Market announcement

Bigbank AS


Management interim statement or quarterly financial report


19.02.2024 19:00:00


Bigbanki 2023. aasta neljanda kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused


Bigbanki  brutolaenuportfell kasvas  neljanda kvartali  lõpuks rekordilise 1,67
miljardi  euroni, suurenedes kvartaliga  58 miljoni euro võrra  (+4%) ja aastaga
306 miljoni  euro võrra  (+23%). Eluasemelaenude  portfell kasvas kvartaliga 44
miljoni  euro võrra  (+14%) 351 miljoni  euroni ja  tarbimislaenude portfell 15
miljoni euro võrra (+2%) 736 miljoni euroni. Ettevõtete panganduse laenuportfell
püsis neljandas kvartalis sisuliselt kolmanda kvartali lõpu tasemel (-0,2%).

Hoiuseportfelli   olulisemad   arengud   2023. aasta  neljandas  kvartalis  olid
säästuhoiuste  mahu  jätkuv  arvestatav  kasv  ja  tähtajaliste hoiuste püsimine
kolmanda  kvartali lõpu tasemel. Märkimisväärseks verstapostiks oli säästuhoiuse
turule  toomine Leedus.  Kontserni hoiuseportfell  kokku kasvas  kvartaliga 154
miljoni  euro võrra (+9%) ja aastaga 570 miljoni euro võrra (+42%) 1,94 miljardi
euroni.  Tähtajaliste hoiuste  portfell kahanes  kvartaliga 3 miljonit  eurot (-
0,4%) 916 miljoni  euroni.  Säästuhoiuseportfell  kasvas kvartaliga 158 miljonit
eurot (+18%) 1,02 miljardi euroni.

Bigbank teenis 2023. aasta neljandas kvartalis 11,4 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit,
2023. aasta   12 kuu   kasum  oli  40,8 miljonit  eurot.  Võrreldes  2022. aasta
korrigeeritud  tulemustega jäi  neljanda kvartali  puhaskasum samale tasemele ja
12 kuu tulemus kasvas 25%.

Tugeva  tulemuse  tegi  neljandas  kvartalis  taas ettevõtete pangandus. Sellele
aitasid  kaasa  laenuportfelli  hea  kvaliteet  ning  netokasum  eritingimustega
investeerimislaenude  alusvarade  väärtuse  ümberhindlusest.  Segmendi  neljanda
kvartali  maksustamiseelne kasum ulatus 6,9 miljoni euroni, millest 3,9 miljonit
eurot  moodustas kasum õiglases väärtuses muutustega läbi kasumiaruande mõõdetud

Neljanda  kvartali neto intressitulu  kasvas eelmise aasta  sama ajaga võrreldes
3,9 miljonit   eurot   (+18%)   ja   ulatus  25,2 miljoni  euroni.  12 kuu  neto
intressitulu  kasvas  eelmise  aastaga  võrreldes  15,6 miljonit eurot (+19%) ja
ulatus 98,0 miljoni euroni.

2023. aasta  kolme esimese  kvartali jooksul  laenuportfell ei  nõrgenenud, kuid
aasta   viimases   kvartalis   ilmnes   siiski   mõningane   kvaliteedi   langus
tarbimislaenude  portfellis.  Nõrk  väliskeskkond  on  hakanud  laenuklientidele
teatavat  negatiivset mõju avaldama ning kasvanud on nii makseviivituses olevate
laenude  osakaal kui ka laenunõuete  allahindluse kulu. Laenunõuete allahindluse
kulu  suurenes  neljandas  kvartalis  võrreldes 2022. aasta neljanda kvartaliga
2,2 miljoni  euro  võrra  (+47%)  ja  aastate  võrdluses  5,4 miljoni euro võrra
(+35%).  Võrreldes 2022. aasta  lõpuga kasvas  3. etapi laenunõuete  maht 2023.
aasta  lõpuks  21,1 miljoni  euro  võrra  ja  ulatus 2,8%-ni laenunõuetest (+1,0

Ärilaenude ja kodulaenude puhul krediidikvaliteedi halvenemisest rääkida ei saa.
Kokkuvõttes  on laenuportfelli kvaliteet siiski  endiselt hea ja tarbimislaenude
portfelli nõrgenemine oli neljanda kvartali lõpu seisuga mõõdukas.

2023. aasta   lõpus   kehtestati   Lätis  krediidiasutustele  sarnaselt  Eestile
kohustuslik avansiline tulumaks, mis kuulub esmakordselt tasumisele 2024. aastal
ja  mida  arvestatakse  2023. aasta  maksueelselt  kasumilt.  Kontsern  kajastas
maksukulu summas 2,0 miljonit eurot 2023. aasta neljandas kvartalis.

