Market announcement

Bigbank AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


26.04.2024 21:30:00


Bigbanki 2024. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused


Bigbanki brutolaenuportfell kasvas esimese kvartali lõpuks rekordilise 1,75
miljardi euroni, suurenedes kvartaliga 86 miljoni euro võrra (+5%) ja aastaga
325 miljoni euro võrra (+23%). Ärilaenude portfell kasvas kvartaliga 22 miljoni
euro võrra (+4%) 600 miljoni euroni, eluasemelaenude portfell kasvas kvartaliga
43 miljoni euro võrra (+12%) 394 miljoni euroni ja tarbimislaenude portfell 25
miljoni euro võrra (+3%) 762 miljoni euroni.

Säästuhoiuseportfell ja tähtajalise hoiuse portfell kasvasid esimeses kvartalis
üsna võrdselt. Kontserni hoiuseportfell kokku kasvas kvartaliga 215 miljoni euro
võrra (+11%) ja aastaga 655 miljoni euro võrra (+44%) 2,15 miljardi euroni.
Tähtajaliste hoiuste portfell kasvas kvartaliga 100 miljonit eurot (+11%) ja
ületas esmakordselt 1 miljardi euro piiri (1,02 miljardit eurot).
Säästuhoiuseportfell kasvas kvartaliga 116 miljonit eurot (+11%) 1,14 miljardi
euroni. Oluline verstapost oli kvartali alguses tähtajalise hoiuse turule
toomine Leedus, mis oli Bigbanki koduturgudest viimane, kus seda toodet varem ei
pakutud. Alates jaanuarist 2024 pakub Bigbank tähtajalist hoiust kõigil oma

Bigbank teenis 2024. aasta esimeses kvartalis 6,4 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit.
Võrreldes 2023. aasta esimese kvartali tulemustega oli puhaskasum 3,2 miljoni
euro võrra väiksem.

Võrreldes 2023. aasta esimese kvartaliga kontserni netointressitulud kasvasid.
2024. aasta esimese kvartali netointressitulud olid 26,4 miljonit eurot (1. kv
2023: 22,5 miljonit eurot), mis teeb kasvuks 3,9 miljonit eurot ehk 17%.

Üldine majanduse stagneerumine ja tarbijate nõrk kindlustunne avaldas teist
kvartalit järjest negatiivset mõju ka Bigbanki tarbimislaenuportfellile.
Ajalooliste andmetega võrreldes ei ole veel tegemist olulise halvenemisega, kuid
portfelli kvaliteet on viimase poole aasta jooksul langenud. Kodulaenude
portfelli kvaliteedi nõrgenemisest rääkida ei saa, kuid mõningane kvaliteedi
halvenemine on toimunud esimeses kvartalis ka ärilaenude portfellis. Suurenenud
on nii makseviivituses olevate laenude osakaal, laenunõuete allahindluse kulu
kui ka täiendavate eraldiste kulu.

Laenunõuete allahindluse kulu suurenes esimeses kvartalis võrreldes 2023. aasta
esimese kvartaliga  2,6 miljoni euro võrra. Võrreldes 2023. aasta lõpuga kasvas
3. etapi laenunõuete maht 2024. aasta esimese kvartali lõpuks 32,2 miljoni euro
võrra ja ulatus 4,7%-ni laenunõuetest. Lisaks uuendas kontsern esimeses
kvartalis laenunõuete allahindluse mudeli sisendeid: makseviivituse tõenäosuse
(PD) ja makseviivitusest tingitud kahjumäära (LGD) arvutustesse kaasati uued
ajaloolised andmed ning tulevikku vaatavaid mudeleid ajakohastati
makromajanduslike näitajatega, kasutades keskpankade 2024. aasta märtsi
prognoose. Mudeli uuenduse tulemusena moodustati täiendavaid eraldisi tuleviku
laenunõuete allahindluste katteks summas 2,2 miljonit eurot.

Eelmise aasta esimese kvartaliga võrreldes suurenes kontserni tulumaksukulu 0,2
miljoni euro võrra 1,3 miljoni euroni. Peamiseks põhjuseks oli 2023. aasta lõpus
Lätis kehtestatud avansiline tulumaks, mis eelmisel aastal jõudis
finantsnumbritesse alles neljandas kvartalis, aga 2024. aastal mõjutab vastav
kulu kõiki kvartaleid.

