Market announcement

EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


28.03.2024 08:15:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 29.02.2024


EfTEN  United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus  (NAV) oli veebruari lõpus 10,62
eurot, kasvades kuuga 0,3%. Kui fondi investeeringut EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i
aktsiatesse  kajastada selle  puhasväärtuse alusel,  oleks EfTEN United Property
Fund NAV 10,70 eurot.

Märtsis kinnitas EfTEN Kinnisvarafond II AS aktsionäride üldkoosolek dividendide
jaotuse  3,1 miljoni  euro  ulatuses  ning aktsiakapitali vähendamisega seonduva
väljamakse  5 miljoni euro  ulatuses. Dividendide  väljamakse leiab aset kevadel
ning  aktsiakapitali vähendamisega seotud väljamakse sügisel, kolme kuu möödudes
aktsiakapitali  vähendamise kande registrisse  kandmisest. EfTEN United Property
Fund'le  tähendab see antud investeeringult 5,7% suurust rahavoo tootlust, mille
laekumisel  maksab fond need vastavalt tingimustele investoritele täies ulatuses

Fondi  Uus-Järveküla elurajooni  arendusinvesteeringus anti  märtsis klientidele
üle   (sõlmiti   asjaõiguslepingud)  15 ridamaja  osa  ning  algas  teise  etapi
ehitustööde  ettevalmistus.  Selle  raames  valmib  30 rida-  ja paarismaja osa,
millest tänaseks on klientide poolt broneeritud 20.

Detailsem  EfTEN  United  Property  Fund  portfelli  ülevaade  on  leitav  fondi

Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: (


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 29.02.2024


The  net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.62 euros at
the end of February, increasing by 0.3% over the month. If the fund's investment
in  the EfTEN Real  Estate Fund AS  share is reflected  on the basis  of its net
value, the NAV of EfTEN United Property Fund would be 10.70 euros.

In  March, the  general meeting  of shareholders  of EfTEN  Kinnisvarafond II AS
approved  the distribution of  dividends in the  amount of 3.1 million euros and
the  reduction of the share capital in  the amount of 5 million euros. Dividends
will be distributed in spring, and the payout related to share capital reduction
in  autumn, three months after the  respective registration in registry. For the
EfTEN  United Property Fund,  this results in  a cash flow  yield of 5.7% on the
investment,  which  according  to  the  fund  terms will be fully distributed to
investors upon receipt.

In the Uus-Järveküla residential development 15 terraced houses were handed over
to customers in March (real rights contracts were concluded) and the preparation
of  the second  stage of  construction work  began. During  the second stage 30
terraced and semi-detached houses will be built, of which 20 have been booked by
customers to date.

A  more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found
on the fund's website:

Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: (