Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


30.08.2024 08:15:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 31.07.2024


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) oli juuli lõpus 10,65 eurot,
kasvades  kuuga  0,2%. Kui  fondi  investeeringut  EfTEN  Real  Estate Fund AS-i
aktsiatesse  kajastada selle  puhasväärtuse alusel,  oleks EfTEN United Property
Fund'i NAV 10,75 eurot, kasvades kuuga 0,4%.

Fondi  Uus-Järveküla  elurajooni  arendusinvesteeringus  sõlmiti  kolmanda etapi
ehitusleping,  mis  hõlmab  17 ridamaja  boksi  ehitamist.  Etapi  ehitustööd on
planeeritud  valmima  2025. aasta  suvel  ning  tööde ehitushinnaks kujuneb ilma
käibemaksuta  ligikaudu  1 500 eurot  müüdava  ruutmeetri  kohta. Kolmanda etapi
valmimisel   on  kogu  Uus-Järveküla  elurajoonist  ehitatud  üle  80% lõplikust

Augusti  lõpus  tegi  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund  oma  tegutsemisaja  suurima
investeeringu  - investeerides  pea 4,8 miljonit  eurot usaldusfondi  EfTEN Real
Estate   Fund  5. Viimane  omandas  Vilniuses  aadressil  Dangeru?io  1 värskelt
valminud  enam kui  16 000 ruutmeetri suuruse  UNA kaubanduspargi (kinnistu koos
kaubanduskeskuse  hoonega).  Tehingu  järgselt  on  EfTEN United Property Fund'i
varadest investeeritud ligikaudu 90%.

Kuna  augusti lõpu  seisuga on  EfTEN United  Property Fund valdava osa vabadest
vahenditest   ära   investeerinud,   avaldab  fond  alates  käesolevast  teatest
konsolideeritud igakuist finantsaruannet (faktileht).

Täpsem  ülevaade  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund'i  portfellist  on  leitav fondi

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.07.2024


The  net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.65 euros at
the  end of July, increasing by 0.2% over the month. If the fund's investment in
the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares is reflected on the basis of its net value,
the NAV of EfTEN United Property Fund would be 10.75 euros, increasing by 0,4%.

In  the  fund's  development  investment  of  Uus-Järveküla  residential area, a
construction contract for the third stage development was signed, which includes
the  construction of  17 terraced houses.  The construction  works of  the third
stage  are planned to be  completed in the summer  of 2025, and the construction
price will be approximately 1,500 euros (excl VAT) per sellable square meter. At
the completion of the third stage, more than 80% of the final development volume
of the entire residential area of ??Uus-Järveküla has been built.

At  the  end  of  August,  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund made the so far largest
investment  - investing almost  4.8 million euros in  the EfTEN Real Estate Fund
5. The  latter acquired  the newly  completed UNA  shopping park  (property with
retail  centre  building)  of  more  than  16,000 square  meters  in  Vilnius at
Dangeru?io  1. Following  the  transaction,  approximately  90% of  EfTEN United
Property Fund's assets have been invested.

Since  the EfTEN United Property Fund is as  of the end of August close to fully
invested,   the   fund   publishes   monthly  financial  factsheet  as  of  this

A  more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found
on the fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (