Market announcement


LHV Groupi 2024. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused


LHV jaoks oli aasta esimene kvartal tugevate tulemustega, mida mõjutasid
ärimahtude plaanitust suurem kasv ja intressikeskkonna samal tasemel püsimine.

AS LHV Group teenis 2024. aasta I kvartalis 40,7 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit. AS
LHV Pank teenis puhaskasumit 36,8 miljonit eurot ja LHV Bank Limited 4,9
miljonit eurot. AS-i LHV Varahaldus I kvartali puhaskahjumiks jäi 220 tuhat
eurot ja AS-i LHV Kindlustus puhaskasumiks kogunes 256 tuhat eurot. Grupi
aktsionäridele kuuluva omakapitali tootlus oli I kvartalis 28,5%.

Konsolideerimisgrupp teenis 2024. aasta I kvartalis 85,4 miljonit eurot tulusid
ehk pea sama palju nagu eelmises kvartalis. Eelmise aasta sama ajaga võrreldes
suurenesid konsolideeritud tulud 25% võrra. Tuludest 68,9 miljonit eurot
moodustasid neto intressitulud ning 15,5 miljonit eurot neto teenustasutulud.
Konsolideerimisgrupi kulud ulatusid I kvartalis kokku 35,5 miljoni euroni ehk
jäid 6% väiksemaks kui eelmises kvartalis. Aastaga suurenesid kulud 16%.
Allahindlusi tehti I kvartalis kokku 2,9 miljoni euro ulatuses. Grupi
konsolideeritud puhaskasum oli I kvartalis 24% suurem kui 2023. aasta viimases
kvartalis ja 23% suurem kui samal ajal aasta tagasi.

Märtsi lõpu seisuga kasvas LHV Groupi konsolideeritud varade maht rekordilise
7,37 miljardi euroni (aastane kasv 21%). Kvartaliga suurenes varade maht 245
miljoni euro võrra ehk 3%. LHV Groupi konsolideeritud hoiused kavasid kvartaliga
203 miljoni euro võrra (+4%) 5,93 miljardi euroni (+22% aastases võrdluses).
Konsolideeritud laenuportfell kasvas I kvartalis 83 miljoni euro võrra (+2%)
3,65 miljardi euroni (+16% aastases võrdluses). LHV poolt juhitud fondide
koondmaht kasvas kvartaliga 21 miljoni euro võrra (+1%) 1,54 miljardi euroni
(aastaga on fondide maht suurenenud 6% võrra). Finantsvahendajatest klientidega
seotud töödeldud maksete arv oli I kvartalis 17,8 miljonit makset (+12%
võrreldes 15,9 miljoni maksega IV kvartalis).

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes eurodes              I kv 2024 IV kv 2023 I kv 2023
    Neto intressitulu                              68 918     67 670    55 108
    Neto teenustasutulu                            15 543     16 300    11 877
    Neto finantstulud                                 536        480     1 385
    Muud tegevustulud                                 418      1 243        13
 Tulud kokku                                       85 415     85 693    68 383
    Personalikulu                                 -20 275    -18 645   -15 667
    Kontorikulud                                     -572       -872      -767
    IT kulud                                       -3 100     -4 067    -3 226
    Turunduskulud                                    -658     -1 117      -810
    Muud tegevuskulud                             -10 924    -13 151   -10 152
 Kulud kokku                                      -35 528    -37 852   -30 622
 Ärikasum                                          49 888     47 841    37 761
 Kasum enne allahindlusi                           49 888     47 841    37 761
    Laenude allahindlus                            -2 851     -9 430     1 583
    Tulumaksukulu                                  -6 335     -5 643    -6 281
 Puhaskasum                                        40 702     32 768    33 063
    Vähemusosaluse osa                                158        231       409
    Emaettevõtte aktsionäride osa kasumist         40 544     32 537    32 654

    Puhaskasum aktsia kohta, eurodes                 0,13       0,10      0,10
    Lahustatud puhaskasum aktsia kohta, eurodes      0,12       0,10      0,10

