Market announcement


Coop Pank 2023. aasta auditeeritud majandusaasta aruanne


Coop Pank juhatus on koostanud 2023. aasta majandusaasta auditeeritud aruande.
Võrreldes 9. veebruaril 2024 avaldatud auditeerimata majandustulemustega ei ole
auditeeritud aruandes finantstulemuste osas erinevusi.

Coop Pank AS konsolideeritud aastaaruanne 2023 on lisatud sellele teatele ja
tehakse kättesaadavaks panga kodulehel aadressil:

Aastaaruanne esitatakse kinnitamiseks aktsionäride üldkoosolekule.

Coop Panga 2023. aasta äritulemusi mõjutasid enim ärimahtude, sealhulgas
klientide arvu ja laenuportfelli kasv ning muutunud intressikeskkond.

  * 2023. aasta lõpuks ulatus Coop Panga klientide arv 182 000-ni, kellest
    82 000 olid aktiivsed arveldajad. Aastaga kasvas Coop Panga klientide arv
    36 000 võrra (+24%) ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv 15 000 võrra
  * 2023. aasta lõpu seisuga ulatus Coop Panga hoiuste maht 1,7 miljardi euroni,
    kasvades aastaga 214 miljoni euro võrra (+14%). Panga hoiuste turuosa kasvas
    aastaga 5,5% pealt 6,0% peale.
  * Coop Panga laenuportfell ulatus 2023. aasta lõpu seisuga 1,5 miljardi
    euroni, kasvades aastaga 190 miljoni euro võrra (+15%). Panga laenude
    turuosa kasvas aastaga 5,5% pealt 6,0% peale.
  * Coop Panga puhaskasum oli 2023. aastal 39,2 miljonit eurot, kasvades aastaga
  * Panga kulu-tulu suhe langes aastaga 50% pealt 41% tasemele ja omakapitali
    tootlus kasvas 16,8% pealt 23% tasemele.

Eesti   kapitalil   põhinev   Coop   Pank   on  üks  viiest  Eestis  tegutsevast
universaalpangast.  Pangal  on  187 100 igapäevapanganduse  klienti.  Coop  Pank
kasutab   jaekaubanduse   ja  panganduse  vahel  tekkivat  sünergiat  ning  toob
igapäevased   pangateenused  kodule  lähemale.  Panga  strateegiline  omanik  on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.


Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
E-post: (


Coop Pank 2023 audited Annual Report


Management Board of Coop Pank has compiled 2023 audited Annual Report. There are
no differences in the audited accounts as regards the financial results,
compared to the unaudited financial results published on 9 February 2024.

The consolidated annual report 2023 of Coop Pank AS has been enclosed to the
announcement and will be made available on the bank's homepage

Annual report will be presented for approval to general meeting of shareholders.

Coop Pank's results for 2023 were primarily affected by growth in business
volumes, including the number of customers and our loan portfolio, and the
changed interest rate environment.

  * By the end of 2023, the number of Coop Pank customers reached 182,000, of
    which 82,800 were active customers. Over the year, the number of Coop Pank
    customers increased by 36,000 (+24%) and the number of active customers
    increased by 15,000 (+23%).
  * By the end of 2023, deposits of Coop Pank reached 1.7 billion euros,
    increased by 214 million euros (+14%) over the year. The market share of the
    bank's deposits increased from 5.5% to 6,0% over the year.
  * By the end of 2023, loan portfolio of Coop Pank reached 1.5 billion euros,
    increased by 190 million euros (+15%) over the year. The market share of the
    bank's deposits increased from 5.5% to 6,0% over the year.
  * Net profit of Coop Pank in 2023 was 39.2 million euros, increased by 93%
    over the year.
  * The bank's cost / income ratio fell from 50% to 41% over the year and the
    return on equity rose from the level of 16.8% to the level of 23%.

Coop Pank, based on Estonian capital, is one of the five universal banks
operating in Estonia. The number of clients using Coop Pank for their daily
banking reached 187,100. Coop Pank aims to put the synergy generated by the
interaction of retail business and banking to good use and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231
E-mail: (