Market announcement

AS Pro Kapital Grupp


Other corporate action


28.05.2024 15:15:00


AS Pro Kapital Grupp uus juhatuse liige


AS Pro Kapital Grupp uus juhatuse liige

AS  Pro Kapital Grupp annab teada, et otsustas valida alates 01.06.2024 AS-i Pro
Kapital  Grupp teiseks  juhatuse liikmeks  grupi Leedu  tütarettevõtte tegevjuhi
Neringa Rasimavi?ien?.

"Mul  on hea  meel teatada,  et Neringa  on otsustanud  vastu võtta  ka AS-i Pro
Kapital Grupp juhatuse liikme positsiooni, kuna tema panus grupi töösse on olnud
siiani  väga suure väärtusega ning lisaks on Neringal hindamatu kogemustepagas,"
sõnas AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp juhatuse liige Edoardo Axel Preatoni.

Neringa Rasimavi?ien? on töötanud grupis alates 2001.

Alates 01.06.2024 jätkab AS Pro Kapital Grupp juhatus kaheliikmelisena: Edoardo
Axel Preatoni, uus liige: Neringa Rasimavi?ien?.

Neringa  Rasimavi?ien?  töökogemuse  kokkuvõte  on  lisatud käesolevale teatele.
Neringa Rasimavi?ien? ei oma emitendi aktsiaid.

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Juhatuse liige
Tel: 614 4920


New Management Board Member of AS Pro Kapital Grupp


New Management Board Member of AS Pro Kapital Grupp

AS   Pro   Kapital  Grupp  announces  that  it  has  decided  to  elect  Neringa
Rasimavi?ien?,  member  of  the  Management  board  of  the  group's  Lithuanian
subsidiary, as the second member of the AS Pro Kapital Grupp Management Board as
of 01.06.2024.

"I am delighted to announce that Neringa has decided to accept the position of a
member  of the company's  Management Board as  well, as her  contribution to the
group's  work has been of great value so far, and Neringa also has an invaluable
wealth of experience," said Edoardo Axel Preatoni, Member of the Board of AS Pro
Kapital Grupp.

Neringa Rasimavi?ien? has been with the group since 2001.

As  of 01.06.2024 the Management Board of AS  Pro Kapital Grupp will continue to
consist of two members: Edoardo Axel Preatoni, new member Neringa Rasimavi?ien?.

The  CV  of  Neringa  Rasimavi?ien?'s  has  been  published  together  with  the
announcement.  Neringa Rasimavi?ien? does  not own any  shares of AS Pro Kapital

Edoardo Axel Preatoni
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 614 4920