  Bilanss, tuhandetes eurodes      märts.24    dets.23     märts.23
     Raha ja raha ekvivalendid     3 402 338   3 119 394   2 574 177
     Finantsvarad                    249 968     340 341     297 012
     Laenud klientidele            3 676 442   3 591 517   3 167 568
     Laenude allahindlus             -31 843     -29 725     -18 384
     Nõuded klientide vastu           22 934      49 505      19 807
     Muud varad                       50 733      54 559      50 353
  Varad kokku                      7 370 572   7 125 590   6 090 534
        Nõudmiseni hoiused         3 926 714   3 808 162   4 339 971
        Tähtajalised hoiused       2 007 628   1 922 843     526 928
        Saadud laenud                568 355     563 634     539 807
     Võlgnevused klientidele       6 502 697   6 294 639   5 406 706
     Muud kohustused                 141 573     147 934      98 870
     Allutatud laenud                127 568     126 652     131 070
  Kohustused kokku                 6 771 838   6 569 225   5 636 646
  Omakapital                         598 734     556 365     453 888
     sh vähemusosaluse osa             7 394       7 937       7 009
  Kohustused ja omakapital kokku   7 370 572   7 125 590   6 090 534

Esimest kvartalit iseloomustas positiivselt plaanitust suurem laenuportfelli ja
intressitulude kasv. Kuigi klientide aktiivsus jäi üldiselt aasta algusele
omaselt madalamaks, oli mõnede toodete kasutamine rekordiline. Laenuportfelli
kvaliteet on püsinud oodatust tugevamal tasemel, allahindlusi tehti
ettevaatavalt makromajanduse stsenaariume arvestades.

LHV Panga klientide arv kasvas kvartaliga 10 500 võrra. Klientide aktiivsus
arvelduste ja pangakaartide kasutamise osas oli eelmisest kvartalist madalam,
kuid kõrge näiteks kodulaenude ja ettevõtetele antavate mikrolaenude osas.
Seejuures kodulaenude aktiivse refinantseerimise taustal oli märts LHV kodulaenu
jaoks rekordkuu. Kvartaliga kasvas jaelaenude portfell 30 miljoni euro võrra.
LHV Panga ettevõtete laenude maht suurenes I kvartalis 37 miljoni euro võrra.
Laenunõudlus on kasvamas.

Endiselt on panga üldine fookus hoiuste kaasamisel. Muu hulgas tõi LHV Pank
klientide jaoks turule uue kogumistoote LHV Kogumiskonto, millega on võimalik
teenida 2% intressi rahalt, mida soovi korral saab kohe kasutada. LHV Panga
tavaklientide hoiused kasvasid kvartaliga 121 miljoni euro võrra,
finantsvahendajate hoiused 38 miljoni euro võrra, platvormidelt kaasatud hoiused
vähenesid 23 miljoni euro võrra. Nõudmiseni hoiused kasvasid 37 miljoni euro
võrra, samal ajal kui tähtajaliste hoiuste maht suurenes 100 miljoni euro võrra.

Kvartali jooksul lisandus LHV mobiiliäppi PIN-koodi lukust avamise võimalus,
internetipanka tavainvesteeringute maksudeklaratsioonile automaatse edastuse
võimalus. Kvartali lõpus lisas LHV valikusse pangateenuste eripakkumise
õpetajatele. Kvartali jooksul tunnustati LHV-d nii Eesti parima teenindusega
pangana uuringufirma Dive poolt kui ka Eesti parima tööandjana CV-Online'i

Ühendkuningriigis tegutsev LHV Bank on nüüdsest iseseisvalt finantseeritud, kui
maksis sõsarpangale tagasi 66 miljoni eurose laenu. Ühtlasi käivitas LHV Bank
edukalt hoiuste kaasamise kolmandal platvormil - Hargreaves Lansdown. Kokku on
nüüdseks kaasatud hoiuseid üle 4000 hoiustajalt.

LHV Banki fookuses on laenuportfelli kasvatamine maaklerite võrgustiku kaudu ja
laenuhaldurite arvu kahekordistamise esimese poolaasta jooksul. Märtsi lõpuks
oli laenuportfell kasvanud 95 miljoni euroni ning krediidikomitee poolt heaks
kiidetud veel 79 miljoni euro väärtuses väljastamata laene. Töös on ka
jaepanganduse pakkumise arendamine koos uue kodulehe ja mobiilipangaga. Kvartali
jooksul näitasid aktiivsust finantsvahendajatest kliendid, segmendi maksete
mahud olid ajalooliselt kõrgeimal tasemel.

LHV Varahalduse tulemust mõjutas 4,9 miljoni euro dividendimakse emaettevõttele,
millega kaasnes 800 tuhande euro suurune maksukulu. Fondide maht ning puhakasum
on plaanitust veidi ees eelkõige suuremate fondide hea tootluse ning finantstulu
tõttu. Varahalduse aktiivsete klientide arv kvartali jooksul veidi langes 120
tuhande kliendi tasemele. 4300 klienti teatas II samba pensioni sissemaksete
suurendamise soovist.