Kontserni kinnisvarainvesteeringute portfell, mis sisaldab nii põllumaid kui ka
äripindu, ulatus kvartali lõpus 49 miljoni euroni. Kvartali jooksul
kinnisvaraobjektidega olulises mahus tehinguid ei tehtud.

2024. aasta alguses tuvastas kontsern, et sisemise intressimäära meetodi
rakendamise arvutustes tehti 2022. aastal laenude väljastamisega otseselt seotud
tulude ja kulude arvestuses viga nende periodiseerimises, mis parandati
käesoleva aasta esimeses kvartalis. Vea korrigeerimise tulemusena vähenes
eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasum 3,2 miljoni euro võrra. Samuti vähenesid
seisuga 31. detsember 2023 nõuded klientidele 3,7 miljonit euro ja tulumaksu
kohustised 0,5 miljoni euro võrra.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes       I kvartal    I kvartal
 eurodes                              2024         2023 3 kuud 2024 3 kuud 2023
 Neto intressitulu                  26 392       22 519      26 392      22 519

 Neto teenustasud                    2 164        1 973       2 164       1 973

 Netokasum finantsvaradelt           1 071          572       1 071         572

 Neto tegevustulud                    -849         -117        -849        -117
 Neto tegevustulud kokku            28 778       24 947      28 778      24 947
 Palgakulud                         -6 412       -5 652      -6 412      -5 652

 Halduskulud                        -3 669       -3 523      -3 669      -3 523

 Põhivara kulum ja väärtuse
 langus                             -2 052       -1 013      -2 052      -1 013
 Tegevuskulud kokku                -12 133      -10 188     -12 133     -10 188
 Eraldiste kulu (tulu)              -2 419            5      -2 419           5
 Kasum enne allahindluste
 kulu                               14 226       14 764      14 226      14 764
 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused                      -6 555       -3 909      -6 555      -3 909

 Kasum enne maksustamist             7 671       10 855       7 671      10 855

 Tulumaks                           -1 275       -1 113      -1 275      -1 113
 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                     6 396        9 742       6 396       9 742
 Kasum (kahjum) lõppenud
 tegevustest                            21         -121          21        -121
 Aruandeperioodi kasum               6 417        9 621       6 417       9 621

 Finantsseisundi aruanne,
 tuhandetes eurodes            31.03.2024 31.12.2023 (korrigeeritud) 31.03.2023
 Raha ja raha ekvivalendid        652 065                    518 672    258 316

 Võlaväärtpaberid                  13 586                     15 400     18 531

 Nõuded klientidele             1 747 606                  1 662 002  1 422 702

 Muud varad                        89 823                     91 324    104 985
 Varad kokku                    2 503 080                  2 287 398  1 804 534
 Klientide hoiused ja saadud
 laenud                         2 161 463                  1 946 314  1 507 115

 Allutatud võlakirjad              76 476                     76 109     62 908

 Muud kohustised                   21 688                     20 182     17 310
 Kohustised kokku               2 259 627                  2 042 605  1 587 333
 Omakapital                       243 453                    244 793    217 201
 Kohustised ja omakapital
 kokku                          2 503 080                  2 287 398  1 804 534

Bigbank AS juhatuse esimehe Martin Läntsi kommentaar:

Laenuportfelli maht on jätkanud tugevat kasvu kõigis kategooriates. Erilist
rõõmu valmistab kodulaenude portfell, mis aasta esimeses kvartalis kasvas 43
miljoni euro võrra, ületades eelmise aasta sama perioodi kasvu 23 miljoni euro
võrra. Kinnisvaraturgudel on elavnemise märke ning rõõm on näha, et üha enam
kliente valib just Bigbanki oma koduostu finantseerijaks.

Tugeval kasvukursil oli esimeses kvartalis ka ärilaenude ja liisingute müügimaht
ulatudes 114,4 miljoni euroni, mis on 93% suurem kui mullu samal perioodil.
Eriti kiire - ehk aasta võrdluses kolmekordne - oli seejuures ettevõtetele
laenude ja liisingute müügi kasv Leedus.

