Market announcement

Liven AS


Other corporate action


21.08.2024 16:00:00


Muudatused Liven AS tütarettevõtete juhatuses


19. augustil 2024 otsustas Liven AS (Selts) tütarettevõtete Liven Kodu 16 OÜ
(Iseära arendusprojekt Harkujärve külas) ja Liven Kodu 21 OÜ (Virmalise 3
arendusprojekt) ainuosanikuna määrata ettevõtete uueks juhatuse liikmeks Seltsi
arendusjuht Madis Gilden. Madis Gildeni juhatuse liikme volitused on tähtajatud
ning algavad registreerimisest äriregistris.

Liven Kodu 16 OÜ ja Liven Kodu 21 OÜ juhatused jätkavad neljaliikmelistena:
Andero Laur, Andres Aavik, Mihkel Simson ja Madis Gilden.

Viimase kolme aasta jooksul on Madis Gilden Seltsi arendusjuhina juhtinud
erinevaid arendusprojekte ning ta on samuti juhatuse liige Seltsi
tütarettevõtetes Liven Kodu 10 (Kadaka tee 88 arendusprojekt), Liven Kodu 12 OÜ
(Luuslangi arendusprojekt), Liven Kodu 17 OÜ (Juhkentali 48 arendusprojekt) ja
Liven Kodu 20 OÜ (Regati arendusprojekt).

Joonas Joost
Liven AS finantsjuht


Changes in the Management Boards of Liven AS subsidiaries


On 19 August 2024, Liven AS (the Company), as the sole owner of the subsidiaries
Liven Kodu 16 OÜ (Iseära development project in the village of Harkujärve) and
Liven Kodu 21 OÜ (Virmalise 3 development project), decided to appoint the
Company's development manager, Madis Gilden, as a new member of the management
boards of the companies. The term of office of Madis Gilden is for an indefinite
period of time and will commence upon registration in the Commercial Register.

The management boards of Liven Kodu 16 OÜ and Liven Kodu 21 OÜ will continue to
be composed of four members: Andero Laur, Andres Aavik, Mihkel Simson and Madis

In the last three years, Madis Gilden has managed various development projects
in his capacity as the Company's development manager and is also a member of the
management boards of Company's subsidiaries Liven Kodu 10 (Kadaka tee 88
development project), Liven Kodu 12 OÜ (Luuslangi development project), Liven
Kodu 17 OÜ (Juhkentali 48 development project) and Liven Kodu 20 OÜ (Regati
development project).

Joonas Joost
Liven AS CFO