Aktsiaturgude väga tugeva kvartali taustal kujunes LHV pensionifondide M, L ja
XL kvartalitootluseks vastavalt 1,5%, 2,9% ja 2,9%. Konservatiivsemate fondide
XS ja S tootluseks kujunes 1,5% ja 1,6%. Pensionifond Indeks tõusis kvartaliga
8,7%, pensionifond Roheline langes 5,3%.

LHV Kindlustus jätkas optimaalsel kasvukursil. Kvartali lõpu seisuga kaitseb LHV
Kindlustus kokku 164 tuhandet klienti, kes on sõlminud kokku 233 tuhat lepingut.
Kindlustuse müügimahud kasvasid kvartaliga 32%. Brutopreemiad olid I kvartalil
40% suuremad kui aasta tagasi samal ajal. Suurenenud on ka kahjujuhtumite arv,
mis käib koos portfelli suurenemisega. Registreeriti 22 800 uut kahjujuhtumit,
käsitlus lõpetati 22 400 juhtumi puhul.

I kvartalil jõudis lõpule Euroopa Keskpanga poolt läbi viidud varade kvaliteedi
hindamine, mille LHV edukalt läbis. Märtsis toimunud aktsionäride korralisel
üldkoosolekul otsustati maksta eelmise aasta eest aktsionäridele rekordiline
dividend 13 senti aktsia kohta. Dividendid maksti välja 12. aprillil.

Veebruaris avalikustatud finantsplaani edestas LHV Group 3 kuu kokkuvõttes
puhaskasumi osas 7,8 miljoni euro võrra. Finantsplaan püsib.

LHV Groupi juhatuse esimehe Madis Toomsalu kommentaar:
"LHV jaoks oli tegemist teguderohke ja tugeva kvartaliga. Eesti majandus vajab
kasvu taastamiseks investeeringuid, suutsime siin laenumahtude kasvuga anda
mõõduka panuse. Lisaks ettevõtete laenudele kasvasid tugevalt ka kodulaenud,
samuti ettetehtud tööna Inglismaal asuva LHV Bankis otsustatud laenude maht.
Seejuures on grupi tütarettevõtete laenukvaliteet püsinud heal tasemel. Kvartali
jooksul avaldati ka Euroopa Keskpanga poolse mahuka varade kvaliteedi hindamise
tulemused, mis näitasid LHV head kapitaliseeritust. Meie fookus on endiselt
ärimahtude kasvul ning klientide aktiivsuse kasvatamisel."

AS-i LHV Group aruanded on saadaval aadressil:

Majandustulemuste tutvustamiseks korraldab LHV Group veebiseminaride keskkonna
Zoom kaudu investorkohtumise. Virtuaalne investorkohtumine toimub enne turu
avanemist 23. aprillil kell 9.00. Esitlus tehakse eesti keeles. Palume
registreeruda aadressil:

LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV
Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus ja
LHV Bank Limited. LHV ettevõtetes töötab üle 1090 inimese. LHV pangateenuseid
kasutab märtsi lõpu seisuga 428 000 klienti, LHV hallatavatel pensionifondidel
on 120 000 aktiivset klienti ja LHV kindlustusega on kaitstud 164 000 klienti.
LHV Groupi tütarettevõte LHV Bank omab Ühendkuningriigi pangalitsentsi ning
pakub pangateenuseid rahvusvahelistele finantstehnoloogia ettevõtetele ja
laenusid väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele.?

Priit Rum
LHV kommunikatsioonijuht
Telefon: 502 0786
E-post: (


LHV Group unaudited financial results for Q1 2024


For LHV, the first quarter of the year demonstrated strong results, affected by
the higher-than-planned increase in business volumes and the interest
environment remaining at the same level.

In Q1 of 2024, AS LHV Group generated EUR 40.7 million in net profit. AS LHV
Pank earned EUR 36.8 million and LHV Bank Limited EUR 4.9 million in net profit.
AS LHV Varahaldus generated a net loss of EUR 220 thousand in Q1, and AS LHV
Kindlustus generated a net profit of EUR 256 thousand. The return on equity
attributable to the shareholders of the Group was 28.5% in Q1.

