Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Notifications of major holdings


29.08.2024 07:59:00


EfTEN United Property Fund investeeris 4,78 miljonit eurot usaldusfondi EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5


EfTEN   United   Property  Fund  investeeris  4,78 miljonit  eurot  kutselistele
investoritele  suunatud usaldusfondi  EfTEN Real  Estate Fund 5. Viimane omandas
Vilniuses  aadressil Dangeru?io 1 värskelt valminud UNA kaubanduspargi (kinnistu
koos kaubanduskeskuse hoonega). Keskuse ankurrentnikud on Kesko Senukai ja Rimi.

UNA kaubanduspark asub kiiresti kasvavas Vilniuse äärelinnas. Selle näol on tegu
kaasaegse ühel tasapinnal paikneva enam kui 16 000 ruutmeetri suuruse keskusega,
kus  enamikel rentnikel on eraldi sissepääsud,  mis avanevad keskuse ees asuvale
suurele hooviala. Selline lahendus loob võimaluse paindlikuks äritegevuseks, kus
iga  üürnik saab  ise otsustada,  millistel kellaaegadel  oma äri avatuna hoida.
Hooviala  võimaldab  erinevate  kogukonnaüritusete,  nagu  laadad, festivalid ja
kontserdid,   korraldamist.  Ühtlasi  arvestab  keskuse  selline  ülesehitus  ka
koroonaviirusest   saadud  õppetunde,  kus  erineva  suunitlusega  ettevõtlusele
kehtisid sageli erinevad tegevuspiirangud.

Tehingu   järgselt  on  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund'i  varadest  investeeritud
ligikaudu  90%. Kuna EfTEN United Property  Fund'i jaoks on tegu investeeringuga
EfTEN Capital AS-i poolt valitsetavasse teise fondi, siis vastavalt EfTEN United
Property  Fund  tingimustele,  investeeringu  pealt  EfTEN  United Property Fund
valitsemistasu ei võta.

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


EfTEN United Property Fund invested 4.78 million euros in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5


EfTEN United Property Fund invested 4.78 million euros in EfTEN Real Estate Fund
5 aimed  at institutional investors. The latter acquired the newly completed UNA
retail  park at Dangeru?io 1 in Vilnius  (property with retail centre building).
The center's anchor tenants are Kesko Senukai and Rimi.

The  UNA retail park is located in a  rapidly growing suburb of Vilnius. It is a
modern  one-story center of  over 16,000 square meters,  where most tenants have
separate entrances that open onto a large courtyard area in front of the center.
Such  a solution creates an opportunity  for flexible business operations, where
each  tenant can decide for himself at what hours to keep his business open. The
courtyard  area enables  the organization  of various  community events  such as
fairs,  festivals and concerts.  At the same  time, the structure  of the center
also  takes into account the lessons  learned from the COVID, where restrictions
were often differentiated across businesses.

After  the transaction ca 90% of the EfTEN  United Property Fund is invested. As
the  investment is to  another fund managed  by the EfTEN  Capital AS, the EfTEN
United  Property Fund does not charge a management fee on the investment in line
with its fund terms and conditions.

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (