Market announcement

Arco Vara AS


Results of General Meeting


10.05.2024 09:00:00


Arco Vara ASi aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


09.05.2024 toimunud Arco Vara AS-i aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis
vastu järgmised otsused:

 1. Kinnitada Arco Vara AS-i 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruanne.
 2. Kanda 31.12.2023 lõppenud majandusaasta puhaskasum summas 3550 tuhat eurot
    jaotamata kasumi hulka.

Maksta dividendi 0,06 eurot aktsia kohta. Dividend makstakse välja 4 osas

  * 0,02 eurot aktsia kohta makstakse aktsionäridele 13.06.2024 ülekandega
    aktsionäri pangaarvele. Aktsionäride, kellel on õigus saada vastavat
    dividendi, nimekiri (record date) fikseeritakse seisuga 06.06.2024;
  * 0,01 eurot aktsia kohta makstakse aktsionäridele 13.09.2024 ülekandega
    aktsionäri pangaarvele. Vastava dividendi record date on 06.09.2024;
  * 0,02 eurot aktsia kohta makstakse aktsionäridele 13.12.2024 ülekandega
    aktsionäri pangaarvele. Vastava dividendi record date on 06.12.2024;
  * 0,01 eurot aktsia kohta makstakse aktsionäridele 13.03.2025 ülekandega
    aktsionäri pangaarvele. Vastava dividendi record date on 06.03.2025.

 1. Valida audiitor kolmeks aastaks ja nimetada selleks KPMG Baltics OÜ. Maksta
    audiitorile tasu Arco Vara AS-i 2024., 2025. ja 2026. aasta majandusaasta
    majandustegevuse auditeerimise eest vastavalt Arco Vara AS-i ja KPMG Baltics
    OÜ vahel sõlmitud lepingule.

Arco Vara ASi dividendimaksete ex-date
Arvestades, et dividende saama õigustatud aktsionäride nimekirjad fikseeritakse
järgmistel kuupäevadel (record date):

  * 06.06.2024
  * 06.09.2024
  * 06.12.2024
  * 06.03.2025.

Arco Vara AS informeerib, et väärtpaberitega seotud õiguste muutumise päevad
(ex-date) on vastavalt:

  * 05.06.2024
  * 05.09.2024
  * 05.12.2024
  * 05.03.2025.

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
+372 6144 630 (


Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS


The annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS held on 9 May 2024
adopted the following decisions:

 1. To approve the annual report of Arco Vara AS for 2023.
 2. To allocate the net profit for the year ended on 31 December 2023 in the
    amount of 3,550 thousand EUR to retained earnings.

To pay dividends to the shareholders 0.06 euros per share. The dividend will be
paid out in 4 instalments as follows:

  * 0.02 euros per share will be paid to the shareholders on 13 June 2024 by
    transfer to the shareholder's bank account. The list of shareholders
    entitled to respective dividends (record date) shall be fixed on 6 June
  * 0.01.euros per share will be paid to the shareholders on 13 September 2024
    by transfer to the shareholder's bank account. The respective dividend
    record date is on 6 September 2024.
  * 0.02 euros per share will be paid to the shareholders on 13 December 2024 by
    transfer to the shareholder's bank account. The respective dividend record
    date is on 6 December 2024.
  * 0.01 euros per share will be paid to the shareholders on 13 March 2025 by
    transfer to the shareholder's bank account. The respective dividend record
    date is on 6 March 2025.

 1. The Management Board in accordance with the Supervisory Board proposes to
    the shareholders to appoint an auditor for three years and appoint KPMG
    Baltics OÜ as the auditor. To pay the auditor for auditing the annual report
    of Arco Vara AS for 2024, 2025 and 2026 according to the agreement concluded
    between Arco Vara AS and KPMG Baltics OÜ.

Dividend payment ex-date of Arco Vara AS
Taking into account that the list of shareholders who are entitled to dividends
(record date) shall be fixed on the following dates:

  * 6 June 2024
  * 6 September 2024
  * 6 December 2024
  * 6 March 2025.

Arco Vara AS hereby informs that the respective dividend payment ex-dates are
the following:

  * 5 June 2024
  * 5 September 2024
  * 5 December 2024
  * 5 March 2025.

Tiina Malm
Arco Vara AS
+372 6144 630