In Q1 2024, the consolidation group generated a net income of EUR 85.4 million,
which is almost as much as in the previous quarter. Year-on-year, the
consolidated income increased by 25%. Of the revenue, net interest income
accounted for EUR 68.9 million, and net fee and commission income for EUR 15.5
million. Costs of the consolidation group in Q1 amounted to EUR 35.5 million,
i.e., were 6% lower than in the previous quarter. Over the year, costs increased
by 16%. Discounts were made in the total extent of EUR 2.9 million in Q1. In Q1,
the consolidated net profit of the Group was 24% higher than in Q4 of 2023, and
23% higher than in Q1 of 2023.

As at the end of March, the volume of consolidated assets of LHV Group increased
to a record EUR 7.37 billion (an increase of 21% over the year). Over the
quarter, the volume of assets increased by EUR 245 million, i.e., 3%. LHV
Group's consolidated deposits increased by EUR 203 million over the quarter
(+4%), to EUR 5.93 billion (+22% year-on-year). In Q1, the consolidated loan
portfolio grew by EUR 83 million (+2%), to EUR 3.65 billion (+16% year-on-year).
The total volume of funds managed by LHV increased by EUR 21 million over the
quarter (+1%) to EUR 1.54 billion (the volume of funds has increased by 6% over
the year). The number of processed payments related to financial intermediaries
amounted to 17.8 million payments in Q1 (+12% compared to the 15.9 million
payments in Q4).

 Income statement, EUR thousand                       Q1-2024 Q4-2023 Q1-2023
    Net interest income                                68 918  67 670  55 108
    Net fee and commission income                      15 543  16 300  11 877
    Net gains from financial assets                       536     480   1 385
    Other income                                          418   1 243      13
 Total revenue                                         85 415  85 693  68 383
    Staff costs                                       -20 275 -18 645 -15 667
    Office rent and expenses                             -572    -872    -767
    IT expenses                                        -3 100  -4 067  -3 226
    Marketing expenses                                   -658  -1 117    -810
    Other operating expenses                          -10 924 -13 151 -10 152
 Total operating expenses                             -35 528 -37 852 -30 622
 EBIT                                                  49 888  47 841  37 761
 Earnings before impairment losses                     49 888  47 841  37 761
    Impairment losses on loans and advances            -2 851  -9 430   1 583
    Income tax                                         -6 335  -5 643  -6 281
 Net profit                                            40 702  32 768  33 063
    Profit attributable to non-controlling interest       158     231     409
    Profit attributable to shareholders of the parent  40 544  32 537  32 654

    Ordinary earnings per share, EUR                     0.13    0.10    0.10
    Diluted earnings per share, EUR                      0.12    0.10    0.10

 Balance sheet, EUR thousand                   Mar 2024  Dc 2023   Mar 2023
    Cash and cash equivalents                  3 402 338 3 119 394 2 574 177
    Financial assets                             249 968   340 341   297 012
    Loans granted                              3 676 442 3 591 517 3 167 568
    Loan impairments                             -31 843   -29 725   -18 384
    Receivables from customers                    22 934    49 505    19 807
    Other assets                                  50 733    54 559    50 353
 Total assets                                  7 370 572 7 125 590 6 090 534
       Demand deposits                         3 926 714 3 808 162 4 339 971
       Term deposits                           2 007 628 1 922 843   526 928
       Loans received                            568 355   563 634   539 807
    Loans received and deposits from customers 6 502 697 6 294 639 5 406 706
    Other liabilities                            141 573   147 934    98 870
    Subordinated loans                           127 568   126 652   131 070
 Total liabilities                             6 771 838 6 569 225 5 636 646
 Equity                                          598 734   556 365   453 888
    Minority interest                              7 394     7 937     7 009
 Total liabilities and equity                  7 370 572 7 125 590 6 090 534

The first quarter was positively characterised by the higher-than-planned
increase in the loan portfolio volume and interest income. Even though client
activity generally remained low, as is characteristic of the beginning of the
year, some products saw record levels of use. The quality of the loan portfolio
has remained stronger than expected; discounts were made proactively,
considering the macroeconomic scenarios.

The number of LHV Pank clients increased by 10,500 over the quarter. Client
activity in terms of the use of settlements and bank cards was lower compared to
the previous quarter, but high in terms of home loans and micro loans granted to
companies, for example. At that, against the backdrop of active refinancing of
home loans, March was a record month for the LHV home loan. The portfolio of
retail loans increased by EUR 30 million over the quarter. The volume of
corporate loans granted by LHV Pank increased by EUR 37 million in Q1. The
demand for loans is increasing.