Meie rahastusbaas on endiselt tugev - esimeses kvartalis kasvas kontserni
hoiuseportfell laenuportfellist kiiremini, suurenedes kvartaliga 215 miljoni
euro võrra, mis ületab eelmise aasta esimese kvartali kasvu 85 miljoni euro
võrra. Hoiuste osas on oluline märkida, et hakkasime hiljuti pakkuma hoiuseid ka
Leedu turul. Uhkusega saame tõdeda, et nüüd saavad ka meie Leedu kliendid osa
Bigbanki üldisest strateegiast pakkuda turu paremaid intresse kõigil

Bigbanki 2024. aasta esimese kvartali kasum oli aasta tagusega võrreldes
väiksem. Suurimat mõju avaldasid suurenenud allahindlused, personali ja hoiuste
tagamise osafondi kulu ning kasvanud põhivara kulum.

Jätkame tööd ning kontserni strateegia plaanipärast elluviimist, mille osaks on
jätkuv kasv ning tooteportfelli laiendamine igapäevapanganduse suunas.

Bigbank AS ( on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833


Bigbank's Unaudited Financial Results for Q1 2024


Bigbank's total gross loan portfolio grew to a record 1.75 billion euros by the
end of the first quarter, increasing by 86 million euros (+5%) over the quarter
and by 325 million euros (+23%) year-on-year. During the quarter, the corporate
loan portfolio grew by 22 million euros (+4%) to 600 million euros, the housing
loan portfolio by 43 million euros (+12%) to 394 million euros and the consumer
loan portfolio by 25 million euros (+3%) to 762 million euros.

The savings deposit portfolio and the term deposit portfolio grew at fairly
equal rates in the first quarter. The Group's total deposit portfolio increased
by 215 million euros (+11%) over the quarter and by 655 million euros (+44%)
year-on-year, expanding to 2.15 billion euros. The term deposit portfolio
increased by 100 million euros (+11%) to 1.02 billion euros, exceeding the 1-
billion-euro mark for the first time. The savings deposit portfolio increased by
116 million euros (+11%) to 1.14 billion euros over the quarter. An important
milestone at the beginning of the quarter was the launch of term deposits in
Lithuania, the last market where Bigbank did not offer this product. As of
January 2024, Bigbank offers term deposits in all markets where it operates.

Bigbank earned a net profit of 6.4 million euros in the first quarter of 2024.
Compared to the first quarter of 2023, net profit decreased by 3.2 million

Compared to the first quarter of 2023, the Group's net interest income
increased: in the first quarter of 2024, net interest income was 26.4 million
euros (Q1 2023: 22.5 million euros), 3.9 million euros (+17%) higher than a year

For the second quarter in a row, the overall economic stagnation and weak
consumer confidence had a negative impact on Bigbank's consumer loan portfolio.
Compared to historical data, there is still no significant deterioration, but
the quality of the portfolio has declined over the past six months. While there
was no sign of deterioration in the quality of the housing loan portfolio, the
quality of the corporate loan portfolio also declined somewhat in the first
quarter. The share of loans in default, credit loss allowances on loans and
additional provisions have all increased.

In the first quarter of 2024, credit loss allowances on loans increased by 2.6
million euros year-on-year. Compared with the end of 2023, Stage 3 loan
receivables grew by 32.2 million euros and accounted for 4.7% of all loan
receivables at the reporting date. In addition, the Group updated the inputs to
the loan impairment model in the first quarter of 2024: new historical data were
included in the probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD)
calculations, and the forward-looking models were updated with macroeconomic
indicators using central banks' March 2024 forecasts. As a result of the update,
additional provisions for future loan impairment were recognised in the amount
of 2.2 million euros.

The Group's income tax expense increased by 0.2 million euros to 1.3 million
euros compared to the same period last year. The increase was mainly driven by
the introduction of the advance income tax in Latvia at the end of 2023, which
in 2023 was only reflected in the figures for the fourth quarter but will affect
all quarters in 2024.

The Group's investment property portfolio, which includes both agricultural land
and commercial real estate, stood at 49 million euros at the end of the quarter.
The Group did not conduct any significant transactions with investment
properties during the quarter.

In 2024, the Group identified an error in the calculations for the application
of the effective interest method. The error was made in periodisation of income
and expenses directly related to the issuance of loans in 2022, which was
corrected in the first quarter of this year. As a result of the correction of
the error, the retained earnings of the previous periods decreased by 3.2
million euros. Also, as of December 31, 2023, receivables from customers
decreased by 3.7 million euros and income tax liabilities by 0.5 million euros.

 Income statement, in thousands of euros        Q1 2024 Q1 2023 3M 2024 3M 2023
 Net interest income                             26,392  22,519  26,392  22,519

 Net fee and commission income                    2,164   1,973   2,164   1,973

 Net income (loss) on financial assets            1,071     572   1,071     572

 Net other operating income                        -849    -117    -849    -117
 Total net operating income                      28,778  24,947  28,778  24,947
 Salaries and associated charges                 -6,412  -5,652  -6,412  -5,652

 Administrative expenses                         -3,669  -3,523  -3,669  -3,523

 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment       -2,052  -1,013  -2,052  -1,013
 Total expenses                                 -12,133 -10,188 -12,133 -10,188
 Provision expenses (income)                     -2,419       5  -2,419       5
 Profit before loss allowances                   14,226  14,764  14,226  14,764
 Net loss allowances on loans and financial
 investments                                     -6,555  -3,909  -6,555  -3,909

 Profit before income tax                         7,671  10,855   7,671  10,855

 Income tax expense                              -1,275  -1,113  -1,275  -1,113
 Profit for the period from continuing
 operations                                       6,396   9,742   6,396   9,742
 Income (loss) from discontinued operations          21    -121      21    -121
 Profit for the period                            6,417   9,621   6,417   9,621

 Statement of financial
 position, in thousands of
 euros                       31 March 2024 31 Dec 2023 (restated) 31 March 2023
 Cash and cash equivalents         652,065                518,672       258,316

 Debt securities at FVOCI           13,586                 15,400        18,531

 Loans to customers              1,747,606              1,662,002     1,422,702

 Other assets                       89,823                 91,324       104,985
 Total assets                    2,503,080              2,287,398     1,804,534
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                        2,161,463              1,946,314     1,507,115

 Subordinated notes                 76,476                 76,109        62,908

 Other liabilities                  21,688                 20,182        17,310
 Total liabilities               2,259,627              2,042,605     1,587,333
 Equity                            243,453                244,793       217,201
 Total liabilities and
 equity                          2,503,080              2,287,398     1,804,534

Commentary by Martin Länts, chairman of the management board of Bigbank AS:

The loan portfolio has continued to grow strongly in all product categories.
Particularly pleasing is the growth of the home loan portfolio, which increased
by 43 million euros in the first quarter of the year, surpassing the growth of
the same period last year by 23 million euros. There are signs of revitalisation
in the real estate markets, and it's gratifying to see that an increasing number
of clients are choosing Bigbank as their home purchase financier.

The sales volume of business loans and leases also experienced strong growth in
the first quarter, reaching 114.4 million euros, which is 93% higher than the
same period last year. Particularly rapid - three times higher compared to last
year - was the growth in sales of loans and leases to businesses in Lithuania.

Our funding base remains strong - in the first quarter, the Group's deposit
portfolio grew faster than the loan portfolio, increasing by 215 million euros,
exceeding the growth of the first quarter of last year by 85 million euros. It
is important to note regarding deposits that we recently started offering
deposits in the Lithuanian market. We are proud to announce that now our
Lithuanian clients can also be part of Bigbank's overall strategy to offer one
of the highest market rates across all home markets.

Bigbank's profit for the first quarter of 2024 was lower compared to the
previous year. The largest impact was due to increased credit loss allowances on
loans, personnel expenses, and the cost of the deposit guarantee fund, as well
as increased amortisation of intangible assets.

As for the outlook, we continue our work and the systematic implementation of
the Group's strategy, which includes continued growth and expanding the product
portfolio towards everyday banking.

Bigbank AS ( is an Estonian capital-based bank specialising in
loans and deposits for private and business customers. In addition to operations
in Estonia, the bank has branches in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria and offers its products on a cross-border basis in Austria, Germany,
and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total assets exceed 2 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833