Market announcement

Coop Pank AS


Results of General Meeting


17.04.2024 14:53:24


Coop Pank AS-i aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Coop Pank AS (registrikood 10237832, aadress Maakri 30, Tallinn, 15014; edaspidi
ka  Selts) aktsionäride korraline  üldkoosolek toimus 17. aprillil 2024 algusega
kell 13:00 (Eesti aja järgi) Mövenpick Hotel Tallinna konverentsiruumis ?Leiger"
(Lembitu tn 12, Tallinn).

Koosolekul   oli   esindatud   59 725 840 häält,   mis  moodustas  58,42% Seltsi
aktsiakapitalist ja seega oli üldkoosolek otsustusvõimeline. Kokku oli esindatud
89 aktsionäri.

Seltsi aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas:

 1. Coop Pank AS-i 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Üldkoosolek  otsustas kinnitada Coop Pank AS-i 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruanne
üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.

Otsus võeti vastu 59 725 826 häälega, mis moodustas 100% üldkoosolekul esindatud

 1. Coop Pank AS-i 2023. aasta majandusaasta kasumi jaotamine.

Kinnitada  Coop  Pank  AS-i  2023. aasta  kasumi  39 204 tuhat  eurot  jaotamise
ettepanek juhatuse poolt esitatuna ja nõukogu poolt heaks kiidetuna järgnevalt:

  * kanda 1 960 tuhat eurot kohustuslikku reservkapitali;
  * kiita heaks juhatuse poolt esitatud kasumi jaotamise ettepanek ja maksta
    dividendi netosummas 8,70 eurosenti ühe aktsia kohta. Dividendiõiguslike
    aktsionäride nimekiri fikseeritakse 03.05.2024. aasta arveldussüsteemi
    tööpäevalõpu seisuga. Sellest tulenevalt on aktsiatega seotud õiguste
    muutumise päev (ex-päev) 02.05.2024. Alates sellest kuupäevast omandatud
    aktsiate eest ei ole aktsionär õigustatud saama dividendi seltsi 2023. aasta
    majandusaasta eest. Dividendid makstakse aktsionäridele 07.05.2024. aastal;
  * kanda ülejääv osa kasumist jaotamata kasumi hulka.

Otsus   võeti   vastu  57 100 361 häälega,  mis  moodustab  95,60% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

 1. Nimetada Coop Pank AS-i pandikirjaportfelli tagatisvara kontrollijaks KPMG
    Baltics OÜ (registrikood 10096082). Tagatisvara kontrollija volitused
    algavad Coop Pank AS-le pandikirjade emiteerimiseks täiendava tegevusloa
    andmisel ning kestavad kuni 31.12.2027.

Anda juhatusele volitus tagatisvara kontrollijaga lepingu sõlmimiseks.

Otsus   võeti   vastu  59 634 172 häälega,  mis  moodustab  99,85% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

Üldkoosoleku   protokoll  tehakse  aktsionäridele  kättesaadavaks  hiljemalt  7
(seitsme)  päeva  möödudes  alates  üldkoosoleku  toimumisest  Seltsi veebilehel (

Eesti   kapitalil   põhinev   Coop   Pank   on  üks  viiest  Eestis  tegutsevast
universaalpangast.  Pangal  on  187 100 igapäevapanganduse  klienti.  Coop  Pank
kasutab   jaekaubanduse   ja  panganduse  vahel  tekkivat  sünergiat  ning  toob
igapäevased   pangateenused  kodule  lähemale.  Panga  strateegiline  omanik  on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
E-post: (


Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of Coop Pank AS


The  annual  general  meeting  of  shareholders  of  Coop Pank AS (registry code
10237832, address  Maakri 30, Tallinn, 15014; hereinafter  also the Company) was
held  on  17 April  2024 at  13:00 (Estonian  time)  at  Mövenpick Hotel Tallinn
(previous  L'Embitu hotel)  conference room  "Leiger" (Lembitu  str 12, Tallinn,

59 725 840 votes   were  represented  at  the  meeting,  representing  58,42% of
Company's  share  capital,  and  thus  the  General  Meeting  had  a quorum. 89
shareholders were represented at the meeting.

The  notice of calling the general meeting was published on 20 March 2024 in the
stock  exchange information system and on the homepage of the Company and on 21
March 2024 in the daily newspaper "Postimees".

The decisions of the General Meeting were as follows:

 1. Approval of the consolidated Annual Report 2023 of Coop Pank AS.

The  General Meeting decided to approve  consolidated Annual Report 2023 of Coop
Pank AS submitted to the General Meeting.

The  resolution was adopted by  59 725 826 votes, representing 100% of the votes
represented at the meeting.

 1. Profit allocation of Coop Pank AS 2023 financial year.

The  General Meeting decided to  allocate the net profit  of Coop Pank AS in the
amount of 39 204 thousand euros as follows:

  * To transfer 1 960 thousand euros to the legal reserve.
  * To pay dividends in the net amount of 8,70 eurocents per share. The list of
    shareholders entitled to receive dividends will be established as at
    03.05.2024 COB. Consequently, the day of change of the rights related to the
    shares (ex-dividend date) is set to 02.05.2024. For shares acquired from
    this day onwards, the shareholder is not entitled to receive a dividend for
    the Company's 2023 financial year. Dividends shall be disbursed to the
    shareholders on 07.05.2024.
  * To transfer the remaining part of the profit to retained earnings.

The resolution was adopted by 57 100 361 votes, representing 95,60% of the votes
represented at the meeting.

 1. Appointment of independent covered pool monitor

To  appoint KPMG Baltics OÜ (registry  code 10096082) as the independent covered
pool monitor for the covered bond portfolio of Coop Pank AS.

The resolution was adopted by 59 634 172 votes, representing 99,85% of the votes
represented at the meeting.

The  minutes of the General Meeting shall  be made available to the shareholders
not  later than within  7 (seven) days from  the date of  the General Meeting at
Company's website .

Coop  Pank,  based  on  Estonian  capital,  is  one  of the five universal banks
operating  in Estonia.  The number  of clients  using Coop  Pank for their daily
banking  reached 187,100. Coop  Pank aims  to put  the synergy  generated by the
interaction  of retail busineass and  banking to good use  and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231
E-mail: (