Kontserni  kinnisvarainvesteeringute portfell, mis sisaldab nii põllumaid kui ka
äripindu,   ulatus   kvartali   lõpus   49,1 miljoni  euroni.  Kvartali  jooksul
kinnisvaraobjektidega   tehinguid   ei  tehtud,  kuid  kinnisvarainvesteeringute
õiglase väärtuse muutusest tulenev kasum oli kvartalis 4,4 miljonit eurot.

 Kasumiaruanne,                  IV
 tuhandetes eurodes         kvartal  IV kvartal 2022   12 kuud    12 kuud 2022
                               2023   (korrigeeritud)     2023  (korrigeeritud)
 Neto intressitulu           25 191            21 282   97 981           82 335

 Neto teenustasud             2 168             1 900    8 284            7 411

 finantsvaradelt              4 246               985    9 222              800

 Neto tegevustulud           -1 940              -186   -3 626             -708
 Neto tegevustulud kokku     29 665            23 981  111 861           89 838
 Palgakulud                  -6 345            -6 022  -24 032          -21 304

 Halduskulud                 -4 091            -4 372  -15 249          -16 997

 Põhivara kulum ja
 väärtuse langus             -2 039              -908   -6 400           -3 648

 Muu kasum                    4 662             3 704    3 780            4 377
 Tegevuskulud kokku          -7 813            -7 598  -41 901          -37 572
 Kasum enne allahindluste
 kulu                        21 852            16 383   69 960           52 266
 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused               -6 908            -4 707  -20 893          -15 451

 Kasum enne maksustamist     14 944            11 676   49 067           36 815

 Tulumaks                    -3 519               176   -7 688           -3 532
 jätkuvate tegevuste
 kasum                       11 425            11 852   41 379           33 283
 Kahjum lõppenud
 tegevustest                    -18              -415     -575             -590
 Aruandeperioodi kasum       11 407            11 437   40 804           32 693

 Finantsseisundi aruanne,
 tuhandetes eurodes            31.12.2023 30.09.2023 31.12.2022 (korrigeeritud)
 Raha ja raha ekvivalendid        518 672    406 837                    173 447

 Võlaväärtpaberid                  15 400     14 942                     19 213

 Nõuded klientidele             1 665 683  1 608 720                  1 359 383

 Muud varad                        91 324     88 709                     92 936
 Varad kokku                    2 291 079  2 119 208                  1 644 979
 Klientide hoiused ja saadud
 laenud                         1 946 315  1 791 581                  1 376 934

 Allutatud võlakirjad              76 109     71 490                     40 113

 Muud kohustised                   20 679     18 909                     15 912
 Kohustised kokku               2 043 103  1 881 980                  1 432 959
 Omakapital                       247 976    237 228                    212 020
 Kohustised ja omakapital
 kokku                          2 291 079  2 119 208                  1 644 979

Bigbank AS juhatuse esimehe Martin Läntsi kommentaar:

"Aasta 2023 oli maailma majandusele jätkuvalt keeruline. Ukraina sõda on kestmas
teist  aastat ning geopoliitikas lisandus  uus tegur - Iisraeli-Hamasi konflikt.
Aasta varem Euroopa Keskpanga poolt tõstetud baasintressimäärad aeglustasid küll
inflatsiooni,  kuid soovitud  tulemuseni 2023. aastal  veel ei  jõutud. Euribori
kasv   peatus   ning   pöördus   tagasi   langustrendi,   kuid  olulisi  muutusi
intressikeskkonnas tervikuna see kaasa ei toonud.

Mul  on hea meel, et suutsime keerulistes majandustingimustes jätkata stabiilset
kasvu   ning   pakkuda   oma   klientidele  headel  tingimustel  pangateenuseid.
Läbimõeldud  strateegia  tulemusena  suurendasime  nii  era- kui ka äriklientide
laenuportfelli.  Kontserni puhaskasum  ulatus 2023. aastal  40,8 miljoni euroni,
mis on 25% rohkem võrreldes eelmise aastaga.

Muutunud  intressikeskkond võimaldas  2023. aastal pakkuda  klientidele paremaid
rahakasvatamise   tingimusi  -  tänu  sellele  kasvas  Kontserni  hoiuseportfell
märkimisväärselt.   Suurepärase   tulemuse   saavutamisel   mängis  suurt  rolli
piiriüleste  turgude klientide jätkuv usaldus Bigbanki vastu Saksamaal, Austrias
ja  Hollandis, aga ka säästuhoiuse toote  tutvustamine Eestis, Soomes ja Leedus.
Neljandas  kvartalis  ületas  esmakordselt  Kontserni  säästuhoiuse  portfell 1
miljardi euro piiri.

