Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


29.04.2024 08:15:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 31.03.2024


EfTEN  United Property  Fund osaku  puhasväärtus (NAV)  oli märtsi  lõpus 10,61
eurot,  alanedes  kuuga  0,1%. NAVi  langus  oli  seotud  investeeringuga börsil
noteeritud  fondi  EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS-i aktsiatesse, mille aktsiahind
sulgus  Tallinna  väärtpaberiturul  märtsis  kuuga 1,3% võrra madalamal tasemel.
Aprilliga on EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS aktsia hind tõusnud 3,9% võrra. Kui fondi
investeeringut   EfTEN   Real  Estate  Fund  AS-i  aktsiatesse  kajastada  selle
puhasväärtuse alusel, oleks EfTEN United Property Fund NAV 10,72 eurot, kasvades
märtsiga 0,2% võrra.

Märtsi  lõpus ja aprillis laekusid fondi dividendid investeeringutelt EfTEN Real
Estate  Fund AS-i  ja EfTEN Kinnisvarafond II AS-i aktsiatesse ning usaldusfondi
EfTEN   Residential   Fund.   EfTEN   United   Property  Fund  teeb  nende  eest
osakuomanikele   väljamakse   mais.   Intresside   laekumine   investeeringutelt
usaldusfondi   EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  5 ja  Vilniuses  asuvasse  Menulio  7
büroohoonesse   on   planeeritud   aasta  II  poolde,  millele  lisandub   EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond  II  AS-i  aktsiakapitali  vähendamisega seotud laekumine. Selles
osas  planeerib EfTEN  United Property  Fund teha  väljamakse eeloleval sügisel.
Kõigi  väljamaksetega seonduva täpse  informatsiooni avaldab fond eraldiseisvate

Detailsem  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund  portfelli  ülevaade  on  leitav  fondi

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 31.03.2024


The  net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.62 euros at
the  end of March,  decreasing by 0.1% over  the month. The  decrease in NAV was
related  to the investment  in the shares  of the listed  fund EfTEN Real Estate
Fund  AS, which  closed by  1,3% down on  the Tallinn  stock market in March. In
April,  the share price of  EfTEN Real Estate Fund  AS has increased by 3,9%. If
the  fund's investment in the  EfTEN Real Estate Fund  AS shares is reflected on
the  basis of net value,  the NAV of EfTEN  United Property Fund would be 10.72
euros, increasing by 0,2% in March.

At  the end of March and in  April, the fund received dividends from investments
in  the shares of  EfTEN Real Estate  Fund AS and  EfTEN Kinnisvarafond II AS as
well as the distribution from EfTEN Residential Fund. EfTEN United Property Fund
will  distribute  these  proceeds  to  clients  in May. The proceeds of interest
income from investments in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5 and the Menulio 7 office
building  in Vilnius as well  as proceeds from share  capital reduction of EfTEN
Kinnisvarafond  II AS is planned  for the second half  of the year. EfTEN United
Property  Fund  will  distribute  these  proceeds  in  autumn.  Details  of each
distribution will be published in a separate stock market release.

A  more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found
on the fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (