Market announcement



Other corporate action


17.04.2024 09:00:00


Parandus Postimehes ilmunud eksitavale infole


Vastamaks  aktsionäride järelepärimistele, parandab AS Merko Ehitus 12. aprillil
2024 ajalehe  Postimees ja Postimees online'i artiklis ?Toomas Annus võtab Merko
Ehitusest rekordilise dividendi" avaldatud infot.

Artikli   väide   "kontserni   aastaaruande   andmeil   kuulub  Toomas  Annusele
aktsiaseltsi  Riverito  kaudu  72 protsenti  Merko  Ehituse aktsiatest" ei vasta
tõele.  Kontserni aastaaruandes  ei ole  sellist väidet  ning Toomas Annusele ei
kuulu 72% AS-i Merko Ehitus aktsiatest.
71,99% AS-i  Merko Ehitus aktsiatest omab AS Riverito, millest 70,39% kuulub OÜ-
le  Kemtal Grupp. Toomas Annus omab  OÜ-s Kemtal Grupp 30% osalust. Seega kuulub
Toomas Annusele arvutuslikult 15,20% AS-i Merko Ehitus aktsiatest AS Riverito ja
OÜ Kemtal Grupp kaudu.

Urmas Somelar
Finantsüksuse juht
AS Merko Ehitus
Telefon: +372 650 1250
E-post: (

AS Merko Ehitus ( ( kontserni ettevõtted
arendavad kinnisvara ning ehitavad hooneid ja infrastruktuuri. Loome paremat
elukeskkonda ja ehitame tulevikku. Tegutseme Eestis, Lätis, Leedus ja Norras.
2023. aasta lõpu seisuga andis kontsern tööd 635 inimesele ning ettevõtte 2023.
aasta müügitulu oli 466 miljonit eurot.


Correction to the misleading information published in Postimees


In response to shareholders' inquiries, AS Merko Ehitus corrects the information
published  on 12 April  2024 in the  print and  online editions of the Postimees
newspaper  in  the  article  "Toomas  Annus  takes  a record dividend from Merko

The  article's claim that "according to  the group's annual report, Toomas Annus
owns  72 percent of the  shares of Merko  Ehitus through the joint-stock company
Riverito"  is not true. There is no such statement in the group's annual report,
and Toomas Annus does not own 72% of the shares of AS Merko Ehitus.
71.99% of  the  shares  of  AS  Merko  Ehitus  are held by AS Riverito, of which
70.39% are owned by OÜ Kemtal Grupp. Toomas Annus holds a 30% share in OÜ Kemtal
Grupp.  Therefore, Toomas Annus is calculated to hold 15.20% of the shares of AS
Merko Ehitus through the holding companies AS Riverito and OÜ Kemtal Grupp.

Urmas Somelar
Head of Finance
AS Merko Ehitus
+372 650 1250 (

AS  Merko Ehitus  ( (  group companies
develop  real estate  and construct  buildings and  infrastructure. We  create a
better  living environment and build the  future. We operate in Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania  and Norway As at the end  of 2023, the group employed 635 people, and
the group's revenue for 2023 was EUR 466 million.