Market announcement



Results of General Meeting


30.05.2024 11:33:46


AS Tallinna Vesi 30.05.2024 aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


ASi Tallinna Vesi (edaspidi: Selts) juhatus kutsus kokku aktsionäride
üldkoosoleku ettepanekuga anda oma hääled allpool esitatud otsuste osas. Teade
aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku toimumise kohta avaldati 08. mail 2024 börsi
infosüsteemis ja Seltsi kodulehel ning ajalehes ?Postimees".

Oma  hääle  andis  kokku  22 Seltsi  aktsionäri,  kelle  häältega  on  esindatud
15 108 916 häält  Seltsi aktsiatega esindatud  20 miljonist häälest, s.o 75,54 %
kõigist aktsiatega esindatud häältest.

Seltsi aktsionärid võtsid 30.05.2024 vastu järgmised otsused:

1. 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

OTSUS: Kinnitada  Seltsi2023. aasta  majandusaasta  konsolideeritud  aruanne
üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.

Otsus võeti vastu 15 107 381 poolthäälega (s.o 99,99% koosolekul esindatud

2. Kasumi jaotamine

OTSUS:  Seltsi 2023. aasta  majandusaasta puhaskasumi  suuruseks on 12 844 tuhat
eurot.  Jaotada dividendidena 10 200 tuhat eurot  AS-i Tallinna Vesi 31.12.2023
seisuga  kogunenud  79 059 tuhande  eurosest  jaotamata kasumist (sh 2023. aasta
konsolideeritud   puhaskasum   12 844 tuhat   eurot).  Aktsionäridele  makstakse
dividende 0,51 eurot aktsia kohta.?

Jätta  ülejäänud  eelmiste  perioodide  jaotamata  kasum jaotamata.?? Mitte teha
puhaskasumist eraldisi reservkapitali.??
Juhatuse  poolt  tehtud  dividendiettepaneku  alusel teeb nõukogu aktsionäridele
ettepaneku   maksta   dividendid   välja  27.juunil 2024. a.  Dividendiõiguslike
aktsionäride nimekiri fikseeritakse Nasdaq CSD arveldussüsteemi 19. juuni 2024.
tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Sellest tulenevalt on aktsiatega seotud õiguste muutumise
päev (ex-päev) 18. juuni 2024. Alates 18. juunist 2024 aktsiate omandamistehingu
sõlminud isik ei ole õigustatud saama käesoleva otsusega määratud dividende.?

Otsus võeti vastu 15 107 879 poolthäälega (s.o 99,99% koosolekul esindatud

3. Nõukogu liikme volituste pikendamine

OTSUS: Pikendada  Hr Priit  Rohumaa AS-i  Tallinna Vesi  nõukogu liikme volitusi
alates 04.06.2024 uueks põhikirjajärgseks ametiajaks.?

Otsus võeti vastu 15 107 014 poolthäälega (s.o 99,99 % koosolekul esindatud

4. Nõukogu tasude muutmine

OTSUS:  Vastavalt  juhatuse  ettepanekule  kinnitada  alates  01.06.2024 nõukogu
esimehe tasuks 2000 eurot ja nõukogu liikme tasuks 1000 eurot kuus.??

Otsus võeti vastu 15 107 039 poolthäälega (s.o 99,99% koosolekul esindatud

Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku protokoll avaldatakse Seltsi veebilehel.

Kristiina Tamberg
Kommunikatsiooni ja turunduse juht
(+372) 52 85 521 (


Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi 30.05.2024


The Management Board of AS Tallinna Vesi (hereinafter the Company) convened the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders with the proposal for the resolutions set
out below to be adopted by shareholders. The notice about convening the Annual
General Meeting was published in the stock exchange information system and on
the Company´s website on 08 May 2024 and in the daily newspaper Postimees.

Votes  were submitted by a total of  22 shareholders of the Company, whose votes
represented  15 108 916 of  the  20 million  votes  represented by shares of the
Company, i.e. 75.54% of all votes represented by shares.

On   30 May  20234, the  shareholders  of  the  Company  adopted  the  following

1. Approval of 2023 Annual Report

RESOLUTION:?To  approve the  consolidated 2023 Annual  Report of  the Company as
submitted to the General Meeting.

The  resolution was approved with 15 107 381 votes in favour (i.e. 99.99% of all
votes represented at the meeting).

2. Distribution of profit

RESOLUTION:  The  net  profit  of  the  Company  in 2023 is EUR12 844 thousand. To
distribute  EUR10  200 thousand  of  the  Company's  retained earnings of EUR79 059
thousand  as of 31/12/2023 (incl. from the net profit of?12 844 thousand for the
year 2023). EUR0.51 per share will be paid to the shareholders as dividends.?

The  rest of retained earnings shall remain undistributed.? No allocations shall
be made from the net profit to the reserve capital.?

Based  on the  dividend proposal  made by  the Management Board, the Supervisory
Council  proposes to decide to pay the  dividends out to the shareholders on 27
June  2024. The  list  of  shareholders  entitled  to  receive dividends will be
established  as of 19 June 2024 at the closure of business day of the settlement
system. Consequently, the day of change of the rights related to the shares (ex-
dividend  date) is set to  18 June 2023. A person acquiring  the shares from 18
June  2024 onwards shall not be entitled  to receive the dividends determined by
this decision.?

The  resolution was approved with 15 107 879 votes in favour (i.e. 99.99% of all
votes represented at the meeting).

3. Extension of the authorities of Supervisory Council member?

RESOLUTION: To extend Mr Priit Rohumaa's term as a Supervisory Council member of
AS Tallinna Vesi as of 04 June 2024 for the next statutory term of office.?

The  resolution was approved with 15 107 014 votes in favour (i.e. 99.99% of all
votes represented at the meeting).

4. Changes to the remuneration of the Supervisory Council members

RESOLUTION:  According to the proposal of the  Management Board to confirm as of
01/06/2024 remuneration  for the performance of  their services for the Chairman
of  the Supervisory Council  in the amount  of EUR2,000 and  for the member of the
Supervisory Council in the amount of EUR1,000 per month.?

The  resolution was approved with 15 107 039 votes in favour (i.e. 99.99% of all
votes represented at the meeting).

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be made available
on the Company's website.

Kristiina Tamberg
Head of Communication and Marketing
(+372) 52 85 521 (