The general focus of the bank is still on raising deposits. Among other things,
LHV Pank introduced a new savings product for its clients - the LHV Savings
Account - which enables 2% interest to be generated on funds while leaving said
funds immediately accessible. The deposits of standard clients of LHV Pank
increased by EUR 121 million over the quarter, the deposits of financial
intermediaries increased by EUR 38 million, while deposits raised from platforms
decreased by EUR 23 million. Demand deposits increased by EUR 37 million, while
fixed-term deposits increased by EUR 100 million.

Over the quarter, the possibility to unblock a PIN was added to the LHV mobile
app, and the possibility to automatically transfer regular investments to the
tax declaration was added to the Internet bank. At the end of the quarter, LHV
added a special offer on banking services for teachers to its selection. During
the quarter, LHV was recognised as the bank with the best service in Estonia by
the survey company Dive, and as the best employer in Estonia by CV-Online.

LHV Bank, which operates in the United Kingdom, is now independently financed,
having paid back the EUR 66 million loan to its sister bank. LHV Bank also
successfully launched the raising of deposits on a third platform - Hargreaves
Lansdown. Right now, deposits from over 4,000 depositors have been raised.

LHV Bank focuses on growing its loan portfolio through a network of brokers and
doubling its number of loan managers in the first half of the year. By the end
of March, the loan portfolio had increased to EUR 95 million, and the credit
committee had approved an additional EUR 79 million worth of loans which had not
yet been issued. The development of retail banking, together with a new website
and mobile bank, is also in the works. Over the quarter, financial intermediary
clients showed activity: the volumes of payments of the segment were at a record

The result of LHV Varahaldus was affected by a EUR 4.9 million dividend payment
to the parent company, accompanied by a tax expense of EUR 800 thousand. The
volume of funds and the net profit are slightly ahead of the plan, primarily due
to the good rate of return and financial revenue of larger funds. The number of
active clients of Varahaldus decreased a little over the quarter, to around 120
thousand clients. 4,300 clients declared their wish to increase their II pension
pillar contributions.

In the context of a very strong quarter for stock markets, the quarterly ROE of
LHV pension funds M, L, and XL amounted to 1.5%, 2.9%, and 2.9%, respectively.
The more conservative funds XS and S had a rate of return of 1.5% and 1.6%,
respectively. Pensionifond Indeks increased by 8.7% over the quarter;
Pensionifond Roheline decreased by 5.3%.

LHV Kindlustus continued on an optimal course of growth. As at the end of the
quarter, LHV Kindlustus protects a total of 164 thousand clients, who have
concluded a total of 233 thousand contracts. The sales volumes of Kindlustus
increased by 32% over the quarter. Gross premiums in Q1 increased by 40% year-
on-year. At the same time, the number of loss events has also increased, which
is normal with the increase of the portfolio. 22,800 new loss events were
registered, and 22,400 events were closed.

In Q1, the asset quality review conducted by the European Central Bank was
completed, and LHV passed it successfully. The annual general meeting of
shareholders in March decided to pay a record dividend of 13 cents per share to
shareholders for the previous year. The dividends were paid on 12 April.

In terms of net profit and in a summary of 3, LHV Group was ahead of the
financial plan published in February by EUR 7.8 million. The financial plan

Comment by Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board at LHV Group:
"For LHV, it was a busy and strong quarter. The Estonian economy needs
investments to restore its growth, and with the increase in loan volumes, we
were able to make a moderate contribution here. In addition to corporate loans,
home loans also increased strongly, as did the volume of loans decided in LHV
Bank in England. At that, the loan quality of subsidiaries of the Group has
remained at a good level. During the quarter, the results of the extensive asset
quality review conducted by the European Central Bank were also published, and
these showed LHV's good capitalisation. Our focus is still on growing business
volumes and increasing client activity."

AS LHV Group's reports are available at:

In order to introduce the financial results, LHV Group will be organising an
investor meeting via the Zoom webinar environment. The virtual investor meeting
will take place on 23 April, at 9:00, before the market opens. The presentation
will be in Estonian. We kindly ask you to register at the following address:

LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in
Estonia. LHV Group's key subsidiaries are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV
Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. LHV employs more than 1,090 people. As at the
end of March, LHV's banking services are being used by 428,000 clients, the
pension funds managed by LHV have 120,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus
protects a total of 164,000 clients. LHV Bank, a subsidiary of LHV Group, holds
a banking licence in the UK and provides banking services to international
financial technology companies, as well as loans to small and medium-sized

Priit Rum
Communications Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786
Email: (