2023.aasta alguses  jätkasime  täiendava  kapitali  kaasamist, lõpetades edukalt
eelmisel aastal alustatud võlakirjaprogrammi ning käivitades uue 30 miljoni euro
suuruse  võlakirjaprogrammi  2023. aasta  sügisel.  Uue programmi esimene seeria
märgiti  taas üle, sedakorda eriti muljetavaldavalt, lausa 7 korda. 2023. aastal
korraldasime  täiendavalt kolm suunatud emissiooni esimese taseme täiendavatesse
omavahenditesse  (AT1) kuuluvate  võlakirjade emiteerimiseks,  mis kõik osutusid
samuti edukaks.

Tugevate  finantstulemuste kõrval  tunnen uhkust  märkimisväärse edasimineku üle
meie  klienditeeninduses. 2023. aasta  jooksul kerkis  meie soovitusindeks (NPS)
seniselt 52 punktilt rekordilise 58 punktini.

Avaldan  siinkohal  siirast  tänu  kogu  Bigbanki meeskonnale nende pühendumise,
sihikindluse ja töökuse eest. Samuti soovin tänada kõiki kliente, investoreid ja
partnereid kindla toetuse eest!"

Bigbank  AS  (  on  Eesti  kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele  ja  hoiustele  keskendunud  pank,  millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena  oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2 miljardit eurot.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833


Bigbank's Unaudited Financial Results for Q4 and 12 months of 2023


Bigbank's gross loan portfolio grew to a record 1.67 billion euros by the end of
the fourth quarter, increasing by 58 million euros (+4%) over the quarter and by
306 million  euros (+23%) over the year. The  housing loan portfolio grew by 44
million  euros (+14%)  over the  quarter to  351 million euros, and the consumer
loan  portfolio increased  by 15 million  euros (+2%)  to 736 million euros. The
corporate banking loan portfolio in the fourth quarter was essentially unchanged
from the end of the third quarter (-0.2%).

The  most important developments in the  deposit portfolio in the fourth quarter
were  the continued  strong growth  in savings  deposits and  the fact that term
deposits remained unchanged from the end of the third quarter. The launch of the
savings  deposit  product  in  Lithuania  was  also a significant milestone. The
Group's  total deposit portfolio increased by 154 million euros (+9%) during the
quarter and by 570 million euros (+42%) over the year, expanding to 1.94 billion
euros.  The term deposit portfolio decreased  by 3 million euros (-0.4%) to 916
million  euros and the savings deposit  portfolio increased by 158 million euros
(+18%) to 1.02 billion euros during the quarter.

Bigbank  earned a net profit  of 11.4 million euros in  the fourth quarter and a
net  profit of 40.8 million euros in the  twelve months of 2023. Compared to the
restated 2022 results, net profit remained stable in the fourth quarter and grew
by 25% in the full year comparison.

Corporate  banking again performed strongly in the fourth quarter, driven by the
strong  loan portfolio and the net revaluation  gain on the underlying assets of
investment  loans with special  conditions. The segment's  profit before tax for
the  fourth  quarter  amounted  to  6.9 million  euros, including a gain of 3.9
million euros on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

Q4  net interest income grew by 3.9 million euros (+18%) year on year, amounting
to  25.2 million euros. 12-month net interest  income grew by 15.6 million euros
(+19%) to 98.0 million euros.

While  there were no signs of a fall in the quality of the loan portfolio during
the  first  three  quarters  of  2023, some  deterioration  in the consumer loan
portfolio  was  visible  in  the  last  quarter  of  the year. The weak external
environment  has started to have a certain negative impact on borrowers, leading
to  an increase in the share of past due loans, as well as in expenses on credit
loss  allowances. Expenses on  credit loss allowances  grew by 2.2 million euros
(+47%) compared with the fourth quarter of 2022, and by 5.4 million euros (+35%)
during  2023. Relative  to  the  end  of  2022, stage 3 loans increased by 21.1
million  euros  by  the  end  of  2023, accounting  for  2.8% of  the total loan
portfolio (+1.0 percentage points).

There  has been no deterioration in the credit quality of commercial and housing
loans. Overall, however, the quality of the loan portfolio is still good and the
fall in the quality of the consumer loan portfolio was moderate as at the end of
the fourth quarter.

At  the end  of 2023, Latvia  imposed advance  income tax on credit institutions
similar  to Estonia. The tax is to be paid  for the first time in 2024 and it is
to  be calculated  on profit  before tax  for 2023. The  Group recognised  a tax
expense in the amount of 2.0 million euros in fourth quarter of 2023.

