Market announcement

TKM Grupp AS


Other corporate action


07.05.2024 16:30:00


TKM Kinnisvara AS sõlmis logistikakeskuse rahastuskokkulepped Põhjamaade Investeerimispangaga


TKM  Grupp  AS  teavitas  22.08.2023 avaldatud  börsiteates  kavatsusest  rajada
tütarettevõtjale  TKM Kinnisvara AS-ile  kuuluvale kinnistule asukohaga Paemurru
tn  1, Maardu  linn  logistikakeskus  kogupindalaga  17 200 m2.  Logistikakeskus
hakkab   teenindama   TKM   Grupi,   eelkõige  tema  tütarettevõtja  Selver  AS,
kaubamahtusid  ja valmib 2024. aasta  sügisel. Tänapäevane A-energiaklassi hoone
ehitatakse vastavalt BREEAM sertifikaadi ja EU taksonoomia nõuetele.

Täna,  07.05.2024, allkirjastas TKM Kinnisvara  AS esimese erakapitalil põhineva
Eesti    ettevõttena   16,1 miljoni   euro   suuruse   laenulepingu   Põhjamaade
Investeerimispangaga  (NIB)  logistikakeskuse  rajamise  rahastamiseks. Sõlmitud
laenulepingu tähtaeg on 15 aastat.

Raul Puusepp
Juhatuse esimees
Tel 731 5000


TKM Kinnisvara AS concluded agreements to finance a logistics centre with the Nordic Investment Bank


TKM  Grupp AS announced in a company announcement published on August 22, 2023,
its intention to construct a new logistics centre with a total area of 17,200 m2
on  the property located  at Paemurru Street  1, Maardu, owned by its subsidiary
TKM  Kinnisvara AS. The logistics centre is  built to serve the volumes of goods
of  the companies of TKM Group, primarily those of Selver AS, its subsidiary.  A
modern  building with the energy performance  certificate A shall be constructed
in accordance with the requirements of the BREEAM certification and EU taxonomy.

Today,  May 7, 2024, TKM  Kinnisvara AS  signed a  loan agreement  in the sum of
16.1 million  euros with the Nordic Investment  Bank (NIB) as the first Estonian
company  based on private  equity, to finance  the construction of the logistics
centre. The duration of the loan agreement is 15 years.

Raul Puusepp
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +372 731 5000