Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


31.05.2024 08:05:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 30.04.2024


EfTEN  United Property  Fund osaku  puhasväärtus (NAV)  oli aprilli lõpus 10,70
eurot,  kasvades  kuuga  0,9%. NAVi  hüppeline  tõus  oli seotud investeeringuga
börsil  noteeritud fondi EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS, mille aktsia sulgus Tallinna
väärtpaberiturul   4% võrra  kõrgemal  tasemel  kui  kuu  tagasi.  Fondi  börsil
noteerimata investeeringute tootlus oli aprillis keskmiselt 0,4%.

Mais  investeeris EfTEN United Property  Fund 255 tuhat eurot usaldusfondi EfTEN
Residential  Fund, mis  investeeriti 145 korteriga  üürimaja ehituse lõpetamisse
Vilniuses.  See oli fondi viimane  investeering üürikorterite segmenti. Vilniuse
üürimaja  valmimine on  planeeritud eelolevasse  suvesse, mille  järgselt hakkab
hoone fondile rahavoogu tootma.

EfTEN  United Property  Fundi Uus-Järveküla  arendusinvesteeringus oli  mai läbi
ajaloo  edukaim  müügikuu.  Klientidega  sõlmiti  10 uut müügilepingut. Kokku on
käesoleva  aasta esimese viie kuuga sõlmitud 25 uut müügilepingut, mis moodustab
hinnanguliselt    10%-15% kogu    Harjumaa    vastava    perioodi   uusarenduste
müügitehingutest.  Mai  lõpus  lisandus  Uus-Järveküla  elurajoonis müüki 12 uut
ridamaja  osa.  Kokku  moodustavad  juba  müüdud  või  müügis  olevad majad 70%
elurajooni lõplikust mahust.

Täpsem   ülevaade  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund  portfellist  on  leitav  fondi

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.04.2024


The  net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.70 euros at
the end of April, increasing by 0.9% over the month. The jump in NAV was related
to  the investment of  the listed fund  EfTEN Real Estate  Fund AS, whose shares
closed  on the Tallinn stock exchange at  4% higher than a month ago. The fund's
return on unlisted investments was on average 0,4% in April.

In  May, EfTEN  United Property  Fund invested  255 thousand euros  in the EfTEN
Residential  Fund, which was used to complete the construction of a rental house
with  145 apartments  in  Vilnius.  This  was  the fund's last investment in the
rental apartments segment. The completion of the Vilnius rental house is planned
for  the coming summer, after which the building will start generating cash flow
for the fund.

In  the Uus-Järveküla residential development May  was the strongest sales month
in  project's history.  10 new sales  contracts were  concluded with  clients. A
total  of 25 new sales contracts have been concluded in the first five months of
this  year, which is  estimated to be  10%-15% of the sales  transactions of new
developments in Harju County in the corresponding period. At the end of May, 12
new  terraced houses were added for  sale in the Uus-Järveküla residential area.
In total, the number of already sold or for sale units makes up 70% of the final
volume of the residential area.

A  more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found
on the fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (