Market announcement

Q Vara


Other price sensitive information


09.11.2007 12:00:00


Sofia projekti viimase osa ostu-müügi lepingu sõlmimine


5. novembril 2007 sõlmis Q Vara AS Sofia projekti viimase osa ostu-müügi
lepingu, mille kohaselt müüs Q Vara oma 20% suuruse osaluse Bulgaaria
ettevõttes EOOD Q Delta AS-le GILD Arbitrage. Osade müügihind oli kokku 2 000
000 eurot. 

Kokku laekus Sofia projekti müügi tulemusena laenu tagastustest ja osade
müügist 5 937 278 miljonit eurot. Laekunud vahendeid kasutatakse GILD
Arbitrage'ilt võetud laenude tagastamiseks ja üldkulude ning Silukalni ja
Terminal no 11 projekti omafinantseeringu katmiseks. 

Meelis Šokman
Juhatuse esimees
AS Q Vara
Tel: 668 1600


Signing the sales-purchase agreement of the final part of Sofia project


On November 5, 2007 Q Vara AS signed a sales-purchase agreement with AS GILD
Arbitrage on selling the remaining 20% share of its Bulgarian subsidiary EOOD Q
Delta. The sales price of the shares is 2 000 000 euro. 

As loan repayments and proceeds from the sale of shares Q Vara received
altogether 5 937 278 from the Sofia project sales transaction. The proceeds
will be used for repaying loans to AS GILD Arbitrage, Silukalni and Terminal no
11 projects' own financing and covering general expenses. 

Additional information:
Meelis Šokman
Chairman of the management board
Q Vara AS
Phone: 668 1600