Ettevõtte nõukogu sõltumatuks liikmeks valiti Mart Mägi, kes vahetab välja Helo 
Meigase. Mart Mägi töötab Hansa Liising Eesti AS juhatuse esimehena.            

Eteri Harring                                                                   
Rahandus- ja investorsuhete juht                                                
Tel 62 62 225                                                          


Valdur Laid, Rein Ratas and Mart Mägi were elected to the Supervisory Council of ASTV


Valdur Laid, Rein Ratas and Mart Mägi were elected to the Supervisory Council of
the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of AS      
Tallinna Vesi on 23 November 2007.                                              

Valdur Laid and Rein Ratas, whose mandate expired on 22 November 2007, were     
re-elected to the Supervisory Council of the Company for a period of two years. 

Mart Mägi was elected as an independent member of the Supervisory Council of the
Company and he will be replacing Helo Meigas. Mart Mägi is the Chairman of the  
Management Board of Hansa Liising Eesti AS.                                     

Additional information:                                                         
Eteri Harring                                                                   
Head of Treasury and Investor Relations                                         
Phone 62 62 225