Market announcement

Bigbank AS


Other corporate action


14.08.2024 16:24:02


Teade muudatustest Bigbanki põhikirjas


Bigbank   AS   esitas  aktsionäride  üldkoosolekule  ettepaneku  muuta  Bigbanki
põhikirjas järgmist:

  * Tuua krediidikomitee moodustamise õigus nõukogu tasemelt juhatuse tasemele,
    kooskõlas nõukogu poolt kinnitatud tegevuspõhimõtetega.
  * Täpsustada sätteid seoses krediidikomitee, siseauditi üksuse ja
    auditikomiteega ning eemaldatakse põhikirja tekstis esinevaid sisulisi

Finantsinspektsioon   väljastas   Bigbankile   nõusoleku   põhikirja  muudatuste
kinnitamiseks 13. augustil 2024.

Bigbank AS ( on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2,5 miljardit eurot.

Martin Länts
Juhatuse esimees
E-mail: (


Notice of Amendment to Bigbank Articles of Association


Bigbank  AS submitted  the proposal  to the  general meeting  of shareholders to
amend the Bigbank Articles of Association as follows:

  * Transfer the authority to establish the credit committee from the
    supervisory board to the management board, in accordance with principles
    approved by the supervisory board.
  * Specify provisions regarding the credit committee, internal audit unit, and
    audit committee, and remove substantive redundancies present in the Articles
    of Association.

The Financial Supervisory Authority issued its approval for the confirmation of
the Articles of Association amendments to Bigbank on the 13(th) of August 2024.

Bigbank AS ( is based on Estonian capital and focuses on loans
and deposits for private and corporate customers. In addition to its activities
in Estonia, Bigbank has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria and also offers its products as a cross-border service in Austria,
Germany and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total balance sheet exceeds 2.5 billion

Martin Länts
Chairman of the Management Board
E-mail: ( (