Market announcement

Nordic Fibreboard AS


Other corporate action


30.05.2024 17:01:12


Juhtimiskohustusi täitvate isikute ja lähedalt seotud isikute tehingud


Nordic Fibreboard AS annab teada, et alljärgnevad Seltsi juhtimiskohustusi
täitvad isikud ja/või juhtimiskohustusi täitvate isikute lähedased on teinud
alljärgnevaid tehinguid:

|Tehingu |            |          |            |       |             |Hind ühe   |Tehingu    |              |
|teinud  |Seos        |Väärtpaber|ISIN kood   |Tehingu|Väärtpaberite|väärtpaberi|tegemise   |Tehingu       |
|isiku   |emitendiga  |          |            |sisu   |kogus        |kohta      |aeg        |tegemise koht |
|nimi    |            |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |Nordic      |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |Fibreboard  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |AS nõukogu  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |liikme      |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|NFB     |Joakim Johan|Nordic    |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|Pärnu   |Heleniusega |Fibreboard|            |       |             |           |           |Väljapool     |
|Holdings|seotud isik |AS        |EE3100092503|Ost    |416574       |0,944      |2024-05-27 |kauplemiskohta|
|        |Nordic      |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |Fibreboard  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |AS nõukogu  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |liikme      |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |Torfinn     |Nordic    |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|STETIND |Losvikuga   |Fibreboard|            |       |             |           |           |Väljapool     |
|OÜ      |seotud isik |AS        |EE3100092504|Müük   |44 206       |0,944      |2024-05-27 |kauplemiskohta|
|        |Nordic      |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |Fibreboard  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|        |AS nõukogu  |          |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|TRIANGEL|liikme Rando|Nordic    |            |       |             |           |           |              |
|KAPITAL |Tomingas'ega|Fibreboard|            |       |             |           |           |Väljapool     |
|OÜ      |seotud isik |AS        |EE3100092505|Müük   |35762        |0,944      |2024-05-27 |kauplemiskohta|

Teavitamiskohustus tuleneb Euroopa Parlamendi ja Nõukogu määruse (EL) nr
596/2014 artiklist 19.

Enel Äkke
Juhatuse liige
Nordic Fibreboard AS


Transactions of managers and of the persons closely related to the person discharging managerial responsibilities


Nordic Fibreboard AS hereby declares that the following managers, and / or
persons closely related to the person discharging managerial responsibilities,
have entered into the following transactions:

|Name of the|           |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|person that|Relation to|          |            |Content of |Quantity  |Price   |Time of    |Place of   |
|has made   |the issuer |Security  |ISIN code   |the        |of        |per     |transaction|transaction|
|the        |           |          |            |transaction|securities|security|           |           |
|transaction|           |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Person     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |related to |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Nordic     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Fibreboard |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |AS         |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Supervisory|          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Board      |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |member     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Joakim     |Nordic    |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|NFB Pärnu  |Johan      |Fibreboard|            |           |          |        |           |Over the   |
|Holdings   |Helenius   |AS        |EE3100092503|Buy        |416574    |0,944   |2024-05-27 |counter    |
|           |Person     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |related to |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Nordic     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Fibreboard |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |AS         |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Supervisory|          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Board      |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |member     |Nordic    |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Torfinn    |Fibreboard|            |           |          |        |           |Over the   |
|STETIND OÜ |Losvik     |AS        |EE3100092504|Sell       |44206     |0,944   |2024-05-27 |counter    |
|           |Person     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |related to |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Nordic     |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Fibreboard |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |AS         |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Supervisory|          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |Board      |          |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|           |member     |Nordic    |            |           |          |        |           |           |
|TRIANGEL   |Rando      |Fibreboard|            |           |          |        |           |Over the   |
|KAPITAL OÜ |Tomingas   |AS        |EE3100092505|Sell       |35762     |0,944   |2024-05-27 |counter    |

A notification obligation derives from the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the
European Parliament and of the Council article 19.

Enel Äkke
Member of Management Board

Nordic Fibrebaord AS (