The Group's investment property portfolio, which includes both agricultural land
and  commercial  real  estate,  stood  at  49.1 million  euros at the end of the
quarter.  The Group did not conduct  any transactions with investment properties
during  the quarter but there  was a gain of  4.4 million euros on the change in
fair value.

 Income statement, in                   Q4 2022      12 months  12 months 2022
 thousands of euros    Q4 2023        (restated)          2023       (restated)
 Net interest income    25,191            21,282        97,981           82,335

 Net fee and
 commission income       2,168             1,900         8,284            7,411

 Net income (loss) on
 financial assets        4,246               985         9,222              800

 Net other operating
 income                 -1,940              -186        -3,626             -708
 Total net operating
 income                 29,665            23,981       111,861           89,838
 Salaries and
 associated charges     -6,345            -6,022       -24,032          -21,304

 expenses               -4,091            -4,372       -15,249          -16,997

 amortisation and
 impairment             -2,039              -908        -6,400           -3,648

 Other gains             4,662             3,704         3,780            4,377
 Total expenses         -7,813            -7,598       -41,901          -37,572
 Profit before loss
 allowances             21,852            16,383        69,960           52,266
 Net loss allowances
 on loans and
 financial investments  -6,908            -4,707       -20,893          -15,451

 Profit before income
 tax                    14,944            11,676        49,067           36,815

 Income tax expense     -3,519               176        -7,688           -3,532
 Profit for the period
 from continuing
 operations             11,425            11,852        41,379           33,283
 Loss from
 operations                -18              -415          -575             -590
 Profit for the period  11,407            11,437        40,804           32,693

 Statement of financial
 position, in thousands of euros 31.12.2023 31 Sept 2023 31 Dec 2022 (restated)
 Cash and cash equivalents          518,672      406,837                173,447

 Debt securities at FVOCI            15,400       14,942                 19,213

 Loans to customers               1,665,683    1,608,720              1,359,383

 Other assets                        91,324       88,709                 92,936
 Total assets                     2,291,079    2,119,208              1,644,979
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                         1,946,315    1,791,581              1,376,934

 Subordinated notes                  76,109       71,490                 40,113

 Other liabilities                   20,679       18,909                 15,912
 Total liabilities                2,043,103    1,881,980              1,432,959
 Equity                             247,976      237,228                212,020
 Total liabilities and equity     2,291,079    2,119,208              1,644,979

Commentary by Martin Länts, chairman of the management board of Bigbank AS:

"The  year 2023 continued to be challenging for the world economy. The Ukrainian
war  has been ongoing for two years, and a new factor has emerged in geopolitics
-  the Israel-Hamas  conflict. The  base interest  rates raised  by the European
Central  Bank the year before  did slow down inflation,  but the desired results
were  not  achieved  by  2023. The  growth  of  Euribor halted and returned to a
downward  trend, but this did not bring significant changes to the interest rate
environment as a whole.

I am pleased that we were able to continue stable growth in challenging economic
conditions  and offer our clients banking services on favorable terms. Thanks to
a  well-thought-out strategy, we  increased both our  private and corporate loan
portfolios.  The Group's net profit reached 40.8 million euros in 2023, which is
25% more compared to the previous year.

The  changed interest rate environment allowed us to offer better conditions for
money  growth to clients  in 2023 - as  a result, the  Group's deposit portfolio
grew  significantly.  The  continued  trust  of  cross-border  market clients in
Bigbank in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands, as well as the introduction of
savings deposit products in Estonia, Finland, and Lithuania, played a major role
in  achieving  excellent  results.  In  the  fourth quarter, the Group's savings
deposit portfolio exceeded the 1-billion-euro mark for the first time.

At the beginning of 2023, we continued to raise additional capital, successfully
completing  the bond program initiated the previous year and launching a new 30-
million-euro  bond program in  the autumn of  2023. The first series  of the new
program  was oversubscribed  again, this  time impressively,  up to  7 times. In
2023, we also conducted three Additional Tier 1 (AT1) Temporary Write-Down Notes
targeted offerings to professional investors, all of which proved successful.

In  addition to strong financial results, I am proud of the significant progress
we have made in our customer service. In 2023, our Net Promoter Score (NPS) rose
from the previous 52 points to a record 58 points.

I  would like  to express  sincere thanks  to the  entire Bigbank team for their
dedication,  determination, and hard  work. I would  also like to  thank all our
clients, investors, and partners for their unwavering support!"

Bigbank  AS ( is  an Estonian  capital-based bank specialising in
loans and deposits for private and business customers. In addition to operations
in  Estonia, the  bank has  branches in  Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Bulgaria  and offers its  products on a  cross-border basis in Austria, Germany,
and the Netherlands. Bigbank's total assets exceed 2 billion euros.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Telephone: +372 5393 0833